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- block:
- name: Generate password for the CA key
module: shell
openssl rand -hex 16
register: CA_password
- name: Generate p12 export password
module: shell
openssl rand 8 | python -c 'import sys,string; chars=string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_@"; print "".join([chars[ord(c) % 64] for c in list(])'
register: p12_password_generated
when: p12_password is not defined
tags: update-users
become: false
- name: Define facts
p12_export_password: "{{ p12_password|default(p12_password_generated.stdout) }}"
tags: update-users
- set_fact:
CA_password: "{{ CA_password.stdout }}"
IP_subject_alt_name: "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}"
ipv6_support: "{% if ansible_default_ipv6['gateway'] is defined %}true{% else %}false{% endif %}"