#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eEo pipefail ALGO_DIR="/algo" DATA_DIR="/data" umask 0077 usage() { retcode="${1:-0}" echo "To run algo from Docker:" echo "" echo "docker run --cap-drop=all -it -v :"${DATA_DIR}" trailofbits/algo:latest" echo "" exit ${retcode} } if [ ! -f "${DATA_DIR}"/config.cfg ] ; then echo "Looks like you're not bind-mounting your config.cfg into this container." echo "algo needs a configuration file to run." echo "" usage -1 fi if [ ! -e /dev/console ] ; then echo "Looks like you're trying to run this container without a TTY." echo "If you don't pass `-t`, you can't interact with the algo script." echo "" usage -1 fi # To work around problems with bind-mounting Windows volumes, we need to # copy files out of ${DATA_DIR}, ensure appropriate line endings and permissions, # then copy the algo-generated files into ${DATA_DIR}. tr -d '\r' < "${DATA_DIR}"/config.cfg > "${ALGO_DIR}"/config.cfg test -d "${DATA_DIR}"/configs && rsync -qLktr --delete "${DATA_DIR}"/configs "${ALGO_DIR}"/ "${ALGO_DIR}"/algo "${ALGO_ARGS[@]}" retcode=${?} rsync -qLktr --delete "${ALGO_DIR}"/configs "${DATA_DIR}"/ exit ${retcode}