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8 years ago
##### Local requirements:
* ansible >= 2.2.0
* python >= 2.6
* dopy
##### How to run:
* Open the file `config.cfg` in your favorite text editor and change variables. At least you should change `server_name`, and specify users in `users` list.
* Start to deploy and follow the instructions:
ansible-playbook deploy.yml
* When the process is done, you can see `.mobileconfig` files and certificates in the directory - `configs`. Send `.mobileconfig` to your users for using on iPhones or MacOS or send certificates for using on other clients (StrongSwan client for Android or native IKEv2 client for Windows)
* When the deploy proccess is done a new server will be placed in the local inventory file - `inventory_users`
* If you want to add or delete users, just update the (`users`) list in the config file (`config.cfg`) and then run the playbook:
(This command will update users on all your servers in the file `inventory_users`, if you want to limit servers, you can use option `-l` )
ansible-playbook users.yml -i inventory_users
ansible-playbook users.yml -i inventory_users -l