model: openai:gpt-3.5-turbo # Choose a model temperature: 1.0 # See save: true # If set true, aichat will save non-session chat messages to highlight: true # Set false to turn highlight light_theme: false # If set true, use light theme wrap: no # Specify the text-wrapping mode (no*, auto, ) wrap_code: false # Whether wrap code block auto_copy: false # Automatically copy the last output to the clipboard keybindings: emacs # REPL keybindings, possible values: emacs (default), vi clients: # All clients have the following configuration: # ``` # - type: xxxx # name: nova # Only use it to distinguish clients with the same client type. Optional # extra: # proxy: socks5:// # Specify https/socks5 proxy server. Note HTTPS_PROXY/ALL_PROXY also works. # connect_timeout: 10 # Set a timeout in seconds for connect to server # ``` # See - type: openai api_key: sk-xxx organization_id: org-xxx # Organization ID. Optional # See - type: azure-openai api_base: api_key: xxx models: # Support models - name: MyGPT4 # Model deployment name max_tokens: 8192 # See - type: localai api_base: http://localhost:8080/v1 api_key: xxx chat_endpoint: /chat/completions # Optional models: # Support models - name: gpt4all-j max_tokens: 8192