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#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
Add or remove the Algo VPN
Add or remove the Algo VPN
See the examples for more information
Add the VPN to the local system
Remove the VPN from the local system
.PARAMETER GetInstalledCerts
Retrieve Algo certs, if any, from the system certificate store
Save the Algo certs embedded in this file
.PARAMETER OutputDirectory
When saving the Algo certs, save to this directory
.PARAMETER Pkcs12DecryptionPassword
The decryption password for the user's PKCS12 certificate, sometimes called the "p12 password".
Note that this must be passed in as a SecureString, not a regular string.
You can create a secure string with the `Read-Host -AsSecureString` cmdlet.
See the examples for more information.
Allow all users to use the VPN
client_USER.ps1 -Add
Adds the Algo VPN
$p12pass = Read-Host -AsSecureString; client_USER.ps1 -Add -Pkcs12DecryptionPassword $p12pass
Create a variable containing the PKCS12 decryption password, then use it when adding the VPN.
This can be especially useful when troubleshooting, because you can use the same variable with
multiple calls to client_USER.ps1, rather than having to type the PKCS12 password each time.
client_USER.ps1 -Remove
Removes the Algo VPN if installed.
client_USER.ps1 -GetIntalledCerts
Show the Algo VPN's installed certificates, if any.
client_USER.ps1 -SaveCerts -OutputDirectory $Home\Downloads
Save the embedded CA cert and encrypted user PKCS12 file.
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Add")] Param(
[Switch] $Add,
[SecureString] $Pkcs12DecryptionPassword,
[Switch] $AllUsers = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="Remove")]
[Switch] $Remove,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="GetInstalledCerts")]
[Switch] $GetInstalledCerts,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName="SaveCerts")]
[Switch] $SaveCerts,
[string] $OutputDirectory = "$PWD"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$VpnServerAddress = "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}"
$VpnName = "Algo VPN {{ IP_subject_alt_name }} IKEv2"
$VpnUser = "{{ item.0 }}"
$CaCertificateBase64 = "{{ PayloadContentCA }}"
$UserPkcs12Base64 = "{{ item.1.stdout }}"
if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Add" -and -not $Pkcs12DecryptionPassword) {
$Pkcs12DecryptionPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString '{{ p12_export_password }}' -asplaintext -force
Create a temporary directory
function New-TemporaryDirectory {
[CmdletBinding()] Param()
do {
$guid = New-Guid | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Guid
$newTempDirPath = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath $guid
} while (Test-Path -Path $newTempDirPath)
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $newTempDirPath
Retrieve any installed Algo VPN certificates
function Get-InstalledAlgoVpnCertificates {
[CmdletBinding()] Param()
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath Cert:\LocalMachine\Root |
Where-Object {
$_.Subject -match "^CN=${VpnServerAddress}$" -and $_.Issuer -match "^CN=${VpnServerAddress}$"
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath Cert:\LocalMachine\My |
Where-Object {
$_.Subject -match "^CN=${VpnUser}$" -and $_.Issuer -match "^CN=${VpnServerAddress}$"
function Save-AlgoVpnCertificates {
[CmdletBinding()] Param(
[String] $OutputDirectory = $PWD
$caCertPath = Join-Path -Path $OutputDirectory -ChildPath "cacert.pem"
$userP12Path = Join-Path -Path $OutputDirectory -ChildPath "$VpnUser.p12"
# NOTE: We cannot use ConvertFrom-Base64 here because it is not designed for binary data
return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
CaPem = $caCertPath
UserPkcs12 = $userP12Path
function Add-AlgoVPN {
[Cmdletbinding()] Param()
$workDir = New-TemporaryDirectory
try {
$certs = Save-AlgoVpnCertificates -OutputDirectory $workDir
$importPfxCertParams = @{
Password = $Pkcs12DecryptionPassword
FilePath = $certs.UserPkcs12
CertStoreLocation = "Cert:\LocalMachine\My"
Import-PfxCertificate @importPfxCertParams
$importCertParams = @{
FilePath = $certs.CaPem
CertStoreLocation = "Cert:\LocalMachine\Root"
Import-Certificate @importCertParams
} finally {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -LiteralPath $workDir
$addVpnParams = @{
Name = $VpnName
ServerAddress = $VpnServerAddress
TunnelType = "IKEv2"
AuthenticationMethod = "MachineCertificate"
EncryptionLevel = "Required"
AllUserConnection = $AllUsers
Add-VpnConnection @addVpnParams
$setVpnParams = @{
ConnectionName = $VpnName
AuthenticationTransformConstants = "GCMAES256"
CipherTransformConstants = "GCMAES256"
EncryptionMethod = "AES256"
IntegrityCheckMethod = "SHA384"
DHGroup = "ECP384"
PfsGroup = "ECP384"
Force = $true
Set-VpnConnectionIPsecConfiguration @setVpnParams
function Remove-AlgoVPN {
[CmdletBinding()] Param()
Get-InstalledAlgoVpnCertificates | Remove-Item -Force
Remove-VpnConnection -Name $VpnName -Force
switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
"Add" { Add-AlgoVPN }
"Remove" { Remove-AlgoVPN }
"GetInstalledCerts" { Get-InstalledAlgoVpnCertificates }
"SaveCerts" {
$certs = Save-AlgoVpnCertificates -OutputDirectory $OutputDirectory
Get-Item -LiteralPath $certs.UserPkcs12, $certs.CaPem
default { throw "Unknown parameter set: '$($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName)'" }