model: openai:gpt-3.5-turbo # Specify the language model to use temperature: null # Set default temperature parameter top_p: null # Set default top-p parameter save: true # Indicates whether to persist the message save_session: null # Controls the persistence of the session, if null, asking the user highlight: true # Controls syntax highlighting light_theme: false # Activates a light color theme when true wrap: no # Controls text wrapping (no, auto, ) wrap_code: false # Enables or disables wrapping of code blocks auto_copy: false # Enables or disables automatic copying the last LLM response to the clipboard keybindings: emacs # Choose keybinding style (emacs, vi) prelude: null # Set a default role or session to start with (role:, session:) # Command that will be used to edit the current line buffer with ctrl+o # if unset fallback to $EDITOR and $VISUAL buffer_editor: null # Compress session when token count reaches or exceeds this threshold (must be at least 1000) compress_threshold: 1000 # Text prompt used for creating a concise summary of session message summarize_prompt: 'Summarize the discussion briefly in 200 words or less to use as a prompt for future context.' # Text prompt used for including the summary of the entire session summary_prompt: 'This is a summary of the chat history as a recap: ' # Custom REPL prompt, see left_prompt: '{}{?session {session}{?role /}}{role}{color.cyan}{?session )}{!session >}{color.reset} ' right_prompt: '{color.purple}{?session {?consume_tokens {consume_tokens}({consume_percent}%)}{!consume_tokens {consume_tokens}}}{color.reset}' clients: # All clients have the following configuration: # - type: xxxx # name: xxxx # Only use it to distinguish clients with the same client type. Optional # models: # - name: xxxx # The model name # max_input_tokens: 100000 # Optional field # max_output_tokens: 4096 # Optional field # capabilities: text,vision # Optional field, supported capabilities: text, vision # extra_fields: # Optional field, set custom parameters, will merge with the body json # key: value # extra: # proxy: socks5:// # Specify https/socks5 proxy server. Note HTTPS_PROXY/ALL_PROXY also works. # connect_timeout: 10 # Set a timeout in seconds for connect to server # See - type: openai api_key: sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx api_base: # Optional field organization_id: org-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Optional field # See - type: gemini api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Optional field, possible values: BLOCK_NONE, BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH, BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE, BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE block_threshold: BLOCK_NONE # See - type: claude api_key: sk-ant-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # See - type: mistral api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # See - type: cohere api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Any openai-compatible API providers - type: openai-compatible name: localai api_base: http://localhost:8080/v1 api_key: sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx chat_endpoint: /chat/completions # Optional field models: - name: llama2 max_input_tokens: 8192 extra_fields: # Optional field, set custom parameters key: value - name: llava max_input_tokens: 8192 capabilities: text,vision # Optional field, choices: text, vision # See - type: ollama api_base: http://localhost:11434 api_key: Basic xxx # Set authorization header chat_endpoint: /chat # Optional field models: - name: llama2 max_input_tokens: 8192 # See - type: azure-openai api_base: https://{RESOURCE} api_key: xxx models: - name: MyGPT4 # Model deployment name max_input_tokens: 8192 # See - type: vertexai api_base: https://{REGION}{PROJECT_ID}/locations/{REGION}/publishers/google/models # Specifies a application-default-credentials (adc) file, Optional field # Run `gcloud auth application-default login` to init the adc file # see adc_file: # Optional field, possible values: BLOCK_NONE, BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH, BLOCK_MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE, BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE block_threshold: BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH # See - type: ernie api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # See - type: qianwen api_key: sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx