You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

51 lines
2.0 KiB

module completions {
def "nu-complete aichat completions" [] {
[ "bash" "zsh" "fish" "powershell" "nushell" ]
def "nu-complete aichat model" [] {
^aichat --list-models |
| lines
| parse "{value}"
def "nu-complete aichat role" [] {
^aichat --list-roles |
| lines
| parse "{value}"
def "nu-complete aichat session" [] {
^aichat --list-sessions |
| lines
| parse "{value}"
# All-in-one chat and copilot CLI that integrates 10+ AI platforms
export extern aichat [
--model(-m): string@"nu-complete aichat model" # Choose a LLM model
--role(-r): string@"nu-complete aichat role" # Choose a role
--session(-s): string@"nu-complete aichat role" # Create or reuse a session
--save-session # Whether to save the session
--execute(-e) # Execute commands using natural language
--code(-c) # Generate only code
--file(-f): string # Attach files to the message
--no-highlight(-H) # Disable syntax highlighting
--no-stream(-S) # No stream output
--wrap(-w): string # Specify the text-wrapping mode (no, auto, <max-width>)
--light-theme # Use light theme
--dry-run # Run in dry run mode
--info # Print related information
--list-models # List all available models
--list-roles # List all available roles
--list-sessions # List all available sessions
...text: string # Input text
--help(-h) # Print help
--version(-V) # Print version
export use completions *