# MacOS WireGuard Client Setup The WireGuard macOS app is unavailable for older operating systems. Please update your operating system if you can. If you are on a macOS High Sierra (10.13) or earlier, then you can still use WireGuard via their userspace drivers via the process detailed below. ## Install WireGuard Install the wireguard-go userspace driver: ``` brew install wireguard-tools ``` ## Locate the Config File Algo generates a WireGuard configuration file, `wireguard/.conf`, and a QR code, `wireguard/.png`, for each user defined in `config.cfg`. Find the configuration file and copy it to your device if you don't already have it. Note that each client you use to connect to Algo VPN must have a unique WireGuard config. ## Configure WireGuard You'll need to copy the appropriate WireGuard configuration file into a location where the userspace driver can find it. After it is in the right place, start the VPN, and verify connectivity. ``` # Copy the config file to the WireGuard configuration directory on your macOS device mkdir /usr/local/etc/wireguard/ cp .conf /usr/local/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf # Start the WireGuard VPN sudo wg-quick up wg0 # Verify the connection to the Algo VPN wg # See that your client is using the IP address of your Algo VPN: curl ipv4.icanhazip.com ```