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8 years ago
# This is the list of users to generate.
# Every device must have a unique username.
# You can generate up to 250 users at one time.
# Usernames with leading 0's or containing only numbers should be escaped in double quotes, e.g. "000dan" or "123".
- phone
- laptop
- desktop
### Advanced users only below this line ###
# If True re-init all existing certificates. Boolean
keys_clean_all: False
8 years ago
# Clean up cloud python environments
clean_environment: false
Refactoring (#1334) <!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above --> ## Description Renames the vpn role to strongswan, and split up the variables to support 2 separate VPNs. Closes #1330 and closes #1162 Configures Ansible to use python3 on the server side. Closes #1024 Removes unneeded playbooks, reorganises a lot of variables Reorganises the `config` folder. Closes #1330 <details><summary>Here is how the config directory looks like now</summary> <p> ``` configs/X.X.X.X/ |-- ipsec | |-- apple | | |-- desktop.mobileconfig | | |-- laptop.mobileconfig | | `-- phone.mobileconfig | |-- manual | | |-- cacert.pem | | |-- desktop.p12 | | |-- desktop.ssh.pem | | |-- ipsec_desktop.conf | | |-- ipsec_desktop.secrets | | |-- ipsec_laptop.conf | | |-- ipsec_laptop.secrets | | |-- ipsec_phone.conf | | |-- ipsec_phone.secrets | | |-- laptop.p12 | | |-- laptop.ssh.pem | | |-- phone.p12 | | `-- phone.ssh.pem | `-- windows | |-- desktop.ps1 | |-- laptop.ps1 | `-- phone.ps1 |-- ssh-tunnel | |-- desktop.pem | |-- | |-- laptop.pem | |-- | |-- phone.pem | |-- | `-- ssh_config `-- wireguard |-- desktop.conf |-- desktop.png |-- laptop.conf |-- laptop.png |-- phone.conf `-- phone.png ``` ![finder]( </p> </details> ## Motivation and Context This refactoring is focused to aim to the 1.0 release ## How Has This Been Tested? Deployed to several cloud providers with various options enabled and disabled ## Types of changes <!--- What types of changes does your code introduce? Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply: --> - [x] Refactoring ## Checklist: <!--- Go over all the following points, and put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. --> <!--- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! --> - [x] I have read the **CONTRIBUTING** document. - [x] My code follows the code style of this project. - [x] My change requires a change to the documentation. - [x] I have updated the documentation accordingly. - [x] All new and existing tests passed.
6 years ago
# Deploy StrongSwan to enable IPsec support
ipsec_enabled: true
# StrongSwan log level
strongswan_log_level: 2
# rightsourceip for ipsec
# ipv4
# ipv6
strongswan_network_ipv6: 'fd9d:bc11:4020::/48'
Refactoring (#1334) <!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above --> ## Description Renames the vpn role to strongswan, and split up the variables to support 2 separate VPNs. Closes #1330 and closes #1162 Configures Ansible to use python3 on the server side. Closes #1024 Removes unneeded playbooks, reorganises a lot of variables Reorganises the `config` folder. Closes #1330 <details><summary>Here is how the config directory looks like now</summary> <p> ``` configs/X.X.X.X/ |-- ipsec | |-- apple | | |-- desktop.mobileconfig | | |-- laptop.mobileconfig | | `-- phone.mobileconfig | |-- manual | | |-- cacert.pem | | |-- desktop.p12 | | |-- desktop.ssh.pem | | |-- ipsec_desktop.conf | | |-- ipsec_desktop.secrets | | |-- ipsec_laptop.conf | | |-- ipsec_laptop.secrets | | |-- ipsec_phone.conf | | |-- ipsec_phone.secrets | | |-- laptop.p12 | | |-- laptop.ssh.pem | | |-- phone.p12 | | `-- phone.ssh.pem | `-- windows | |-- desktop.ps1 | |-- laptop.ps1 | `-- phone.ps1 |-- ssh-tunnel | |-- desktop.pem | |-- | |-- laptop.pem | |-- | |-- phone.pem | |-- | `-- ssh_config `-- wireguard |-- desktop.conf |-- desktop.png |-- laptop.conf |-- laptop.png |-- phone.conf `-- phone.png ``` ![finder]( </p> </details> ## Motivation and Context This refactoring is focused to aim to the 1.0 release ## How Has This Been Tested? Deployed to several cloud providers with various options enabled and disabled ## Types of changes <!--- What types of changes does your code introduce? Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply: --> - [x] Refactoring ## Checklist: <!--- Go over all the following points, and put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. --> <!--- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! --> - [x] I have read the **CONTRIBUTING** document. - [x] My code follows the code style of this project. - [x] My change requires a change to the documentation. - [x] I have updated the documentation accordingly. - [x] All new and existing tests passed.
6 years ago
# Deploy WireGuard
wireguard_enabled: true
wireguard_port: 51820
# If you're behind NAT or a firewall and you want to receive incoming connections long after network traffic has gone silent.
# This option will keep the "connection" open in the eyes of NAT.
# See:
wireguard_PersistentKeepalive: 0
# WireGuard network configuration
wireguard_network_ipv6: fd9d:bc11:4021::/48
# Reduce the MTU of the VPN tunnel
# Some cloud and internet providers use a smaller MTU (Maximum Transmission
# Unit) than the normal value of 1500 and if you don't reduce the MTU of your
# VPN tunnel some network connections will hang. Algo will attempt to set this
# automatically based on your server, but if connections hang you might need to
# adjust this yourself.
# See:
reduce_mtu: 0
# Algo will use the following lists to block ads. You can add new block lists
# after deployment by modifying the line starting "BLOCKLIST_URLS=" at:
# /usr/local/sbin/
# If you load very large blocklists, you may also have to modify resource limits:
# /etc/systemd/system/dnsmasq.service.d/100-CustomLimitations.conf
- ""
- ""
# Enable DNS encryption.
# If 'false', 'dns_servers' should be specified below.
dns_encryption: true
# DNS servers which will be used if 'dns_encryption' is 'true'. Multiple
# providers may be specified, but avoid mixing providers that filter results
# (like Cisco) with those that don't (like Cloudflare) or you could get
# inconsistent results. The list of available public providers can be found
# here:
- cloudflare
# - google
- cloudflare-ipv6
# DNS servers which will be used if 'dns_encryption' is 'false'.
# The default is to use Cloudflare.
8 years ago
8 years ago
- 2606:4700:4700::1111
- 2606:4700:4700::1001
8 years ago
# Randomly generated IP address for the local dns resolver
local_service_ip: "{{ '' | ipmath(1048573 | random(seed=algo_server_name + ansible_fqdn)) }}"
local_service_ipv6: "{{ 'fd00::1' | ipmath(1048573 | random(seed=algo_server_name + ansible_fqdn)) }}"
8 years ago
# Your Algo server will automatically install security updates. Some updates
# require a reboot to take effect but your Algo server will not reboot itself
# automatically unless you change 'enabled' below from 'false' to 'true', in
# which case a reboot will take place if necessary at the time specified (as
# HH:MM) in the time zone of your Algo server. The default time zone is UTC.
enabled: false
time: 06:00
# Block traffic between connected clients
BetweenClients_DROP: true
8 years ago
common: |
"# Congratulations! #"
"# Your Algo server is running. #"
"# Config files and certificates are in the ./configs/ directory. #"
"# Go to after connecting #"
"# and ensure that all your traffic passes through the VPN. #"
"# Local DNS resolver {{ local_service_ip }}{{ ', ' + local_service_ipv6 if ipv6_support else '' }} #"
8 years ago
p12_pass: |
"# The p12 and SSH keys password for new users is {{ p12_export_password }} #"
8 years ago
ca_key_pass: |
"# The CA key password is {{ CA_password|default(omit) }} #"
8 years ago
ssh_access: |
"# Shell access: ssh -i {{ ansible_ssh_private_key_file|default(omit) }} {{ ansible_ssh_user|default(omit) }}@{{ ansible_ssh_host|default(omit) }} #"
comment: algo@ssh
private: configs/algo.pem
public: configs/
size: Basic_A0
image: 18.04-LTS
size: s-1vcpu-1gb
image: "ubuntu-18-04-x64"
# Change the encrypted flag to "true" to enable AWS volume encryption, for encryption of data at rest.
# Warning: the Algo script will take approximately 6 minutes longer to complete.
encrypted: false
# Set use_existing_eip to "true" if you want to use a pre-allocated Elastic IP
# Additional prompt will be raised to determine which IP to use
use_existing_eip: false
size: t2.micro
name: "ubuntu-bionic-18.04"
owner: "099720109477"
size: f1-micro
image: ubuntu-1804
external_static_ip: false
size: nano_1_0
image: ubuntu_18_04
size: START1-S
image: Ubuntu Bionic Beaver
arch: x86_64
flavor_ram: ">=512"
image: Ubuntu-18.04
os: Ubuntu 18.04 x64
size: 1024 MB RAM,25 GB SSD,1.00 TB BW
- Sorry, but something went wrong!
- Please check the troubleshooting guide.
Y: true
y: true