| 2. Go to **Azure Active Directory** | [![step2-thumb]][step2-screen] |
| 3. Go to **App registrations** and click to **Add** | [![step3-thumb]][step3-screen] |
| 4. Fill out the forms and click **Create** | [![step4-thumb]][step4-screen] |
| 5. Click on the app name | [![step5-thumb]][step5-screen] |
| 6. Copy and save somewhere the **Application ID** and click on **Keys**. | [![step6-thumb]][step6-screen] |
| 7. Fill out the forms and click **Save**. Copy and save somewhere the **Secret ID** (the value) | [![step7-thumb]][step7-screen] |
| 8. Go to the **Main menu**, **Azure Active Directory** and click on **Properties**. Copy and save somewhere the **Directory ID** | [![step8-thumb]][step8-screen] |
| 9. Go to the **Main menu**, **Subscriptions** and click on the subscription you want you use in Algo. Copy and save the subscription id from the **Overview** tab | [![step9-thumb]][step9-screen] |
| 10. Go to the **Access control (IAM)** tab and click to **Add** | [![step10-thumb]][step10-screen] |
| 11. Select a role (Contibutor will enough for all)| [![step11-thumb]][step11-screen] |
| 12. Swith next to **Add users** and search by the **App name** (the name from the 4th step) and select it. | [![step12-thumb]][step12-screen] |