# Advanced Usage ## Requirements Before you begin, make sure you have installed all the dependencies necessary for your use case. Algo depends on the software below and most of it will be installed via the `requirements.txt` file. * ansible >= 2.1 * python >= 2.6 * [dopy=0.3.5](https://github.com/Wiredcraft/dopy) * [boto](https://github.com/boto/boto) * [azure >= 0.7.1](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python) * [apache-libcloud](https://github.com/apache/libcloud) * [libcloud](https://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html) (for Mac OS) * [six](https://github.com/JioCloud/python-six) * SHell or BASH * libselinux-python (for RedHat based distros) ## Local Deployment **Warning**: If you run Algo on your existing server, the iptables rules will be overwritten. If you don't want to overwite the rules, just skip the `iptables` tag. You can find some information about tags below. It is possible to download the Algo scripts to your own Ubuntu server and run the scripts locally. You need to install ansible to run Algo on Ubuntu. Installing ansible via pip requires pulling in a lot of dependencies, including a full compiler suite. It is easier to use apt, however, Ubuntu 16.04 only comes with ansible Therefore, to use apt you must use the ansible PPA, and using a PPA requires installing `software-properties-common`. tl;dr: ``` sudo apt-get install software-properties-common && sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ansible git clone https://github.com/trailofbits/algo cd algo && ./algo ``` ## Scripted Deployment Example for DigitalOcean: ``` ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t digitalocean,vpn -e 'do_access_token=my_secret_token do_ssh_name=my_ssh_key do_server_name=algo.local do_region=ams2' ``` ### Roles Cloud roles: - role: cloud-digitalocean, tags: digitalocean - role: cloud-ec2, tags: ec2 - role: cloud-gce, tags: gce Server roles: - role: vpn, tags: vpn - role: dns_adblocking, tags: dns, adblock - role: proxy, tags: proxy, adblock - role: logging, tags: logging - role: security, tags: security - role: ssh_tunneling, tags: ssh_tunneling ### Digital Ocean Required variables: - do_access_token - do_ssh_name - do_server_name - do_region Possible regions: - ams2 - ams3 - fra1 - lon1 - nyc1 - nyc2 - nyc3 - sfo1 - sfo2 - sgp1 - tor1 - blr1 ### Google Cloud Engine Required variables: - credentials_file - server_name - ssh_public_key - zone Possible zones: - us-central1-a - us-central1-b - us-central1-c - us-central1-f - us-east1-b - us-east1-c - us-east1-d - europe-west1-b - europe-west1-c - europe-west1-d - asia-east1-a - asia-east1-b - asia-east1-c ### Amazon EC2 Required variables: - aws_access_key - aws_secret_key - aws_server_name - ssh_public_key - region Possible regions: - us-east-1 - us-west-1 - us-west-2 - ap-south-1 - ap-northeast-2 - ap-southeast-1 - ap-southeast-2 - ap-northeast-1 - eu-central-1 - eu-west-1 - sa-east-1 ### Local Installation Required variables: - server_ip - server_user - IP_subject_alt_name