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- name: Include prompts
import_tasks: prompts.yml
- block:
- name: Creating a firewall group
name: "{{ algo_server_name }}"
- name: Creating firewall rules
group: "{{ algo_server_name }}"
protocol: "{{ item.protocol }}"
port: "{{ item.port }}"
ip_version: "{{ item.ip }}"
cidr: "{{ item.cidr }}"
- { protocol: tcp, port: "{{ ssh_port }}", ip: v4, cidr: "" }
- { protocol: tcp, port: "{{ ssh_port }}", ip: v6, cidr: "::/0" }
- { protocol: udp, port: 500, ip: v4, cidr: "" }
- { protocol: udp, port: 500, ip: v6, cidr: "::/0" }
- { protocol: udp, port: 4500, ip: v4, cidr: "" }
- { protocol: udp, port: 4500, ip: v6, cidr: "::/0" }
- { protocol: udp, port: "{{ wireguard_port }}", ip: v4, cidr: "" }
- { protocol: udp, port: "{{ wireguard_port }}", ip: v6, cidr: "::/0" }
- name: Upload the startup script
name: algo-startup
script: |
{{ lookup('template', 'files/cloud-init/base.yml') }}
- name: Creating a server
name: "{{ algo_server_name }}"
startup_script: algo-startup
hostname: "{{ algo_server_name }}"
os: "{{ cloud_providers.vultr.os }}"
plan: "{{ cloud_providers.vultr.size }}"
region: "{{ algo_vultr_region }}"
firewall_group: "{{ algo_server_name }}"
state: started
tag: Environment:Algo
ipv6_enabled: true
auto_backup_enabled: false
notify_activate: false
register: vultr_server
- set_fact:
cloud_instance_ip: "{{ vultr_server.vultr_server.v4_main_ip }}"
ansible_ssh_user: algo
ansible_ssh_port: "{{ ssh_port }}"
cloudinit: true
VULTR_API_CONFIG: "{{ algo_vultr_config }}"