complete -c aichat -s m -l model -x -a "(aichat --list-models)" -d 'Select a LLM model' -r complete -c aichat -l prompt -d 'Use the system prompt' complete -c aichat -s r -l role -x -a "(aichat --list-roles)" -d 'Select a role' -r complete -c aichat -s s -l session -x -a"(aichat --list-sessions)" -d 'Start or join a session' -r complete -c aichat -l save-session -d 'Forces the session to be saved' complete -c aichat -s a -l agent -x -a"(aichat --list-agents)" -d 'Start a agent' -r complete -c aichat -s R -l rag -x -a"(aichat --list-rags)" -d 'Start a RAG' -r complete -c aichat -s f -l file -d 'Include files with the message' -r -F complete -c aichat -s w -l wrap -d 'Control text wrapping (no, auto, )' complete -c aichat -l serve -d 'Serve the LLM API and WebAPP' complete -c aichat -s e -l execute -d 'Execute commands in natural language' complete -c aichat -s c -l code -d 'Output code only' complete -c aichat -s H -l no-highlight -d 'Turn off syntax highlighting' complete -c aichat -s S -l no-stream -d 'Turns off stream mode' complete -c aichat -l light-theme -d 'Use light theme' complete -c aichat -l dry-run -d 'Display the message without sending it' complete -c aichat -l info -d 'Display information' complete -c aichat -l list-models -d 'List all available chat models' complete -c aichat -l list-roles -d 'List all roles' complete -c aichat -l list-sessions -d 'List all sessions' complete -c aichat -l list-agents -d 'List all agents' complete -c aichat -l list-rags -d 'List all RAGs' complete -c aichat -s h -l help -d 'Print help' complete -c aichat -s V -l version -d 'Print version'