--- - name: Register p12 PayloadContent shell: | set -o pipefail cat private/{{ item }}.p12 | base64 register: PayloadContent changed_when: false args: executable: bash chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}" with_items: "{{ users }}" - name: Set facts for mobileconfigs set_fact: PayloadContentCA: "{{ lookup('file' , '{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/cacert.pem')|b64encode }}" - name: Build the mobileconfigs template: src: mobileconfig.j2 dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/apple/{{ item.0 }}.mobileconfig" mode: 0600 with_together: - "{{ users }}" - "{{ PayloadContent.results }}" no_log: "{{ no_log|bool }}" - name: Build the client ipsec config file template: src: client_ipsec.conf.j2 dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/manual/{{ item }}.conf" mode: 0600 with_items: - "{{ users }}" - name: Build the client ipsec secret file template: src: client_ipsec.secrets.j2 dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/manual/{{ item }}.secrets" mode: 0600 with_items: - "{{ users }}" - name: Restrict permissions for the local private directories file: path: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}" state: directory mode: 0700