mod bot; mod input; mod role; mod session; pub use self::bot::{list_bots, Bot, BotConfig}; pub use self::input::Input; pub use self::role::{Role, RoleLike, CODE_ROLE, EXPLAIN_SHELL_ROLE, SHELL_ROLE}; use self::session::Session; use crate::client::{ create_client_config, list_chat_models, list_client_types, ClientConfig, Model, OPENAI_COMPATIBLE_PLATFORMS, }; use crate::function::{FunctionDeclaration, Functions, FunctionsFilter, ToolResult}; use crate::rag::Rag; use crate::render::{MarkdownRender, RenderOptions}; use crate::utils::*; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result}; use fancy_regex::Regex; use inquire::{Confirm, Select}; use parking_lot::RwLock; use serde::Deserialize; use serde_json::json; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::{ env, fs::{create_dir_all, read_dir, read_to_string, remove_file, File, OpenOptions}, io::Write, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::exit, sync::Arc, }; use syntect::highlighting::ThemeSet; /// Monokai Extended const DARK_THEME: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../assets/monokai-extended.theme.bin"); const LIGHT_THEME: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../assets/monokai-extended-light.theme.bin"); const CONFIG_FILE_NAME: &str = "config.yaml"; const ROLES_FILE_NAME: &str = "roles.yaml"; const MESSAGES_FILE_NAME: &str = ""; const SESSIONS_DIR_NAME: &str = "sessions"; const RAGS_DIR_NAME: &str = "rags"; const FUNCTIONS_DIR_NAME: &str = "functions"; const FUNCTIONS_FILE_NAME: &str = "functions.json"; const FUNCTIONS_BIN_DIR_NAME: &str = "bin"; const BOTS_DIR_NAME: &str = "bots"; const BOT_DEFINITION_FILE_NAME: &str = "index.yaml"; const BOT_EMBEDDINGS_DIR: &str = "embeddings"; const BOT_RAG_FILE_NAME: &str = "rag.bin"; pub const TEMP_ROLE_NAME: &str = "%%"; pub const TEMP_RAG_NAME: &str = "temp"; pub const TEMP_SESSION_NAME: &str = "temp"; const CLIENTS_FIELD: &str = "clients"; const SUMMARIZE_PROMPT: &str = "Summarize the discussion briefly in 200 words or less to use as a prompt for future context."; const SUMMARY_PROMPT: &str = "This is a summary of the chat history as a recap: "; const RAG_TEMPLATE: &str = r#"Use the following context as your learned knowledge, inside XML tags. __CONTEXT__ When answer to user: - If you don't know, just say that you don't know. - If you don't know when you are not sure, ask for clarification. Avoid mentioning that you obtained the information from the context. And answer according to the language of the user's question. Given the context information, answer the query. Query: __INPUT__"#; const LEFT_PROMPT: &str = "{}{?session {?bot {bot}#}{session}{?role /}}{!session {?bot {bot}}}{role}{?rag @{rag}}{color.cyan}{?session )}{!session >}{color.reset} "; const RIGHT_PROMPT: &str = "{color.purple}{?session {?consume_tokens {consume_tokens}({consume_percent}%)}{!consume_tokens {consume_tokens}}}{color.reset}"; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct Config { #[serde(rename(serialize = "model", deserialize = "model"))] #[serde(default)] pub model_id: String, pub temperature: Option, pub top_p: Option, pub dry_run: bool, pub save: bool, pub save_session: Option, pub highlight: bool, pub light_theme: bool, pub wrap: Option, pub wrap_code: bool, pub keybindings: Keybindings, pub prelude: Option, pub repl_prelude: Option, pub buffer_editor: Option, pub function_calling: bool, pub dangerously_functions_filter: Option, pub bot_prelude: Option, pub bots: Vec, pub rag_embedding_model: Option, pub rag_chunk_size: Option, pub rag_chunk_overlap: Option, pub rag_top_k: usize, pub rag_min_score_vector: f32, pub rag_min_score_text: f32, pub rag_template: Option, pub compress_threshold: usize, pub summarize_prompt: Option, pub summary_prompt: Option, pub left_prompt: Option, pub right_prompt: Option, pub clients: Vec, #[serde(skip)] pub roles: Vec, #[serde(skip)] pub role: Option, #[serde(skip)] pub session: Option, #[serde(skip)] pub rag: Option>, #[serde(skip)] pub bot: Option, #[serde(skip)] pub model: Model, #[serde(skip)] pub functions: Functions, #[serde(skip)] pub working_mode: WorkingMode, #[serde(skip)] pub last_message: Option<(Input, String)>, } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Self { Self { model_id: Default::default(), temperature: None, top_p: None, save: false, save_session: None, highlight: true, dry_run: false, light_theme: false, wrap: None, wrap_code: false, keybindings: Default::default(), prelude: None, repl_prelude: None, buffer_editor: None, function_calling: false, dangerously_functions_filter: None, bot_prelude: None, bots: vec![], rag_embedding_model: None, rag_chunk_size: None, rag_chunk_overlap: None, rag_top_k: 4, rag_min_score_vector: 0.0, rag_min_score_text: 0.0, rag_template: None, compress_threshold: 4000, summarize_prompt: None, summary_prompt: None, left_prompt: None, right_prompt: None, clients: vec![], roles: vec![], role: None, session: None, rag: None, bot: None, model: Default::default(), functions: Default::default(), working_mode: WorkingMode::Command, last_message: None, } } } pub type GlobalConfig = Arc>; impl Config { pub fn init(working_mode: WorkingMode) -> Result { let config_path = Self::config_file()?; let platform = env::var(get_env_name("platform")).ok(); if *IS_STDOUT_TERMINAL && platform.is_none() && !config_path.exists() { create_config_file(&config_path)?; } let mut config = if platform.is_some() { Self::load_config_env(&platform.unwrap())? } else { Self::load_config_file(&config_path)? }; if let Some(wrap) = config.wrap.clone() { config.set_wrap(&wrap)?; } config.functions = Functions::init(&Self::functions_file()?)?; config.working_mode = working_mode; config.load_roles()?; config.setup_model()?; config.setup_highlight(); config.setup_light_theme()?; Ok(config) } pub fn config_dir() -> Result { let env_name = get_env_name("config_dir"); let path = if let Some(v) = env::var_os(env_name) { PathBuf::from(v) } else { let mut dir = dirs::config_dir().ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Not found config dir"))?; dir.push(env!("CARGO_CRATE_NAME")); dir }; Ok(path) } pub fn local_path(name: &str) -> Result { let mut path = Self::config_dir()?; path.push(name); Ok(path) } pub fn config_file() -> Result { match env::var(get_env_name("config_file")) { Ok(value) => Ok(PathBuf::from(value)), Err(_) => Self::local_path(CONFIG_FILE_NAME), } } pub fn roles_file() -> Result { match env::var(get_env_name("roles_file")) { Ok(value) => Ok(PathBuf::from(value)), Err(_) => Self::local_path(ROLES_FILE_NAME), } } pub fn messages_file(&self) -> Result { match & { None => match env::var(get_env_name("messages_file")) { Ok(value) => Ok(PathBuf::from(value)), Err(_) => Self::local_path(MESSAGES_FILE_NAME), }, Some(bot) => Ok(Self::bot_config_dir(, } } pub fn sessions_dir(&self) -> Result { match & { None => match env::var(get_env_name("sessions_dir")) { Ok(value) => Ok(PathBuf::from(value)), Err(_) => Self::local_path(SESSIONS_DIR_NAME), }, Some(bot) => Ok(Self::bot_config_dir(, } } pub fn rags_dir() -> Result { match env::var(get_env_name("rags_dir")) { Ok(value) => Ok(PathBuf::from(value)), Err(_) => Self::local_path(RAGS_DIR_NAME), } } pub fn functions_dir() -> Result { match env::var(get_env_name("functions_dir")) { Ok(value) => Ok(PathBuf::from(value)), Err(_) => Self::local_path(FUNCTIONS_DIR_NAME), } } pub fn functions_file() -> Result { Ok(Self::functions_dir()?.join(FUNCTIONS_FILE_NAME)) } pub fn functions_bin_dir() -> Result { Ok(Self::functions_dir()?.join(FUNCTIONS_BIN_DIR_NAME)) } pub fn session_file(&self, name: &str) -> Result { Ok(self.sessions_dir()?.join(format!("{name}.yaml"))) } pub fn rag_file(&self, name: &str) -> Result { let path = if { Self::rags_dir()?.join(format!("{name}.bin")) } else { Self::rags_dir()? .join(BOTS_DIR_NAME) .join(format!("{name}.bin")) }; Ok(path) } pub fn bots_dir() -> Result { match env::var(get_env_name("bots_dir")) { Ok(value) => Ok(PathBuf::from(value)), Err(_) => Self::local_path(BOTS_DIR_NAME), } } pub fn bot_config_dir(name: &str) -> Result { Ok(Self::bots_dir()?.join(name)) } pub fn bot_rag_file(name: &str) -> Result { Ok(Self::bot_config_dir(name)?.join(BOT_RAG_FILE_NAME)) } pub fn bot_source_dir(name: &str) -> Result { Ok(Self::functions_dir()?.join(BOTS_DIR_NAME).join(name)) } pub fn bot_functions_file(name: &str) -> Result { Ok(Self::bot_source_dir(name)?.join(FUNCTIONS_FILE_NAME)) } pub fn bot_definition_file(name: &str) -> Result { Ok(Self::bot_source_dir(name)?.join(BOT_DEFINITION_FILE_NAME)) } pub fn bot_embeddings_dir(name: &str) -> Result { Ok(Self::bot_source_dir(name)?.join(BOT_EMBEDDINGS_DIR)) } pub fn state(&self) -> StateFlags { let mut flags = StateFlags::empty(); if let Some(session) = &self.session { if session.is_empty() { flags |= StateFlags::SESSION_EMPTY; } else { flags |= StateFlags::SESSION; } } if { flags |= StateFlags::BOT; } if self.role.is_some() { flags |= StateFlags::ROLE; } if self.rag.is_some() { flags |= StateFlags::RAG; } flags } pub fn current_model(&self) -> &Model { if let Some(session) = self.session.as_ref() { session.model() } else if let Some(bot) = { bot.model() } else if let Some(role) = self.role.as_ref() { role.model() } else { &self.model } } pub fn role_like_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn RoleLike> { if let Some(session) = self.session.as_mut() { Some(session) } else if let Some(bot) = { Some(bot) } else if let Some(role) = self.role.as_mut() { Some(role) } else { None } } pub fn extract_role(&self) -> Role { let mut role = if let Some(session) = self.session.as_ref() { session.to_role() } else if let Some(bot) = { bot.to_role() } else if let Some(role) = self.role.as_ref() { role.clone() } else { let mut role = Role::default(); role.batch_set(&self.model, self.temperature, self.top_p, None); role }; if role.temperature().is_none() && self.temperature.is_some() { role.set_temperature(self.temperature); } if role.top_p().is_none() && self.top_p.is_some() { role.set_top_p(self.top_p); } role } pub fn info(&self) -> Result { if let Some(bot) = & { let output = bot.export()?; if let Some(session) = &self.session { let session = session .export()? .split('\n') .map(|v| format!(" {v}")) .collect::>() .join("\n"); Ok(format!("{output}session:\n{session}")) } else { Ok(output) } } else if let Some(session) = &self.session { session.export() } else if let Some(role) = &self.role { role.export() } else if let Some(rag) = &self.rag { rag.export() } else { self.sysinfo() } } pub fn sysinfo(&self) -> Result { let display_path = |path: &Path| path.display().to_string(); let wrap = self .wrap .clone() .map_or_else(|| String::from("no"), |v| v.to_string()); let role = self.extract_role(); let items = vec![ ("model", role.model().id()), ( "max_output_tokens", self.model .max_tokens_param() .map(|v| format!("{v} (current model)")) .unwrap_or_else(|| "-".into()), ), ("temperature", format_option_value(&role.temperature())), ("top_p", format_option_value(&role.top_p())), ("rag_top_k", self.rag_top_k.to_string()), ("function_calling", self.function_calling.to_string()), ("compress_threshold", self.compress_threshold.to_string()), ("dry_run", self.dry_run.to_string()), ("save",, ("save_session", format_option_value(&self.save_session)), ("highlight", self.highlight.to_string()), ("light_theme", self.light_theme.to_string()), ("wrap", wrap), ("wrap_code", self.wrap_code.to_string()), ("keybindings", self.keybindings.stringify().into()), ("prelude", format_option_value(&self.prelude)), ("config_file", display_path(&Self::config_file()?)), ("roles_file", display_path(&Self::roles_file()?)), ("functions_dir", display_path(&Self::functions_dir()?)), ("rags_dir", display_path(&Self::rags_dir()?)), ("bots_dir", display_path(&Self::bots_dir()?)), ("sessions_dir", display_path(&self.sessions_dir()?)), ("messages_file", display_path(&self.messages_file()?)), ]; let output = items .iter() .map(|(name, value)| format!("{name:<20}{value}")) .collect::>() .join("\n"); Ok(output) } pub fn update(&mut self, data: &str) -> Result<()> { let parts: Vec<&str> = data.split_whitespace().collect(); if parts.len() != 2 { bail!("Usage: .set . If value is null, unset key."); } let key = parts[0]; let value = parts[1]; match key { "max_output_tokens" => { let value = parse_value(value)?; self.set_max_output_tokens(value); } "temperature" => { let value = parse_value(value)?; self.set_temperature(value); } "top_p" => { let value = parse_value(value)?; self.set_top_p(value); } "rag_top_k" => { if let Some(value) = parse_value(value)? { self.rag_top_k = value; } } "function_calling" => { let value = value.parse().with_context(|| "Invalid value")?; self.function_calling = value; } "compress_threshold" => { let value = parse_value(value)?; self.set_compress_threshold(value); } "save" => { let value = value.parse().with_context(|| "Invalid value")?; = value; } "save_session" => { let value = parse_value(value)?; self.set_save_session(value); } "highlight" => { let value = value.parse().with_context(|| "Invalid value")?; self.highlight = value; } "dry_run" => { let value = value.parse().with_context(|| "Invalid value")?; self.dry_run = value; } _ => bail!("Unknown key `{key}`"), } Ok(()) } pub fn set_temperature(&mut self, value: Option) { match self.role_like_mut() { Some(role_like) => role_like.set_temperature(value), None => self.temperature = value, } } pub fn set_top_p(&mut self, value: Option) { match self.role_like_mut() { Some(role_like) => role_like.set_top_p(value), None => self.top_p = value, } } pub fn set_save_session(&mut self, value: Option) { if let Some(session) = self.session.as_mut() { session.set_save_session(value); } else { self.save_session = value; } } pub fn set_compress_threshold(&mut self, value: Option) { if let Some(session) = self.session.as_mut() { session.set_compress_threshold(value); } else { self.compress_threshold = value.unwrap_or_default(); } } pub fn set_wrap(&mut self, value: &str) -> Result<()> { if value == "no" { self.wrap = None; } else if value == "auto" { self.wrap = Some(value.into()); } else { value .parse::() .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Invalid wrap value"))?; self.wrap = Some(value.into()) } Ok(()) } pub fn set_max_output_tokens(&mut self, value: Option) { match self.role_like_mut() { Some(role_like) => role_like.model_mut().set_max_tokens(value, true), None => self.model.set_max_tokens(value, true), }; } pub fn set_model(&mut self, model_id: &str) -> Result<()> { let model = Model::retrieve_chat(self, model_id)?; match self.role_like_mut() { Some(role_like) => role_like.set_model(&model), None => { self.model = model; } } Ok(()) } pub fn use_prompt(&mut self, prompt: &str) -> Result<()> { let mut role = Role::new(TEMP_ROLE_NAME, prompt); role.set_model(&self.model); self.use_role_obj(role) } pub fn use_role(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<()> { let role = self.retrieve_role(name)?; self.use_role_obj(role) } pub fn use_role_obj(&mut self, role: Role) -> Result<()> { if { bail!("Cannot perform this action because you are using a bot") } if let Some(session) = self.session.as_mut() { session.guard_empty()?; session.set_role(role); } else { self.role = Some(role); } Ok(()) } pub fn role_info(&self) -> Result { if let Some(role) = &self.role { role.export() } else { bail!("No role") } } pub fn exit_role(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if self.role.is_some() { if let Some(session) = self.session.as_mut() { session.clear_role(); } self.role = None; } Ok(()) } pub fn retrieve_role(&self, name: &str) -> Result { let mut role = self .roles .iter() .find(|v| v.match_name(name)) .map(|v| { let mut role = v.clone(); role.complete_prompt_args(name); role }) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Unknown role `{name}`"))?; match role.model_id() { Some(model_id) => { if != model_id { let model = Model::retrieve_chat(self, model_id)?; role.set_model(&model); } } None => role.set_model(&self.model), } Ok(role) } pub fn use_session(&mut self, session_name: Option<&str>) -> Result<()> { if self.session.is_some() { bail!( "Already in a session, please run '.exit session' first to exit the current session." ); } let mut session; match session_name { None | Some(TEMP_SESSION_NAME) => { let session_file = self.session_file(TEMP_SESSION_NAME)?; if session_file.exists() { remove_file(session_file).with_context(|| { format!("Failed to cleanup previous '{TEMP_SESSION_NAME}' session") })?; } session = Some(Session::new(self, TEMP_SESSION_NAME)); } Some(name) => { let session_path = self.session_file(name)?; if !session_path.exists() { session = Some(Session::new(self, name)); } else { session = Some(Session::load(self, name, &session_path)?); } } } if let Some(session) = session.as_mut() { if session.is_empty() { if let Some((input, output)) = &self.last_message { if == input.with_bot() { let ans = Confirm::new( "Start a session that incorporates the last question and answer?", ) .with_default(false) .prompt()?; if ans { session.add_message(input, output)?; } } } } } self.session = session; Ok(()) } pub fn session_info(&self) -> Result { if let Some(session) = &self.session { let render_options = self.render_options()?; let mut markdown_render = MarkdownRender::init(render_options)?; session.render(&mut markdown_render) } else { bail!("No session") } } pub fn exit_session(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if let Some(mut session) = self.session.take() { let sessions_dir = self.sessions_dir()?; session.exit(&sessions_dir, self.working_mode.is_repl())?; self.last_message = None; } Ok(()) } pub fn save_session(&mut self, name: Option<&str>) -> Result<()> { let name = match &self.session { Some(session) => match name { Some(v) => v.to_string(), None =>, }, None => bail!("No session"), }; let session_path = self.session_file(&name)?; if let Some(session) = self.session.as_mut() {, self.working_mode.is_repl())?; } Ok(()) } pub fn edit_session(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let name = match &self.session { Some(session) =>, None => bail!("No session"), }; let editor = match self.buffer_editor() { Some(editor) => editor, None => bail!("No editor, please set $EDITOR/$VISUAL."), }; let session_path = self.session_file(&name)?; self.save_session(Some(&name))?; edit_file(&editor, &session_path).with_context(|| { format!( "Failed to edit '{}' with '{editor}'", session_path.display() ) })?; self.session = Some(Session::load(self, &name, &session_path)?); self.last_message = None; Ok(()) } pub fn clear_session_messages(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if let Some(session) = self.session.as_mut() { session.clear_messages(); } else { bail!("No session") } self.last_message = None; Ok(()) } pub fn list_sessions(&self) -> Vec { let sessions_dir = match self.sessions_dir() { Ok(dir) => dir, Err(_) => return vec![], }; match read_dir(sessions_dir) { Ok(rd) => { let mut names = vec![]; for entry in rd.flatten() { let name = entry.file_name(); if let Some(name) = name.to_string_lossy().strip_suffix(".yaml") { names.push(name.to_string()); } } names.sort_unstable(); names } Err(_) => vec![], } } pub fn should_compress_session(&mut self) -> bool { if let Some(session) = self.session.as_mut() { if session.need_compress(self.compress_threshold) { session.set_compressing(true); return true; } } false } pub fn compress_session(&mut self, summary: &str) { if let Some(session) = self.session.as_mut() { let summary_prompt = self.summary_prompt.as_deref().unwrap_or(SUMMARY_PROMPT); session.compress(format!("{}{}", summary_prompt, summary)); } } pub fn summarize_prompt(&self) -> &str { self.summarize_prompt.as_deref().unwrap_or(SUMMARIZE_PROMPT) } pub fn is_compressing_session(&self) -> bool { self.session .as_ref() .map(|v| v.compressing()) .unwrap_or_default() } pub fn end_compressing_session(&mut self) { if let Some(session) = self.session.as_mut() { session.set_compressing(false); } self.last_message = None; } pub async fn use_rag( config: &GlobalConfig, rag: Option<&str>, abort_signal: AbortSignal, ) -> Result<()> { if { bail!("Cannot perform this action because you are using a bot") } let rag = match rag { None => { let rag_path =; if rag_path.exists() { remove_file(&rag_path).with_context(|| { format!("Failed to cleanup previous '{TEMP_RAG_NAME}' rag") })?; } Rag::init(config, TEMP_RAG_NAME, &rag_path, &[], abort_signal).await? } Some(name) => { let rag_path =; if !rag_path.exists() { Rag::init(config, name, &rag_path, &[], abort_signal).await? } else { Rag::load(config, name, &rag_path)? } } }; config.write().rag = Some(Arc::new(rag)); Ok(()) } pub fn rag_info(&self) -> Result { if let Some(rag) = &self.rag { rag.export() } else { bail!("No rag") } } pub fn exit_rag(&mut self) -> Result<()> { self.rag.take(); Ok(()) } pub fn list_rags(&self) -> Vec { let rags_dir = match Self::rags_dir() { Ok(dir) => dir, Err(_) => return vec![], }; match read_dir(rags_dir) { Ok(rd) => { let mut names = vec![]; for entry in rd.flatten() { let name = entry.file_name(); if let Some(name) = name.to_string_lossy().strip_suffix(".bin") { names.push(name.to_string()); } } names.sort_unstable(); names } Err(_) => vec![], } } pub fn rag_template(&self, embeddings: &str, text: &str) -> String { if embeddings.is_empty() { return text.to_string(); } self.rag_template .as_deref() .unwrap_or(RAG_TEMPLATE) .replace("__CONTEXT__", embeddings) .replace("__INPUT__", text) } pub async fn use_bot( config: &GlobalConfig, name: &str, session: Option<&str>, abort_signal: AbortSignal, ) -> Result<()> { if ! { bail!("Before using the bot, please configure function calling first."); } if { bail!("Already in a bot, please run '.exit bot' first to exit the current bot."); } let bot = Bot::init(config, name, abort_signal).await?; config.write().rag = bot.rag(); config.write().bot = Some(bot); let session = session .map(|v| v.to_string()) .or_else(||; if let Some(session) = session { config.write().use_session(Some(&session))?; } Ok(()) } pub fn bot_info(&self) -> Result { if let Some(bot) = & { bot.export() } else { bail!("No bot") } } pub fn bot_banner(&self) -> Result { if let Some(bot) = & { Ok(bot.banner()) } else { bail!("No bot") } } pub fn exit_bot(&mut self) -> Result<()> { self.exit_session()?; if { self.rag.take(); self.last_message = None; } Ok(()) } pub fn apply_prelude(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let prelude = match self.working_mode { WorkingMode::Command => self.prelude.as_ref(), WorkingMode::Repl => self.repl_prelude.as_ref().or(self.prelude.as_ref()), WorkingMode::Serve => return Ok(()), }; let prelude = match prelude { Some(v) => v.to_string(), None => return Ok(()), }; let err_msg = || format!("Invalid prelude '{}", prelude); match prelude.split_once(':') { Some(("role", name)) => { if self.state().is_empty() { self.use_role(name).with_context(err_msg)?; } } Some(("session", name)) => { if self.session.is_none() { self.use_session(Some(name)).with_context(err_msg)?; } } _ => { bail!("{}", err_msg()) } } Ok(()) } pub fn select_functions(&self, model: &Model, role: &Role) -> Option> { let mut functions = None; if self.function_calling { let filter = role.functions_filter(); if let Some(filter) = filter { functions = match & { Some(bot) => bot.functions().select(&filter), None =>, }; if !model.supports_function_calling() { functions = None; if *IS_STDOUT_TERMINAL { eprintln!("{}", warning_text("WARNING: the role or session includes functions, but the model or client does not support function calling.")); } } } }; functions } pub fn is_dangerously_function(&self, name: &str) -> bool { if get_env_bool("no_dangerously_functions") { return false; } let dangerously_functions_filter = match & { Some(bot) => bot.config().dangerously_functions_filter.as_ref(), None => self.dangerously_functions_filter.as_ref(), }; match dangerously_functions_filter { None => false, Some(regex) => { let regex = match Regex::new(&format!("^({regex})$")) { Ok(v) => v, Err(_) => return false, }; regex.is_match(name).unwrap_or(false) } } } pub fn buffer_editor(&self) -> Option { self.buffer_editor .clone() .or_else(|| env::var("VISUAL").ok().or_else(|| env::var("EDITOR").ok())) } pub fn repl_complete(&self, cmd: &str, args: &[&str]) -> Vec<(String, Option)> { let (values, filter) = if args.len() == 1 { let values = match cmd { ".role" => self .roles .iter() .map(|v| (, None)) .collect(), ".model" => list_chat_models(self) .into_iter() .map(|v| (, Some(v.description()))) .collect(), ".session" => self .list_sessions() .into_iter() .map(|v| (v, None)) .collect(), ".rag" => self.list_rags().into_iter().map(|v| (v, None)).collect(), ".bot" => list_bots().into_iter().map(|v| (v, None)).collect(), ".starter" => match & { Some(bot) => bot .conversation_staters() .iter() .map(|v| (v.clone(), None)) .collect(), None => vec![], }, ".set" => vec![ "max_output_tokens", "temperature", "top_p", "rag_top_k", "function_calling", "compress_threshold", "save", "save_session", "highlight", "dry_run", ] .into_iter() .map(|v| (format!("{v} "), None)) .collect(), _ => vec![], }; (values, args[0]) } else if args.len() == 2 { let values = match args[0] { "max_output_tokens" => match self.model.max_output_tokens() { Some(v) => vec![v.to_string()], None => vec![], }, "function_calling" => complete_bool(self.function_calling), "save" => complete_bool(, "save_session" => { let save_session = if let Some(session) = &self.session { session.save_session() } else { self.save_session }; complete_option_bool(save_session) } "highlight" => complete_bool(self.highlight), "dry_run" => complete_bool(self.dry_run), _ => vec![], }; (values.into_iter().map(|v| (v, None)).collect(), args[1]) } else { return vec![]; }; values .into_iter() .filter(|(value, _)| fuzzy_match(value, filter)) .collect() } pub fn last_reply(&self) -> &str { self.last_message .as_ref() .map(|(_, reply)| reply.as_str()) .unwrap_or_default() } pub fn render_options(&self) -> Result { let theme = if self.highlight { let theme_mode = if self.light_theme { "light" } else { "dark" }; let theme_filename = format!("{theme_mode}.tmTheme"); let theme_path = Self::local_path(&theme_filename)?; if theme_path.exists() { let theme = ThemeSet::get_theme(&theme_path) .with_context(|| format!("Invalid theme at {}", theme_path.display()))?; Some(theme) } else { let theme = if self.light_theme { bincode::deserialize_from(LIGHT_THEME).expect("Invalid builtin light theme") } else { bincode::deserialize_from(DARK_THEME).expect("Invalid builtin dark theme") }; Some(theme) } } else { None }; let wrap = if *IS_STDOUT_TERMINAL { self.wrap.clone() } else { None }; let truecolor = matches!( env::var("COLORTERM").as_ref().map(|v| v.as_str()), Ok("truecolor") ); Ok(RenderOptions::new(theme, wrap, self.wrap_code, truecolor)) } pub fn render_prompt_left(&self) -> String { let variables = self.generate_prompt_context(); let left_prompt = self.left_prompt.as_deref().unwrap_or(LEFT_PROMPT); render_prompt(left_prompt, &variables) } pub fn render_prompt_right(&self) -> String { let variables = self.generate_prompt_context(); let right_prompt = self.right_prompt.as_deref().unwrap_or(RIGHT_PROMPT); render_prompt(right_prompt, &variables) } fn generate_prompt_context(&self) -> HashMap<&str, String> { let mut output = HashMap::new(); let role = self.extract_role(); output.insert("model", role.model().id()); output.insert("client_name", role.model().client_name().to_string()); output.insert("model_name", role.model().name().to_string()); output.insert( "max_input_tokens", role.model() .max_input_tokens() .unwrap_or_default() .to_string(), ); if let Some(temperature) = role.temperature() { if temperature != 0.0 { output.insert("temperature", temperature.to_string()); } } if let Some(top_p) = role.top_p() { if top_p != 0.0 { output.insert("top_p", top_p.to_string()); } } if self.dry_run { output.insert("dry_run", "true".to_string()); } if { output.insert("save", "true".to_string()); } if let Some(wrap) = &self.wrap { if wrap != "no" { output.insert("wrap", wrap.clone()); } } if !role.is_derived() { output.insert("role",; } if let Some(session) = &self.session { output.insert("session",; output.insert("dirty", session.dirty().to_string()); let (tokens, percent) = session.tokens_usage(); output.insert("consume_tokens", tokens.to_string()); output.insert("consume_percent", percent.to_string()); output.insert("user_messages_len", session.user_messages_len().to_string()); } if let Some(rag) = &self.rag { output.insert("rag",; } if let Some(bot) = & { output.insert("bot",; } if self.highlight { output.insert("color.reset", "\u{1b}[0m".to_string()); output.insert("", "\u{1b}[30m".to_string()); output.insert("color.dark_gray", "\u{1b}[90m".to_string()); output.insert("", "\u{1b}[31m".to_string()); output.insert("color.light_red", "\u{1b}[91m".to_string()); output.insert("", "\u{1b}[32m".to_string()); output.insert("color.light_green", "\u{1b}[92m".to_string()); output.insert("color.yellow", "\u{1b}[33m".to_string()); output.insert("color.light_yellow", "\u{1b}[93m".to_string()); output.insert("", "\u{1b}[34m".to_string()); output.insert("color.light_blue", "\u{1b}[94m".to_string()); output.insert("color.purple", "\u{1b}[35m".to_string()); output.insert("color.light_purple", "\u{1b}[95m".to_string()); output.insert("color.magenta", "\u{1b}[35m".to_string()); output.insert("color.light_magenta", "\u{1b}[95m".to_string()); output.insert("color.cyan", "\u{1b}[36m".to_string()); output.insert("color.light_cyan", "\u{1b}[96m".to_string()); output.insert("color.white", "\u{1b}[37m".to_string()); output.insert("color.light_gray", "\u{1b}[97m".to_string()); } output } pub fn before_chat_completion(&mut self, input: &Input) -> Result<()> { self.last_message = Some((input.clone(), String::new())); Ok(()) } pub fn after_chat_completion( &mut self, input: &mut Input, output: &str, tool_results: &[ToolResult], ) -> Result<()> { if self.dry_run || output.is_empty() || !tool_results.is_empty() { self.last_message = None; return Ok(()); } self.last_message = Some((input.clone(), output.to_string())); self.save_message(input, output)?; Ok(()) } fn save_message(&mut self, input: &mut Input, output: &str) -> Result<()> { if let Some(session) = input.session_mut(&mut self.session) { session.add_message(input, output)?; return Ok(()); } if ! { return Ok(()); } let mut file = self.open_message_file()?; if output.is_empty() || ! { return Ok(()); } let timestamp = now(); let summary = input.summary(); let input_markdown = input.render(); let scope = if { let role_name = if input.role().is_derived() { None } else { Some(input.role().name()) }; match (role_name, input.rag_name()) { (Some(role), Some(rag_name)) => format!(" ({role}#{rag_name})"), (Some(role), _) => format!(" ({role})"), (None, Some(rag_name)) => format!(" (#{rag_name})"), _ => String::new(), } } else { String::new() }; let output = format!("# CHAT: {summary} [{timestamp}]{scope}\n{input_markdown}\n--------\n{output}\n--------\n\n",); file.write_all(output.as_bytes()) .with_context(|| "Failed to save message") } fn open_message_file(&self) -> Result { let path = self.messages_file()?; ensure_parent_exists(&path)?; OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .append(true) .open(&path) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to create/append {}", path.display())) } fn load_config_file(config_path: &Path) -> Result { let content = read_to_string(config_path) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to load config at {}", config_path.display()))?; let config: Self = serde_yaml::from_str(&content).map_err(|err| { let err_msg = err.to_string(); let err_msg = if err_msg.starts_with(&format!("{}: ", CLIENTS_FIELD)) { // location is incorrect, get rid of it err_msg .split_once(" at line") .map(|(v, _)| { format!("{v} (Sorry for being unable to provide an exact location)") }) .unwrap_or_else(|| "clients: invalid value".into()) } else { err_msg }; anyhow!("{err_msg}") })?; Ok(config) } fn load_config_env(platform: &str) -> Result { let model_id = match env::var(get_env_name("model_name")) { Ok(model_name) => format!("{platform}:{model_name}"), Err(_) => platform.to_string(), }; let is_openai_compatible = OPENAI_COMPATIBLE_PLATFORMS .into_iter() .any(|(name, _)| platform == name); let client = if is_openai_compatible { json!({ "type": "openai-compatible", "name": platform }) } else { json!({ "type": platform }) }; let config = json!({ "model": model_id, "save": false, "clients": vec![client], }); let config = serde_json::from_value(config).with_context(|| "Failed to load config from env")?; Ok(config) } fn load_roles(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let path = Self::roles_file()?; self.roles = if !path.exists() { vec![] } else { let content = read_to_string(&path) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to load roles at {}", path.display()))?; serde_yaml::from_str(&content).with_context(|| "Invalid roles config")? }; let exist_roles: HashSet<_> = self.roles.iter().map(|v|; let builtin_roles = Role::builtin(); for role in builtin_roles { if !exist_roles.contains( { self.roles.push(role); } } Ok(()) } fn setup_model(&mut self) -> Result<()> { let model_id = if self.model_id.is_empty() { let models = list_chat_models(self); if models.is_empty() { bail!("No available model"); } models[0].id() } else { self.model_id.clone() }; self.set_model(&model_id)?; self.model_id = model_id; Ok(()) } fn setup_highlight(&mut self) { if let Ok(value) = env::var("NO_COLOR") { let mut no_color = false; set_bool(&mut no_color, &value); if no_color { self.highlight = false; } } } fn setup_light_theme(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if self.light_theme { return Ok(()); } if let Ok(value) = env::var(get_env_name("light_theme")) { set_bool(&mut self.light_theme, &value); return Ok(()); } else if let Ok(value) = env::var("COLORFGBG") { if let Some(light) = light_theme_from_colorfgbg(&value) { self.light_theme = light } }; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Default)] pub enum Keybindings { #[serde(rename = "emacs")] #[default] Emacs, #[serde(rename = "vi")] Vi, } impl Keybindings { pub fn is_vi(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Keybindings::Vi) } pub fn stringify(&self) -> &str { match self { Keybindings::Emacs => "emacs", Keybindings::Vi => "vi", } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum WorkingMode { Command, Repl, Serve, } impl WorkingMode { pub fn is_repl(&self) -> bool { *self == WorkingMode::Repl } } bitflags::bitflags! { #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct StateFlags: u32 { const ROLE = 1 << 0; const SESSION_EMPTY = 1 << 1; const SESSION = 1 << 2; const RAG = 1 << 3; const BOT = 1 << 4; } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum AssertState { True(StateFlags), False(StateFlags), TrueFalse(StateFlags, StateFlags), Equal(StateFlags), } impl AssertState { pub fn pass() -> Self { AssertState::False(StateFlags::empty()) } pub fn bare() -> Self { AssertState::Equal(StateFlags::empty()) } } fn create_config_file(config_path: &Path) -> Result<()> { let ans = Confirm::new("No config file, create a new one?") .with_default(true) .prompt()?; if !ans { exit(0); } let client = Select::new("Platform:", list_client_types()).prompt()?; let mut config = serde_json::json!({}); let (model, clients_config) = create_client_config(client)?; config["model"] = model.into(); config[CLIENTS_FIELD] = clients_config; let config_data = serde_yaml::to_string(&config).with_context(|| "Failed to create config")?; ensure_parent_exists(config_path)?; std::fs::write(config_path, config_data).with_context(|| "Failed to write to config file")?; #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::prelude::PermissionsExt; let perms = std::fs::Permissions::from_mode(0o600); std::fs::set_permissions(config_path, perms)?; } println!("✨ Saved config file to '{}'\n", config_path.display()); Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn ensure_parent_exists(path: &Path) -> Result<()> { if path.exists() { return Ok(()); } let parent = path .parent() .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Failed to write to {}, No parent path", path.display()))?; if !parent.exists() { create_dir_all(parent).with_context(|| { format!( "Failed to write {}, Cannot create parent directory", path.display() ) })?; } Ok(()) } fn set_bool(target: &mut bool, value: &str) { match value { "1" | "true" => *target = true, "0" | "false" => *target = false, _ => {} } } fn parse_value(value: &str) -> Result> where T: std::str::FromStr, { let value = if value == "null" { None } else { let value = match value.parse() { Ok(value) => value, Err(_) => bail!("Invalid value '{}'", value), }; Some(value) }; Ok(value) } fn complete_bool(value: bool) -> Vec { vec![(!value).to_string()] } fn complete_option_bool(value: Option) -> Vec { match value { Some(true) => vec!["false".to_string(), "null".to_string()], Some(false) => vec!["true".to_string(), "null".to_string()], None => vec!["true".to_string(), "false".to_string()], } }