You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

139 lines
5.7 KiB

- name: Ask user for the input
hosts: localhost
tags: always
server_name: algo
ondemand_cellular: false
ondemand_wifi: false
local_dns: false
ssh_tunneling: false
windows: false
store_cakey: false
- { name: DigitalOcean, alias: digitalocean }
- { name: Amazon Lightsail, alias: lightsail }
- { name: Amazon EC2, alias: ec2 }
- { name: Vultr, alias: vultr }
- { name: Microsoft Azure, alias: azure }
- { name: Google Compute Engine, alias: gce }
- { name: Scaleway, alias: scaleway}
- { name: OpenStack (DreamCompute optimised), alias: openstack }
- { name: Install to existing Ubuntu 18.04 server (Advanced), alias: local }
- config.cfg
- pause:
prompt: |
What provider would you like to use?
{% for p in providers_map %}
{{ loop.index }}. {{ p['name']}}
{% endfor %}
Enter the number of your desired provider
register: _algo_provider
when: provider is undefined
- name: Set facts based on the input
algo_provider: "{{ provider | default(providers_map[_algo_provider.user_input|default(omit)|int - 1]['alias']) }}"
- pause:
prompt: |
Name the vpn server
register: _algo_server_name
- server_name is undefined
- algo_provider != "local"
- pause:
prompt: |
Do you want macOS/iOS clients to enable "VPN On Demand" when connected to cellular networks?
register: _ondemand_cellular
when: ondemand_cellular is undefined
- pause:
prompt: |
Do you want macOS/iOS clients to enable "VPN On Demand" when connected to Wi-Fi?
register: _ondemand_wifi
when: ondemand_wifi is undefined
- pause:
prompt: |
List the names of trusted Wi-Fi networks (if any) that macOS/iOS clients exclude from using the VPN
(e.g., your home network. Comma-separated value, e.g., HomeNet,OfficeWifi,AlgoWiFi)
register: _ondemand_wifi_exclude
- ondemand_wifi_exclude is undefined
- (ondemand_wifi|default(false)|bool) or
- pause:
prompt: |
Do you want to install a DNS resolver on this VPN server, to block ads while surfing?
register: _local_dns
when: local_dns is undefined
- pause:
prompt: |
Do you want each user to have their own account for SSH tunneling?
register: _ssh_tunneling
when: ssh_tunneling is undefined
- pause:
prompt: |
Do you want the VPN to support Windows 10 or Linux Desktop clients? (enables compatible ciphers and key exchange, less secure)
register: _windows
when: windows is undefined
- pause:
prompt: |
Do you want to retain the CA key? (required to add users in the future, but less secure)
register: _store_cakey
when: store_cakey is undefined
- name: Set facts based on the input
algo_server_name: >-
{% if server_name is defined %}{% set _server = server_name %}
{%- elif _algo_server_name.user_input is defined and _algo_server_name.user_input != "" %}{% set _server = _algo_server_name.user_input %}
{%- else %}{% set _server = defaults['server_name'] %}{% endif -%}
{{ _server | regex_replace('(?!\.)(\W|_)', '-') }}
algo_ondemand_cellular: >-
{% if ondemand_cellular is defined %}{{ ondemand_cellular | bool }}
{%- elif _ondemand_cellular.user_input is defined and _ondemand_cellular.user_input != "" %}{{ booleans_map[_ondemand_cellular.user_input] | default(defaults['ondemand_cellular']) }}
{%- else %}false{% endif %}
algo_ondemand_wifi: >-
{% if ondemand_wifi is defined %}{{ ondemand_wifi | bool }}
{%- elif _ondemand_wifi.user_input is defined and _ondemand_wifi.user_input != "" %}{{ booleans_map[_ondemand_wifi.user_input] | default(defaults['ondemand_wifi']) }}
{%- else %}false{% endif %}
algo_ondemand_wifi_exclude: >-
{% if ondemand_wifi_exclude is defined %}{{ ondemand_wifi_exclude }}
{%- elif _ondemand_wifi_exclude.user_input is defined and _ondemand_wifi_exclude.user_input != "" %}{{ _ondemand_wifi_exclude.user_input }}
{%- else %}_null{% endif %}
algo_local_dns: >-
{% if local_dns is defined %}{{ local_dns | bool }}
{%- elif _local_dns.user_input is defined and _local_dns.user_input != "" %}{{ booleans_map[_local_dns.user_input] | default(defaults['local_dns']) }}
{%- else %}false{% endif %}
algo_ssh_tunneling: >-
{% if ssh_tunneling is defined %}{{ ssh_tunneling | bool }}
{%- elif _ssh_tunneling.user_input is defined and _ssh_tunneling.user_input != "" %}{{ booleans_map[_ssh_tunneling.user_input] | default(defaults['ssh_tunneling']) }}
{%- else %}false{% endif %}
algo_windows: >-
{% if windows is defined %}{{ windows | bool }}
{%- elif _windows.user_input is defined and _windows.user_input != "" %}{{ booleans_map[_windows.user_input] | default(defaults['windows']) }}
{%- else %}false{% endif %}
algo_store_cakey: >-
{% if store_cakey is defined %}{{ store_cakey | bool }}
{%- elif _store_cakey.user_input is defined and _store_cakey.user_input != "" %}{{ booleans_map[_store_cakey.user_input] | default(defaults['store_cakey']) }}
{%- else %}false{% endif %}