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309 lines
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8 years ago
- name: Gather Facts
8 years ago
- name: Generate password for the CA key
shell: >
< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c${1:-12};echo;
register: CA_password
- set_fact:
easyrsa_p12_export_password: "{{ (ansible_date_time.iso8601_basic|sha1|to_uuid).split('-')[0] }}"
easyrsa_CA_password: "{{ CA_password.stdout }}"
IP_subject_alt_name: "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}"
- name: Change the algorithm to RSA
algo_params: "rsa:2048"
when: Win10_Enabled is defined and Win10_Enabled == "Y"
8 years ago
- name: Install StrongSwan
apt: name=strongswan state=latest update_cache=yes
- name: Enforcing ipsec with apparmor
shell: aa-enforce "{{ item }}"
when: apparmor_enabled is defined and apparmor_enabled == true
8 years ago
- /usr/lib/ipsec/charon
- /usr/lib/ipsec/lookip
- /usr/lib/ipsec/stroke
- restart apparmor
8 years ago
tags: ['apparmor']
8 years ago
8 years ago
- name: Enable services
service: name={{ item }} enabled=yes
- apparmor
- strongswan
- netfilter-persistent
8 years ago
- name: Configure iptables so IPSec traffic can traverse the tunnel
iptables: table=nat chain=POSTROUTING source="{{ vpn_network }}" jump=MASQUERADE
when: (security_enabled is not defined) or
(security_enabled is defined and security_enabled != "y")
- save iptables
- name: Configure ip6tables so IPSec traffic can traverse the tunnel
iptables: ip_version=ipv6 table=nat chain=POSTROUTING source="{{ vpn_network_ipv6 }}" jump=MASQUERADE
8 years ago
when: ((security_enabled is not defined) or
(security_enabled is defined and security_enabled != "y")) and
ipv6_support is defined and ipv6_support == "yes"
- save iptables
- name: Ensure that the strongswan group exist
group: name=strongswan state=present
8 years ago
- name: Ensure that the strongswan user exist
user: name=strongswan group=strongswan state=present
8 years ago
- name: Ensure that the strongswan service directory exist
file: path=/etc/systemd/system/strongswan.service.d/ state=directory mode=0755 owner=root group=root
8 years ago
- name: Setup the cgroup limitations for the ipsec daemon
template: src=100-CustomLimitations.conf.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/strongswan.service.d/100-CustomLimitations.conf
8 years ago
- daemon-reload
- restart strongswan
8 years ago
- meta: flush_handlers
- name: Setup the strongswan.conf file from our template
template: src=strongswan.conf.j2 dest=/etc/strongswan.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644
8 years ago
- restart strongswan
8 years ago
- name: Setup the ipsec.conf file from our template
8 years ago
template: src=ipsec.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ipsec.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644
8 years ago
- restart strongswan
8 years ago
- name: Setup the ipsec.secrets file
template: src=ipsec.secrets.j2 dest=/etc/ipsec.secrets owner=strongswan group=root mode=0600
8 years ago
- restart strongswan
8 years ago
- name: Get loaded plugins
shell: >
find /etc/strongswan.d/charon/ -type f -name '*.conf' -printf '%f\n' | cut -f1 -d.
register: strongswan_plugins
- name: Disable unneeded plugins
lineinfile: dest="/etc/strongswan.d/charon/{{ item }}.conf" regexp='.*load.*' line='load = no' state=present
- restart strongswan
when: item not in strongswan_enabled_plugins
with_items: "{{ strongswan_plugins.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Ensure that required plugins are enabled
lineinfile: dest="/etc/strongswan.d/charon/{{ item }}.conf" regexp='.*load.*' line='load = yes' state=present
- restart strongswan
when: item in strongswan_enabled_plugins
with_items: "{{ strongswan_plugins.stdout_lines }}"
8 years ago
- name: Ensure the pki directory is not exist
module: file
dest: configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki
state: absent
become: no
8 years ago
when: easyrsa_reinit_existent == True
8 years ago
- name: Ensure the pki directories are exist
module: file
dest: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/{{ item }}"
state: directory
recurse: yes
become: no
- ecparams
- certs
- crl
- newcerts
- private
- reqs
- name: Ensure the files are exist
module: file
dest: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/{{ item }}"
state: touch
become: no
- ".rnd"
- "private/.rnd"
- "index.txt"
- "index.txt.attr"
- "serial"
- name: Generate the openssl server configs
module: template
src: openssl.cnf.j2
dest: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/openssl.cnf"
become: no
8 years ago
8 years ago
- name: Build the CA pair
local_action: >
shell openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -out ecparams/prime256v1.pem &&
openssl req -utf8 -new -newkey {{ algo_params | default('ec:ecparams/prime256v1.pem') }} -config openssl.cnf -keyout private/cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -x509 -days 3650 -batch -passout pass:"{{ easyrsa_CA_password }}" &&
touch {{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_ca_generated
become: no
8 years ago
chdir: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/"
creates: "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_ca_generated"
subjectAltName: "DNS:{{ IP_subject_alt_name }},IP:{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}"
- name: Copy the CA certificate
module: copy
src: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/cacert.pem"
dest: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/cacert.pem"
mode: 0600
become: no
- name: Generate the serial number
local_action: >
shell echo 01 > serial &&
touch serial_generated
become: no
chdir: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/"
creates: serial_generated
8 years ago
8 years ago
- name: Build the server pair
local_action: >
shell openssl req -utf8 -new -newkey {{ algo_params | default('ec:ecparams/prime256v1.pem') }} -config openssl.cnf -keyout private/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.key -out reqs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.req -nodes -passin pass:"{{ easyrsa_CA_password }}" -subj "/CN={{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" -batch &&
openssl ca -utf8 -in reqs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.req -out certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.crt -config openssl.cnf -days 3650 -batch -passin pass:"{{ easyrsa_CA_password }}" -subj "/CN={{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" &&
touch certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_crt_generated
become: no
8 years ago
chdir: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/"
creates: certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_crt_generated
subjectAltName: "DNS:{{ IP_subject_alt_name }},IP:{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}"
8 years ago
- name: Build the client's pair
local_action: >
shell openssl req -utf8 -new -newkey {{ algo_params | default('ec:ecparams/prime256v1.pem') }} -config openssl.cnf -keyout private/{{ item }}.key -out reqs/{{ item }}.req -nodes -passin pass:"{{ easyrsa_CA_password }}" -subj "/CN={{ item }}" -batch &&
openssl ca -utf8 -in reqs/{{ item }}.req -out certs/{{ item }}.crt -config openssl.cnf -days 3650 -batch -passin pass:"{{ easyrsa_CA_password }}" -subj "/CN={{ item }}" &&
touch certs/{{ item }}_crt_generated
become: no
8 years ago
chdir: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/"
creates: certs/{{ item }}_crt_generated
subjectAltName: "DNS:{{ item }}"
8 years ago
with_items: "{{ users }}"
8 years ago
- name: Build the client's p12
local_action: >
shell openssl pkcs12 -in certs/{{ item }}.crt -inkey private/{{ item }}.key -export -name {{ item }} -out private/{{ item }}.p12 -certfile cacert.pem -passout pass:"{{ easyrsa_p12_export_password }}"
become: no
8 years ago
chdir: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/"
8 years ago
with_items: "{{ users }}"
8 years ago
- name: Copy the p12 certificates
module: copy
src: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/private/{{ item }}.p12"
dest: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/{{ item }}.p12"
mode: 0600
become: no
- "{{ users }}"
8 years ago
- name: Copy the CA cert to the strongswan directory
copy: src='configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/cacert.pem' dest=/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/ca.crt owner=strongswan group=root mode=0600
8 years ago
- restart strongswan
8 years ago
- name: Copy the server cert to the strongswan directory
copy: src='configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.crt' dest=/etc/ipsec.d/certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.crt owner=strongswan group=root mode=0600
8 years ago
- restart strongswan
8 years ago
8 years ago
- name: Copy the server key to the strongswan directory
copy: src='configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/private/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.key' dest=/etc/ipsec.d/private/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.key owner=strongswan group=root mode=0600
8 years ago
- restart strongswan
8 years ago
- name: Register p12 PayloadContent
local_action: >
shell cat private/{{ item }}.p12 | base64
8 years ago
register: PayloadContent
become: no
chdir: "configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/"
8 years ago
with_items: "{{ users }}"
8 years ago
- name: Set facts for mobileconfigs
proxy_enabled: false
PayloadContentCA: "{{ lookup('file' , 'configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/pki/cacert.pem')|b64encode }}"
8 years ago
8 years ago
- name: Build the mobileconfigs
module: template
src: mobileconfig.j2
dest: configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/{{ item.0 }}.mobileconfig
mode: 0600
become: no
8 years ago
- "{{ users }}"
- "{{ PayloadContent.results }}"
8 years ago
no_log: True
- name: Build the client ipsec config file
module: template
src: client_ipsec.conf.j2
dest: configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/ipsec_{{ item }}.conf
mode: 0600
become: no
- "{{ users }}"
- name: Build the client ipsec secret file
module: template
src: client_ipsec.secrets.j2
dest: configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/ipsec_{{ item }}.secrets
mode: 0600
become: no
- "{{ users }}"
- name: Build the windows client powershell script
module: template
src: client_windows.ps1.j2
dest: configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}/windows_{{ item }}.ps1
mode: 0600
become: no
when: Win10_Enabled is defined and Win10_Enabled == "Y"
with_items: "{{ users }}"
- name: Restrict permissions for the remote private directories
file: path="{{ item }}" state=directory mode=0700 owner=strongswan group=root
8 years ago
- /etc/ipsec.d/private
8 years ago
- name: Restrict permissions for the local private directories
module: file
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
mode: 0700
become: no
- configs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}
- include: iptables.yml
tags: iptables