# Algo VPN documentation * Deployment instructions - Deploy from [RedHat/CentOS 6.x](deploy-from-redhat-centos6.md) - Deploy from [Windows](deploy-from-windows.md) - Deploy from a [Docker container](deploy-from-docker.md) - Deploy from [Ansible](deploy-from-ansible.md) non-interactively - Deploy onto a [cloud server at time of creation with shell script or cloud-init](deploy-from-script-or-cloud-init-to-localhost.md) - Deploy from [macOS](deploy-from-macos.md) - Deploy from [Google Cloud Shell](deploy-from-cloudshell.md) * Client setup - Setup [Android](client-android.md) clients - Setup [Generic/Linux](client-linux.md) clients with Ansible - Setup Ubuntu clients to use [WireGuard](client-linux-wireguard.md) - Setup Linux clients to use [IPsec](client-linux-ipsec.md) - Setup Apple devices to use [IPsec](client-apple-ipsec.md) - Setup Macs running macOS 10.13 or older to use [WireGuard](client-macos-wireguard.md) * Cloud provider setup - Configure [Amazon EC2](cloud-amazon-ec2.md) - Configure [Azure](cloud-azure.md) - Configure [DigitalOcean](cloud-do.md) - Configure [Google Cloud Platform](cloud-gce.md) - Configure [Vultr](cloud-vultr.md) - Configure [CloudStack](cloud-cloudstack.md) - Configure [Hetzner Cloud](cloud-hetzner.md) * Advanced Deployment - Deploy to your own [FreeBSD](deploy-to-freebsd.md) server - Deploy to your own [Ubuntu](deploy-to-ubuntu.md) server, and road warrior setup - Deploy to an [unsupported cloud provider](deploy-to-unsupported-cloud.md) * [FAQ](faq.md) * [Firewalls](firewalls.md) * [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md)