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# This playbook is designed to help when modifying the Windows script template
# in roles/vpn/templates/client_windows.ps1.j2
# It rebuilds the client_USER.ps1 scripts for each user defined in config.cfg,
# without redeploying users or opening an SSH connection to the Algo server at
# all.
# This playbook is _not_ part of a normal Algo deployment.
# It is only intended to speed up development of the client_USER.ps1 Windows
# Algo install scripts.
# - Algo must have been deployed once
# - Windows users must have been enabled at deployment time
# - All users defined in config.cfg must not have changed
# - Only one Algo deployment exists in the configs/ directory
# - There must be exactly one subfolder in the configs/ directory:
# the folder named after the IP of the algo server
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: False
tags: always
- ../config.cfg
- name: Get config subdir
shell: find ../configs/* -maxdepth 0 -type d | sed 's/.*\///'
register: config_subdir_result
- fail:
- "Found wrong number of config subdirs... stdout:"
- "{{ config_subdir_result.split('\n') }}"
when: config_subdir_result.stdout.split('\n') | length != 1
- set_fact:
IP_subject_alt_name: "{{ config_subdir_result.stdout }}"
- debug:
var: IP_subject_alt_name
- name: Register p12 PayloadContent
shell: cat private/{{ item }}.p12 | base64
register: PayloadContent
chdir: "../configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/"
with_items: "{{ users }}"
- name: Set facts for mobileconfigs
proxy_enabled: false
PayloadContentCA: "{{ lookup('file' , '../configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/cacert.pem')|b64encode }}"
- name: Build the windows client powershell script
src: ../roles/vpn/templates/client_windows.ps1.j2
dest: ../configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/windows_{{ item.0 }}.ps1
mode: 0600
- "{{ users }}"
- "{{ PayloadContent.results }}"
- name: List windows client powershell scripts
msg: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/windows_{{ item }}.ps1"
- "{{ users }}"