#Stops edge from taking over as the default .PDF viewer Write-Output "Stopping Edge from taking over as the default .PDF viewer" $NoPDF = "HKCR:\.pdf" $NoProgids = "HKCR:\.pdf\OpenWithProgids" $NoWithList = "HKCR:\.pdf\OpenWithList" If (!(Get-ItemProperty $NoPDF NoOpenWith)) { New-ItemProperty $NoPDF NoOpenWith } If (!(Get-ItemProperty $NoPDF NoStaticDefaultVerb)) { New-ItemProperty $NoPDF NoStaticDefaultVerb } If (!(Get-ItemProperty $NoProgids NoOpenWith)) { New-ItemProperty $NoProgids NoOpenWith } If (!(Get-ItemProperty $NoProgids NoStaticDefaultVerb)) { New-ItemProperty $NoProgids NoStaticDefaultVerb } If (!(Get-ItemProperty $NoWithList NoOpenWith)) { New-ItemProperty $NoWithList NoOpenWith } If (!(Get-ItemProperty $NoWithList NoStaticDefaultVerb)) { New-ItemProperty $NoWithList NoStaticDefaultVerb } #Appends an underscore '_' to the Registry key for Edge $Edge = "HKCR:\AppXd4nrz8ff68srnhf9t5a8sbjyar1cr723_" If (Test-Path $Edge) { Set-Item $Edge AppXd4nrz8ff68srnhf9t5a8sbjyar1cr723_ }