#compdef aichat autoload -U is-at-least _aichat() { typeset -A opt_args typeset -a _arguments_options local ret=1 if is-at-least 5.2; then _arguments_options=(-s -S -C) else _arguments_options=(-s -C) fi local context curcontext="$curcontext" state line local common=( '-m+[Select a LLM model]:MODEL:->models' \ '--prompt=[Use the system prompt]:PROMPT: ' \ '--model=[Select a LLM model]:MODEL:->models' \ '-r+[Select a role]:ROLE:->roles' \ '--role=[Select a role]:ROLE:->roles' \ '-s+[Start or join a session]:SESSION:->sessions' \ '--session=[Start or join a session]:SESSION:->sessions' \ '--save-session[Forces the session to be saved]' \ '-b+[Start a bot]:BOT:->bots' \ '--bot=[Start a bot]:BOT:->bots' \ '--rag=[Start a RAG]:RAG:->rags' \ '*-f+[Include files with the message]:FILE:_files' \ '*--file=[Include files with the message]:FILE:_files' \ '-w+[Control text wrapping (no, auto, )]:WRAP: ' \ '--wrap=[Control text wrapping (no, auto, )]:WRAP: ' \ '--serve[Serve the LLM API and WebAPP]' \ '-e[Execute commands in natural language]' \ '--execute[Execute commands in natural language]' \ '-c[Output code only]' \ '--code[Output code only]' \ '-H[Turn off syntax highlighting]' \ '--no-highlight[Turn off syntax highlighting]' \ '-S[Turns off stream mode]' \ '--no-stream[Turns off stream mode]' \ '--light-theme[Use light theme]' \ '--dry-run[Display the message without sending it]' \ '--info[Display information]' \ '--list-models[List all available chat models]' \ '--list-roles[List all roles]' \ '--list-sessions[List all sessions]' \ '--list-bots[List all bots]' \ '--list-rags[List all RAGs]' \ '-h[Print help]' \ '--help[Print help]' \ '-V[Print version]' \ '--version[Print version]' \ '*::text -- Input text:' \ ) _arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" $common \ && ret=0 case $state in models|roles|sessions|bots|rags) local -a values expl values=( ${(f)"$(_call_program values aichat --list-$state)"} ) _wanted values expl $state compadd -a values && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } (( $+functions[_aichat_commands] )) || _aichat_commands() { local commands; commands=() _describe -t commands 'aichat commands' commands "$@" } if [ "$funcstack[1]" = "_aichat" ]; then _aichat "$@" else compdef _aichat aichat fi