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21 lines
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wireguard_PersistentKeepalive: 0
wireguard_config_path: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/wireguard/"
wireguard_pki_path: "{{ wireguard_config_path }}/.pki/"
wireguard_interface: wg0
wireguard_port_avoid: 53
wireguard_port_actual: 51820
keys_clean_all: false
wireguard_dns_servers: >-
{% if algo_dns_adblocking|default(false)|bool or dns_encryption|default(false)|bool %}
{{ local_service_ip }}{{ ', ' + local_service_ipv6 if ipv6_support else '' }}
{% else %}
{% for host in dns_servers.ipv4 %}{{ host }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% if ipv6_support %},{% for host in dns_servers.ipv6 %}{{ host }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
wireguard_client_ip: >-
{{ wireguard_network_ipv4 | ipmath(index|int+2) }}
{{ ',' + wireguard_network_ipv6 | ipmath(index|int+2) if ipv6_support else '' }}
wireguard_server_ip: >-
{{ wireguard_network_ipv4 | ipaddr('1') }}
{{ ',' + wireguard_network_ipv6 | ipaddr('1') if ipv6_support else '' }}