mod conversation; mod message; mod role; use self::message::Message; use self::role::Role; use self::{conversation::Conversation, message::within_max_tokens_limit}; use crate::utils::now; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result}; use inquire::{Confirm, Text}; use parking_lot::Mutex; use serde::Deserialize; use std::{ env, fs::{create_dir_all, read_to_string, File, OpenOptions}, io::Write, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::exit, sync::Arc, }; const CONFIG_FILE_NAME: &str = "config.yaml"; const ROLES_FILE_NAME: &str = "roles.yaml"; const HISTORY_FILE_NAME: &str = "history.txt"; const MESSAGE_FILE_NAME: &str = ""; const SET_COMPLETIONS: [&str; 9] = [ ".set api_key", ".set temperature", ".set save true", ".set save false", ".set highlight true", ".set highlight false", ".set proxy", ".set dry_run true", ".set dry_run false", ]; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct Config { /// Openai api key pub api_key: Option, /// What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2 pub temperature: Option, /// Whether to persistently save chat messages pub save: bool, /// Whether to disable highlight pub highlight: bool, /// Set proxy pub proxy: Option, /// Used only for debugging pub dry_run: bool, /// If set ture, start a conversation immediately upon repl pub conversation_first: bool, /// Predefined roles #[serde(skip)] pub roles: Vec, /// Current selected role #[serde(skip)] pub role: Option, /// Current conversation #[serde(skip)] pub conversation: Option, } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Self { Self { api_key: None, temperature: None, save: false, highlight: true, proxy: None, dry_run: false, conversation_first: false, roles: vec![], role: None, conversation: None, } } } pub type SharedConfig = Arc>; impl Config { pub fn init(is_interactive: bool) -> Result { let api_key = env::var(get_env_name("api_key")).ok(); let config_path = Self::config_file()?; if is_interactive && api_key.is_none() && !config_path.exists() { create_config_file(&config_path)?; } let mut config = if api_key.is_some() && !config_path.exists() { Default::default() } else { Self::load_config(&config_path)? }; if api_key.is_some() { config.api_key = api_key; } if config.api_key.is_none() { bail!("api_key not set"); } config.merge_env_vars(); config.load_roles()?; Ok(config) } pub fn on_repl(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if self.conversation_first { self.start_conversation()?; } Ok(()) } pub fn find_role(&self, name: &str) -> Option { self.roles.iter().find(|v| == name).cloned() } pub fn config_dir() -> Result { let env_name = get_env_name("config_dir"); let path = match env::var_os(env_name) { Some(v) => PathBuf::from(v), None => { let mut dir = dirs::config_dir().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Not found config dir"))?; dir.push(env!("CARGO_CRATE_NAME")); dir } }; Ok(path) } pub fn local_file(name: &str) -> Result { let mut path = Self::config_dir()?; path.push(name); Ok(path) } pub fn save_message(&self, input: &str, output: &str) -> Result<()> { if ! { return Ok(()); } let mut file = self.open_message_file()?; if output.is_empty() || ! { return Ok(()); } let timestamp = now(); let output = match self.role.as_ref() { None => { format!("# CHAT:[{timestamp}]\n{input}\n--------\n{output}\n--------\n\n",) } Some(v) => { if v.is_temp() { format!( "# CHAT:[{timestamp}]\n{}\n{input}\n--------\n{output}\n--------\n\n", v.prompt ) } else { format!( "# CHAT:[{timestamp}] ({})\n{input}\n--------\n{output}\n--------\n\n",, ) } } }; file.write_all(output.as_bytes()) .with_context(|| "Failed to save message") } pub fn config_file() -> Result { Self::local_file(CONFIG_FILE_NAME) } pub fn get_api_key(&self) -> &String { self.api_key.as_ref().expect("api_key not set") } pub fn roles_file() -> Result { let env_name = get_env_name("roles_file"); if let Ok(value) = env::var(env_name) { Ok(PathBuf::from(value)) } else { Self::local_file(ROLES_FILE_NAME) } } pub fn history_file() -> Result { Self::local_file(HISTORY_FILE_NAME) } pub fn messages_file() -> Result { Self::local_file(MESSAGE_FILE_NAME) } pub fn change_role(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result { match self.find_role(name) { Some(role) => { if let Some(conversation) = self.conversation.as_mut() { conversation.update_role(&role)?; } let output = serde_yaml::to_string(&role).unwrap_or("Unable to echo role details".into()); self.role = Some(role); Ok(output) } None => bail!("Error: Unknown role"), } } pub fn clear_role(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if let Some(conversation) = self.conversation.as_ref() { conversation.can_clear_role()?; } self.role = None; Ok(()) } pub fn add_prompt(&mut self, prompt: &str) -> Result<()> { let role = Role::new(prompt, self.temperature); if let Some(conversation) = self.conversation.as_mut() { conversation.update_role(&role)?; } self.role = Some(role); Ok(()) } pub fn get_temperature(&self) -> Option { self.role .as_ref() .and_then(|v| v.temperature) .or(self.temperature) } pub fn echo_messages(&self, content: &str) -> String { if let Some(conversation) = self.conversation.as_ref() { conversation.echo_messages(content) } else if let Some(role) = self.role.as_ref() { role.echo_messages(content) } else { content.to_string() } } pub fn build_messages(&self, content: &str) -> Result> { let messages = if let Some(conversation) = self.conversation.as_ref() { conversation.build_emssages(content) } else if let Some(role) = self.role.as_ref() { role.build_emssages(content) } else { let message = Message::new(content); vec![message] }; within_max_tokens_limit(&messages)?; Ok(messages) } pub fn info(&self) -> Result { let file_info = |path: &Path| { let state = if path.exists() { "" } else { " ⚠️" }; format!("{}{state}", path.display()) }; let proxy = self .proxy .as_ref() .map(|v| v.to_string()) .unwrap_or("-".into()); let temperature = self .temperature .map(|v| v.to_string()) .unwrap_or("-".into()); let items = vec![ ("config_file", file_info(&Config::config_file()?)), ("roles_file", file_info(&Config::roles_file()?)), ("messages_file", file_info(&Config::messages_file()?)), ("api_key", self.get_api_key().to_string()), ("temperature", temperature), ("save",, ("highlight", self.highlight.to_string()), ("proxy", proxy), ("conversation_first", self.conversation_first.to_string()), ("dry_run", self.dry_run.to_string()), ]; let mut output = String::new(); for (name, value) in items { output.push_str(&format!("{name:<20}{value}\n")); } Ok(output) } pub fn repl_completions(&self) -> Vec { let mut completion: Vec = self .roles .iter() .map(|v| format!(".role {}", .collect(); completion.extend(|v| v.to_string())); completion } pub fn update(&mut self, data: &str) -> Result<()> { let parts: Vec<&str> = data.split_whitespace().collect(); if parts.len() != 2 { bail!("Usage: .set . If value is null, unset key."); } let key = parts[0]; let value = parts[1]; let unset = value == "null"; match key { "api_key" => { if unset { bail!("Error: Not allowed"); } else { self.api_key = Some(value.to_string()); } } "temperature" => { if unset { self.temperature = None; } else { let value = value.parse().with_context(|| "Invalid value")?; self.temperature = Some(value); } } "save" => { let value = value.parse().with_context(|| "Invalid value")?; = value; } "highlight" => { let value = value.parse().with_context(|| "Invalid value")?; self.highlight = value; } "proxy" => { if unset { self.proxy = None; } else { self.proxy = Some(value.to_string()); } } "dry_run" => { let value = value.parse().with_context(|| "Invalid value")?; self.dry_run = value; } _ => bail!("Error: Unknown key `{key}`"), } Ok(()) } pub fn start_conversation(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if let Some(conversation) = self.conversation.as_ref() { if conversation.reamind_tokens() > 0 { let ans = Confirm::new("Already in a conversation, start a new one?") .with_default(true) .prompt()?; if !ans { return Ok(()); } } } self.conversation = Some(Conversation::new(self.role.clone())); Ok(()) } pub fn end_conversation(&mut self) { self.conversation = None; } pub fn save_conversation(&mut self, input: &str, output: &str) -> Result<()> { if let Some(conversation) = self.conversation.as_mut() { conversation.add_message(input, output)?; } Ok(()) } fn open_message_file(&self) -> Result { let path = Config::messages_file()?; ensure_parent_exists(&path)?; OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .append(true) .open(&path) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to create/append {}", path.display())) } fn load_config(config_path: &Path) -> Result { let content = read_to_string(config_path) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to load config at {}", config_path.display()))?; let config: Config = serde_yaml::from_str(&content) .with_context(|| format!("Invalid config at {}", config_path.display()))?; Ok(config) } fn load_roles(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let path = Self::roles_file()?; if !path.exists() { return Ok(()); } let content = read_to_string(&path) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to load roles at {}", path.display()))?; let roles: Vec = serde_yaml::from_str(&content).with_context(|| "Invalid roles config")?; self.roles = roles; Ok(()) } fn merge_env_vars(&mut self) { if let Ok(value) = env::var(get_env_name("dry_run")) { match value.as_str() { "1" | "true" => self.dry_run = true, "0" | "false" => self.dry_run = false, _ => {} } } } } fn create_config_file(config_path: &Path) -> Result<()> { let confirm_map_err = |_| anyhow!("Not finish questionnaire, try again later."); let text_map_err = |_| anyhow!("An error happened when asking for your key, try again later."); let ans = Confirm::new("No config file, create a new one?") .with_default(true) .prompt() .map_err(confirm_map_err)?; if !ans { exit(0); } let api_key = Text::new("Openai API Key:") .prompt() .map_err(text_map_err)?; let mut raw_config = format!("api_key: {api_key}\n"); let ans = Confirm::new("Use proxy?") .with_default(false) .prompt() .map_err(confirm_map_err)?; if ans { let proxy = Text::new("Set proxy:").prompt().map_err(text_map_err)?; raw_config.push_str(&format!("proxy: {proxy}\n")); } let ans = Confirm::new("Save chat messages") .with_default(true) .prompt() .map_err(confirm_map_err)?; if ans { raw_config.push_str("save: true\n"); } ensure_parent_exists(config_path)?; std::fs::write(config_path, raw_config).with_context(|| "Failed to write to config file")?; Ok(()) } fn ensure_parent_exists(path: &Path) -> Result<()> { if path.exists() { return Ok(()); } let parent = path .parent() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Failed to write to {}, No parent path", path.display()))?; if !parent.exists() { create_dir_all(parent).with_context(|| { format!( "Failed to write {}, Cannot create parent directory", path.display() ) })?; } Ok(()) } fn get_env_name(key: &str) -> String { format!( "{}_{}", env!("CARGO_CRATE_NAME").to_ascii_uppercase(), key.to_ascii_uppercase(), ) }