use super::{ catch_error, json_stream, message::*, patch_system_message, Client, ExtraConfig, Model, ModelConfig, PromptType, ReplyHandler, SendData, VertexAIClient, }; use crate::utils::PromptKind; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result}; use async_trait::async_trait; use chrono::{Duration, Utc}; use reqwest::{Client as ReqwestClient, RequestBuilder}; use serde::Deserialize; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use std::path::PathBuf; static mut ACCESS_TOKEN: (String, i64) = (String::new(), 0); // safe under linear operation #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Default)] pub struct VertexAIConfig { pub name: Option, pub api_base: Option, pub adc_file: Option, pub block_threshold: Option, #[serde(default)] pub models: Vec, pub extra: Option, } impl VertexAIClient { list_models_fn!( VertexAIConfig, [ // ("gemini-1.0-pro", "text", 24568), ("gemini-1.0-pro-vision", "text,vision", 14336), ("gemini-1.5-pro-preview-0409", "text,vision", 1000000), ] ); config_get_fn!(api_base, get_api_base); pub const PROMPTS: [PromptType<'static>; 1] = [("api_base", "API Base:", true, PromptKind::String)]; fn request_builder(&self, client: &ReqwestClient, data: SendData) -> Result { let api_base = self.get_api_base()?; let func = match { true => "streamGenerateContent", false => "generateContent", }; let url = format!("{api_base}/{}:{}", &, func); let block_threshold = self.config.block_threshold.clone(); let body = gemini_build_body(data, &self.model, block_threshold)?; debug!("VertexAI Request: {url} {body}"); let builder = client .post(url) .bearer_auth(unsafe { &ACCESS_TOKEN.0 }) .json(&body); Ok(builder) } async fn prepare_access_token(&self) -> Result<()> { if unsafe { ACCESS_TOKEN.0.is_empty() || Utc::now().timestamp() > ACCESS_TOKEN.1 } { let client = self.build_client()?; let (token, expires_in) = fetch_access_token(&client, &self.config.adc_file) .await .with_context(|| "Failed to fetch access token")?; let expires_at = Utc::now() + Duration::try_seconds(expires_in) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Failed to parse expires_in of access_token"))?; unsafe { ACCESS_TOKEN = (token, expires_at.timestamp()) }; } Ok(()) } } #[async_trait] impl Client for VertexAIClient { client_common_fns!(); async fn send_message_inner(&self, client: &ReqwestClient, data: SendData) -> Result { self.prepare_access_token().await?; let builder = self.request_builder(client, data)?; gemini_send_message(builder).await } async fn send_message_streaming_inner( &self, client: &ReqwestClient, handler: &mut ReplyHandler, data: SendData, ) -> Result<()> { self.prepare_access_token().await?; let builder = self.request_builder(client, data)?; gemini_send_message_streaming(builder, handler).await } } pub async fn gemini_send_message(builder: RequestBuilder) -> Result { let res = builder.send().await?; let status = res.status(); let data: Value = res.json().await?; if status != 200 { catch_error(&data, status.as_u16())?; } let output = gemini_extract_text(&data)?; Ok(output.to_string()) } pub async fn gemini_send_message_streaming( builder: RequestBuilder, handler: &mut ReplyHandler, ) -> Result<()> { let res = builder.send().await?; let status = res.status(); if status != 200 { let data: Value = res.json().await?; catch_error(&data, status.as_u16())?; } else { let handle = |value: &str| -> Result<()> { let value: Value = serde_json::from_str(value)?; handler.text(gemini_extract_text(&value)?)?; Ok(()) }; json_stream(res.bytes_stream(), handle).await?; } Ok(()) } fn gemini_extract_text(data: &Value) -> Result<&str> { match data["candidates"][0]["content"]["parts"][0]["text"].as_str() { Some(text) => Ok(text), None => { if let Some("SAFETY") = data["promptFeedback"]["blockReason"] .as_str() .or_else(|| data["candidates"][0]["finishReason"].as_str()) { bail!("Blocked by safety settings,consider adjusting `block_threshold` in the client configuration") } else { bail!("Invalid response data: {data}") } } } } pub(crate) fn gemini_build_body( data: SendData, model: &Model, block_threshold: Option, ) -> Result { let SendData { mut messages, temperature, top_p, stream: _, } = data; patch_system_message(&mut messages); let mut network_image_urls = vec![]; let contents: Vec = messages .into_iter() .map(|message| { let role = match message.role { MessageRole::User => "user", _ => "model", }; match message.content { MessageContent::Text(text) => json!({ "role": role, "parts": [{ "text": text }] }), MessageContent::Array(list) => { let list: Vec = list .into_iter() .map(|item| match item { MessageContentPart::Text { text } => json!({"text": text}), MessageContentPart::ImageUrl { image_url: ImageUrl { url } } => { if let Some((mime_type, data)) = url.strip_prefix("data:").and_then(|v| v.split_once(";base64,")) { json!({ "inline_data": { "mime_type": mime_type, "data": data } }) } else { network_image_urls.push(url.clone()); json!({ "url": url }) } }, }) .collect(); json!({ "role": role, "parts": list }) } } }) .collect(); if !network_image_urls.is_empty() { bail!( "The model does not support network images: {:?}", network_image_urls ); } let mut body = json!({ "contents": contents, "generationConfig": {} }); if let Some(block_threshold) = block_threshold { body["safetySettings"] = json!([ {"category":"HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT","threshold":block_threshold}, {"category":"HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH","threshold":block_threshold}, {"category":"HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT","threshold":block_threshold}, {"category":"HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT","threshold":block_threshold} ]); } if let Some(v) = model.max_output_tokens { body["generationConfig"]["maxOutputTokens"] = v.into(); } if let Some(v) = temperature { body["generationConfig"]["temperature"] = v.into(); } if let Some(v) = top_p { body["generationConfig"]["topP"] = v.into(); } Ok(body) } async fn fetch_access_token( client: &reqwest::Client, file: &Option, ) -> Result<(String, i64)> { let credentials = load_adc(file).await?; let value: Value = client .post("") .json(&credentials) .send() .await? .json() .await?; if let (Some(access_token), Some(expires_in)) = (value["access_token"].as_str(), value["expires_in"].as_i64()) { Ok((access_token.to_string(), expires_in)) } else if let Some(err_msg) = value["error_description"].as_str() { bail!("{err_msg}") } else { bail!("Invalid response data: {value}") } } async fn load_adc(file: &Option) -> Result { let adc_file = file .as_ref() .map(PathBuf::from) .or_else(default_adc_file) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No application_default_credentials.json"))?; let data = tokio::fs::read_to_string(adc_file).await?; let data: Value = serde_json::from_str(&data)?; if let (Some(client_id), Some(client_secret), Some(refresh_token)) = ( data["client_id"].as_str(), data["client_secret"].as_str(), data["refresh_token"].as_str(), ) { Ok(json!({ "client_id": client_id, "client_secret": client_secret, "refresh_token": refresh_token, "grant_type": "refresh_token", })) } else { bail!("Invalid application_default_credentials.json") } } #[cfg(not(windows))] fn default_adc_file() -> Option { let mut path = dirs::home_dir()?; path.push(".config"); path.push("gcloud"); path.push("application_default_credentials.json"); Some(path) } #[cfg(windows)] fn default_adc_file() -> Option { let mut path = dirs::config_dir()?; path.push("gcloud"); path.push("application_default_credentials.json"); Some(path) }