mod completer; mod highlighter; mod prompt; use self::completer::ReplCompleter; use self::highlighter::ReplHighlighter; use self::prompt::ReplPrompt; use crate::client::{ensure_model_capabilities, init_client}; use crate::config::{GlobalConfig, Input, State}; use crate::render::{render_error, render_stream}; use crate::utils::{create_abort_signal, set_text, AbortSignal}; use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result}; use fancy_regex::Regex; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use reedline::{ default_emacs_keybindings, default_vi_insert_keybindings, default_vi_normal_keybindings, ColumnarMenu, EditMode, Emacs, KeyCode, KeyModifiers, Keybindings, Reedline, ReedlineEvent, ReedlineMenu, ValidationResult, Validator, Vi, }; use reedline::{MenuBuilder, Signal}; use std::{env, process}; const MENU_NAME: &str = "completion_menu"; lazy_static! { static ref REPL_COMMANDS: [ReplCommand; 14] = [ ReplCommand::new(".help", "Print this help message", State::all()), ReplCommand::new(".info", "Print system info", State::all()), ReplCommand::new(".model", "Switch LLM model", State::all()), ReplCommand::new(".role", "Use a role", State::able_change_role()), ReplCommand::new(".info role", "Show role info", State::in_role(),), ReplCommand::new(".exit role", "Leave current role", State::in_role(),), ReplCommand::new( ".session", "Start a context-aware chat session", State::notin_session(), ), ReplCommand::new(".info session", "Show session info", State::in_session(),), ReplCommand::new( ".clear messages", "Clear messages in the session", State::unable_change_role() ), ReplCommand::new( ".exit session", "End the current session", State::in_session(), ), ReplCommand::new( ".file", "Attach files to the message and then submit it", State::all() ), ReplCommand::new(".set", "Modify the configuration parameters", State::all()), ReplCommand::new( ".copy", "Copy the last reply to the clipboard", State::all() ), ReplCommand::new(".exit", "Exit the REPL", State::all()), ]; static ref COMMAND_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"^\s*(\.\S*)\s*").unwrap(); static ref MULTILINE_RE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(?s)^\s*:::\s*(.*)\s*:::\s*$").unwrap(); } pub struct Repl { config: GlobalConfig, editor: Reedline, prompt: ReplPrompt, abort: AbortSignal, } impl Repl { pub fn init(config: &GlobalConfig) -> Result { let editor = Self::create_editor(config)?; let prompt = ReplPrompt::new(config); let abort = create_abort_signal(); Ok(Self { config: config.clone(), editor, prompt, abort, }) } pub fn run(&mut self) -> Result<()> { self.banner(); let mut already_ctrlc = false; loop { if self.abort.aborted_ctrld() { break; } if self.abort.aborted_ctrlc() && !already_ctrlc { already_ctrlc = true; } let sig = self.editor.read_line(&self.prompt); match sig { Ok(Signal::Success(line)) => { already_ctrlc = false; self.abort.reset(); match self.handle(&line) { Ok(quit) => { if quit { break; } } Err(err) => { render_error(err,; println!() } } } Ok(Signal::CtrlC) => { self.abort.set_ctrlc(); if already_ctrlc { break; } already_ctrlc = true; println!("(To exit, press Ctrl+C again or Ctrl+D or type .exit)\n"); } Ok(Signal::CtrlD) => { self.abort.set_ctrld(); break; } _ => {} } } self.handle(".exit session")?; Ok(()) } fn handle(&self, mut line: &str) -> Result { if let Ok(Some(captures)) = MULTILINE_RE.captures(line) { if let Some(text_match) = captures.get(1) { line = text_match.as_str(); } } match parse_command(line) { Some((cmd, args)) => match cmd { ".help" => { dump_repl_help(); } ".info" => match args { Some("role") => { let info =; println!("{}", info); } Some("session") => { let info =; println!("{}", info); } Some(_) => unknown_command()?, None => { let output =; println!("{}", output); } }, ".edit" => { println!(r#"Deprecated. Use ::: instead."#); } ".model" => match args { Some(name) => { self.config.write().set_model(name)?; } None => println!("Usage: .model "), }, ".role" => match args { Some(args) => match args.split_once(|c| c == '\n' || c == ' ') { Some((name, text)) => { let name = name.trim(); let text = text.trim(); let old_role =|v|; self.config.write().set_role(name)?; self.ask(text, vec![])?; match old_role { Some(old_role) => self.config.write().set_role(&old_role)?, None => self.config.write().clear_role()?, } } None => { self.config.write().set_role(args)?; } }, None => println!(r#"Usage: .role [text...]"#), }, ".session" => { self.config.write().start_session(args)?; } ".set" => { if let Some(args) = args { self.config.write().update(args)?; } } ".copy" => { let config =; self.copy(config.last_reply()) .with_context(|| "Failed to copy the last output")?; } ".read" => { println!(r#"Deprecated. Use '.file' instead."#); } ".file" => match args { Some(args) => { let (files, text) = match args.split_once(" -- ") { Some((files, text)) => (files.trim(), text.trim()), None => (args, ""), }; let files = shell_words::split(files).with_context(|| "Invalid args")?; self.ask(text, files)?; } None => println!("Usage: .file ...[ -- ...]"), }, ".exit" => match args { Some("role") => { self.config.write().clear_role()?; } Some("session") => { self.config.write().end_session()?; } Some(_) => unknown_command()?, None => { return Ok(true); } }, ".clear" => match args { Some("messages") => { self.config.write().clear_session_messages()?; } Some("role") => { println!(r#"Deprecated. Use ".exit role" instead."#); } Some("conversation") => { println!(r#"Deprecated. Use ".exit session" instead."#); } _ => unknown_command()?, }, _ => unknown_command()?, }, None => { self.ask(line, vec![])?; } } println!(); Ok(false) } fn ask(&self, text: &str, files: Vec) -> Result<()> { if text.is_empty() && files.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } while { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); } let input = if files.is_empty() { Input::from_str(text) } else { Input::new(text, files)? };; let mut client = init_client(&self.config)?; ensure_model_capabilities(client.as_mut(), input.required_capabilities())?; let output = render_stream(&input, client.as_ref(), &self.config, self.abort.clone())?; self.config.write().save_message(input, &output)?;; if self.config.write().should_compress_session() { let config = self.config.clone(); std::thread::spawn(move || -> anyhow::Result<()> { let _ = compress_session(&config); config.write().end_compressing_session(); Ok(()) }); } Ok(()) } fn banner(&self) { let version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); print!( r#"Welcome to aichat {version} Type ".help" for more information. "# ) } fn create_editor(config: &GlobalConfig) -> Result { let completer = ReplCompleter::new(config); let highlighter = ReplHighlighter::new(config); let menu = Self::create_menu(); let edit_mode = Self::create_edit_mode(config); let mut editor = Reedline::create() .with_completer(Box::new(completer)) .with_highlighter(Box::new(highlighter)) .with_menu(menu) .with_edit_mode(edit_mode) .with_quick_completions(true) .with_partial_completions(true) .use_bracketed_paste(true) .with_validator(Box::new(ReplValidator)) .with_ansi_colors(true); if let Ok(cmd) = env::var("VISUAL").or_else(|_| env::var("EDITOR")) { let temp_file = env::temp_dir().join(format!("aichat-{}.txt", chrono::Utc::now().timestamp())); let command = process::Command::new(cmd); editor = editor.with_buffer_editor(command, temp_file); } Ok(editor) } fn extra_keybindings(keybindings: &mut Keybindings) { keybindings.add_binding( KeyModifiers::NONE, KeyCode::Tab, ReedlineEvent::UntilFound(vec![ ReedlineEvent::Menu(MENU_NAME.to_string()), ReedlineEvent::MenuNext, ]), ); keybindings.add_binding( KeyModifiers::SHIFT, KeyCode::BackTab, ReedlineEvent::MenuPrevious, ); } fn create_edit_mode(config: &GlobalConfig) -> Box { let edit_mode: Box = if { let mut normal_keybindings = default_vi_normal_keybindings(); let mut insert_keybindings = default_vi_insert_keybindings(); Self::extra_keybindings(&mut normal_keybindings); Self::extra_keybindings(&mut insert_keybindings); Box::new(Vi::new(insert_keybindings, normal_keybindings)) } else { let mut keybindings = default_emacs_keybindings(); Self::extra_keybindings(&mut keybindings); Box::new(Emacs::new(keybindings)) }; edit_mode } fn create_menu() -> ReedlineMenu { let completion_menu = ColumnarMenu::default().with_name(MENU_NAME); ReedlineMenu::EngineCompleter(Box::new(completion_menu)) } fn copy(&self, text: &str) -> Result<()> { if text.is_empty() { bail!("Empty text") } set_text(text)?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct ReplCommand { name: &'static str, description: &'static str, valid_states: Vec, } impl ReplCommand { fn new(name: &'static str, desc: &'static str, valid_states: Vec) -> Self { Self { name, description: desc, valid_states, } } fn is_valid(&self, state: &State) -> bool { self.valid_states.contains(state) } } /// A default validator which checks for mismatched quotes and brackets struct ReplValidator; impl Validator for ReplValidator { fn validate(&self, line: &str) -> ValidationResult { let line = line.trim(); if line.starts_with(r#":::"#) && !line[3..].ends_with(r#":::"#) { ValidationResult::Incomplete } else { ValidationResult::Complete } } } fn unknown_command() -> Result<()> { bail!(r#"Unknown command. Type ".help" for more information."#); } fn dump_repl_help() { let head = REPL_COMMANDS .iter() .map(|cmd| format!("{:<24} {}",, cmd.description)) .collect::>() .join("\n"); println!( r###"{head} Type ::: to begin multi-line editing, type ::: to end it. Press Ctrl+O to open an editor to modify the current prompt. Press Ctrl+C to abort aichat, Ctrl+D to exit the REPL"###, ); } fn parse_command(line: &str) -> Option<(&str, Option<&str>)> { match COMMAND_RE.captures(line) { Ok(Some(captures)) => { let cmd = captures.get(1)?.as_str(); let args = line[captures[0].len()..].trim(); let args = if args.is_empty() { None } else { Some(args) }; Some((cmd, args)) } _ => None, } } fn compress_session(config: &GlobalConfig) -> Result<()> { let input = Input::from_str(&; let mut client = init_client(config)?; ensure_model_capabilities(client.as_mut(), input.required_capabilities())?; let summary = client.send_message(input)?; config.write().compress_session(&summary); Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_process_command_line() { assert_eq!(parse_command(" ."), Some((".", None))); assert_eq!(parse_command(" .role"), Some((".role", None))); assert_eq!(parse_command(" .role "), Some((".role", None))); assert_eq!( parse_command(" .set dry_run true"), Some((".set", Some("dry_run true"))) ); assert_eq!( parse_command(" .set dry_run true "), Some((".set", Some("dry_run true"))) ); assert_eq!( parse_command(".prompt \nabc\n"), Some((".prompt", Some("abc"))) ); } }