--- - set_fact: resource_group: "Algo_{{ region }}" - name: Create a resource group azure_rm_resourcegroup: secret: "{{ azure_secret | default(lookup('env','AZURE_CLIENT_ID')) }}" tenant: "{{ azure_tenant | default(lookup('env','AZURE_SECRET')) }}" client_id: "{{ azure_client_id | default(lookup('env','AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID')) }}" subscription_id: "{{ azure_subscription_id | default(lookup('env','AZURE_TENANT')) }}" name: "{{ resource_group }}" location: "{{ region }}" tags: service: algo - name: Create a virtual network azure_rm_virtualnetwork: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: algo_net address_prefixes: "" tags: service: algo - name: Create a subnet azure_rm_subnet: resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" name: algo_subnet address_prefix: "" virtual_network: algo_net tags: service: algo - name: Create an instance azure_rm_virtualmachine: secret: "{{ azure_secret | default(lookup('env','AZURE_CLIENT_ID')) }}" tenant: "{{ azure_tenant | default(lookup('env','AZURE_SECRET')) }}" client_id: "{{ azure_client_id | default(lookup('env','AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID')) }}" subscription_id: "{{ azure_subscription_id | default(lookup('env','AZURE_TENANT')) }}" resource_group: "{{ resource_group }}" admin_username: ubuntu virtual_network: algo_net name: "{{ azure_server_name }}" ssh_password_enabled: false vm_size: Standard_D1 tags: service: algo ssh_public_keys: - { path: "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys", key_data: "{{ lookup('file', '{{ SSH_keys.public }}') }}" } image: offer: UbuntuServer publisher: Canonical sku: '16.04-LTS' version: latest register: azure_rm_virtualmachine - set_fact: ip_address: "{{ azure_rm_virtualmachine.ansible_facts.azure_vm.properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces[0].properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.publicIPAddress.properties.ipAddress }}" - name: Add the instance to an inventory group add_host: name: "{{ ip_address }}" groups: vpn-host ansible_ssh_user: ubuntu ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python2.7" ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "{{ SSH_keys.private }}" cloud_provider: azure ipv6_support: no - set_fact: cloud_instance_ip: "{{ ip_address }}"