Chrome and Android both request a known URL that generates HTTP 204 No Content responses to determine if they have internet connectivity. In Apple profiles, we can use the same URL to determine whether the VPN needs to connect. Using this feature will help save battery life for lots of users.
* Update Powershell Instructions for VPN connection
Update the Powershell instructions for creating the Windows VPN
connection. Clarfied requirement that Powershell run as Administrator,
and additional steps required to update the Execution Policies for
* Formatting updates
Cleaned up capitalization and spacing errors, as well as improved
wording a bit.
* Missed an S
Evil, evil capitalization.
* Update Azure Region List
Included several additional regions in the Azure list.
In a future version we may want to ask users to choose a continent, then present region options since this list is getting long.
* Add VM size selection
Added prompt for user to choose VM size. Useful because the default size is not available in all regions, and there are cheaper sizes.
* Handle vm_size choice in "Create an Instance" step
Use the variable passed in that the user chose for vm_size.
* Differentiate Basic A0 and Standard A0
* Remove vm_size D1 since it's being deprecated
* Fix syntax issue - missing semicolons
* Remove note to self comment
* Remove changes to let user select VM size
Removing my previous additions that let the user select their Azure VM size.
* Hard code VM size to cheapest size
Remove my usage of a variable for VM size. Update to use the Basic_A0, which is the cheapest size of VM.
Windows manual steps `-AuthenticationTransformConstants SHA25612 8` had a space that causes this command to fail. Should be `-AuthenticationTransformConstants SHA256128`