--- - include_tasks: ubuntu.yml when: ansible_distribution == 'Debian' or ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' - name: Ensure that the strongswan user exists user: name: strongswan group: nogroup shell: "{{ strongswan_shell }}" home: "{{ strongswan_home }}" state: present - name: Install strongSwan package: name=strongswan state=present - import_tasks: ipsec_configuration.yml - import_tasks: openssl.yml tags: update-users - import_tasks: distribute_keys.yml - import_tasks: client_configs.yml delegate_to: localhost become: no tags: update-users - name: strongSwan started service: name: strongswan state: started enabled: true - meta: flush_handlers - name: Delete the PKI directory file: path: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" state: absent become: false delegate_to: localhost when: - not algo_store_pki - not pki_in_tmpfs