You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

249 lines
7.8 KiB

- block:
- debug: var=subjectAltName
- name: Ensure the pki directory does not exist
dest: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
state: absent
when: keys_clean_all|bool
- name: Ensure the pki directories exist
dest: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/{{ item }}"
state: directory
recurse: true
mode: "0700"
- ecparams
- certs
- crl
- newcerts
- private
- public
- reqs
- name: Ensure the config directories exist
dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/{{ item }}"
state: directory
recurse: true
mode: "0700"
- apple
- manual
- name: Ensure the files exist
dest: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/{{ item }}"
state: touch
- .rnd
- private/.rnd
- index.txt
- index.txt.attr
- serial
- name: Generate the openssl server configs
src: openssl.cnf.j2
dest: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/openssl.cnf"
- name: Build the CA pair
shell: >
umask 077;
{{ openssl_bin }} ecparam -name secp384r1 -out ecparams/secp384r1.pem &&
{{ openssl_bin }} req -utf8 -new
-newkey ec:ecparams/secp384r1.pem
-config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName }}"))
-keyout private/cakey.pem
-out cacert.pem -x509 -days 3650
-passout pass:"{{ CA_password }}" &&
touch {{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_ca_generated
chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
creates: "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_ca_generated"
executable: bash
- name: Copy the CA certificate
src: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/cacert.pem"
dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/manual/cacert.pem"
- name: Generate the serial number
shell: echo 01 > serial && touch serial_generated
chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
creates: serial_generated
- name: Build the server pair
shell: >
umask 077;
{{ openssl_bin }} req -utf8 -new
-newkey ec:ecparams/secp384r1.pem
-config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName }}"))
-keyout private/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.key
-out reqs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.req -nodes
-passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}"
-subj "/CN={{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" -batch &&
{{ openssl_bin }} ca -utf8
-in reqs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.req
-out certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}.crt
-config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName }}"))
-days 3650 -batch
-passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}"
-subj "/CN={{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" &&
touch certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_crt_generated
chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
creates: certs/{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}_crt_generated
executable: bash
- name: Build the client's pair
shell: >
umask 077;
{{ openssl_bin }} req -utf8 -new
-newkey ec:ecparams/secp384r1.pem
-config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName_USER }}"))
-keyout private/{{ item }}.key
-out reqs/{{ item }}.req -nodes
-passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}"
-subj "/CN={{ item }}" -batch &&
{{ openssl_bin }} ca -utf8
-in reqs/{{ item }}.req
-out certs/{{ item }}.crt
-config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName_USER }}"))
-days 3650 -batch
-passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}"
-subj "/CN={{ item }}" &&
touch certs/{{ item }}_crt_generated
chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
creates: certs/{{ item }}_crt_generated
executable: bash
with_items: "{{ users }}"
- name: Build the tests pair
shell: >
umask 077;
{{ openssl_bin }} req -utf8 -new
-newkey ec:ecparams/secp384r1.pem
-config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\"))
-keyout private/
-out reqs/ -nodes
-passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}"
-subj "/" -batch &&
{{ openssl_bin }} ca -utf8
-in reqs/
-out certs/
-config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\"))
-days 3650 -batch
-passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}"
-subj "/" &&
touch certs/google-algo-test-pair.com_crt_generated
chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
creates: certs/google-algo-test-pair.com_crt_generated
executable: bash
when: tests|default(false)|bool
- name: Build openssh public keys
path: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/public/{{ item }}.pub"
privatekey_path: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/private/{{ item }}.key"
format: OpenSSH
with_items: "{{ users }}"
- name: Build the client's p12
shell: >
umask 077;
{{ openssl_bin }} pkcs12
-in certs/{{ item }}.crt
-inkey private/{{ item }}.key
-name {{ item }}
-out private/{{ item }}.p12
-passout pass:"{{ p12_export_password }}"
chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
executable: bash
with_items: "{{ users }}"
register: p12
- name: Build the client's p12 with the CA cert included
shell: >
umask 077;
{{ openssl_bin }} pkcs12
-in certs/{{ item }}.crt
-inkey private/{{ item }}.key
-name {{ item }}
-out private/{{ item }}_ca.p12
-certfile cacert.pem
-passout pass:"{{ p12_export_password }}"
chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
executable: bash
with_items: "{{ users }}"
register: p12
- name: Copy the p12 certificates
src: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/private/{{ item }}.p12"
dest: "{{ ipsec_config_path }}/manual/{{ item }}.p12"
- "{{ users }}"
- name: Get active users
shell: >
grep ^V index.txt |
grep -v "{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}" |
awk '{print $5}' |
sed 's/\/CN=//g'
chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
register: valid_certs
- name: Revoke non-existing users
shell: >
{{ openssl_bin }} ca -gencrl
-config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName={{ subjectAltName_USER }}"))
-passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}"
-revoke certs/{{ item }}.crt
-out crl/{{ item }}.crt
register: gencrl
chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
creates: crl/{{ item }}.crt
executable: bash
when: item.split('@')[0] not in users
with_items: "{{ valid_certs.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Generate new CRL file
shell: >
{{ openssl_bin }} ca -gencrl
-config <(cat openssl.cnf <(printf "[basic_exts]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:{{ IP_subject_alt_name }}"))
-passin pass:"{{ CA_password }}"
-out crl/algo.root.pem
- gencrl is defined
- gencrl.changed
chdir: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}"
executable: bash
delegate_to: localhost
become: false
ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ ansible_playbook_python }}"
- name: Copy the CRL to the vpn server
Refactoring (#1334) <!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above --> ## Description Renames the vpn role to strongswan, and split up the variables to support 2 separate VPNs. Closes #1330 and closes #1162 Configures Ansible to use python3 on the server side. Closes #1024 Removes unneeded playbooks, reorganises a lot of variables Reorganises the `config` folder. Closes #1330 <details><summary>Here is how the config directory looks like now</summary> <p> ``` configs/X.X.X.X/ |-- ipsec | |-- apple | | |-- desktop.mobileconfig | | |-- laptop.mobileconfig | | `-- phone.mobileconfig | |-- manual | | |-- cacert.pem | | |-- desktop.p12 | | |-- desktop.ssh.pem | | |-- ipsec_desktop.conf | | |-- ipsec_desktop.secrets | | |-- ipsec_laptop.conf | | |-- ipsec_laptop.secrets | | |-- ipsec_phone.conf | | |-- ipsec_phone.secrets | | |-- laptop.p12 | | |-- laptop.ssh.pem | | |-- phone.p12 | | `-- phone.ssh.pem | `-- windows | |-- desktop.ps1 | |-- laptop.ps1 | `-- phone.ps1 |-- ssh-tunnel | |-- desktop.pem | |-- | |-- laptop.pem | |-- | |-- phone.pem | |-- | `-- ssh_config `-- wireguard |-- desktop.conf |-- desktop.png |-- laptop.conf |-- laptop.png |-- phone.conf `-- phone.png ``` ![finder]( </p> </details> ## Motivation and Context This refactoring is focused to aim to the 1.0 release ## How Has This Been Tested? Deployed to several cloud providers with various options enabled and disabled ## Types of changes <!--- What types of changes does your code introduce? Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply: --> - [x] Refactoring ## Checklist: <!--- Go over all the following points, and put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. --> <!--- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! --> - [x] I have read the **CONTRIBUTING** document. - [x] My code follows the code style of this project. - [x] My change requires a change to the documentation. - [x] I have updated the documentation accordingly. - [x] All new and existing tests passed.
5 years ago
src: "{{ ipsec_pki_path }}/crl/algo.root.pem"
dest: "{{ config_prefix|default('/') }}etc/ipsec.d/crls/algo.root.pem"
- gencrl is defined
- gencrl.changed
- rereadcrls