Issues 68,110: Step 1: import user defined white/blacklists

Step 2 is to add a GUI.

This step 1 patch is the minimal requirement
for custom blacklist functionality.

1.) Make the black/whitelists global - so they can easily be
    modified from functions and forms (needed for step 2)
2.) Put the lists at the start of the script to make it
    easy for people to find and browse through the lists.
3.) One item per line to allow for better documentation.
    I added as many notes as I could. Documentating the
    reasons for black/white-listing is very valuable.
4.) Both whitelist and blacklist entries can be used as REGEXs.
    That can cause a bit of confusion perhaps, but probably
    necessary for flexibility. I turned ON case sensitivity
    to offset that a bit (using .NET as the prime example
    which otherwise falsely whitelists .NetworkSpeedTest)

In theory, these should be merely cosmetic changes and any
change in behaviour should be considered a bug.

5.) Provide the user a persistent, customizable white/blacklist.
    custom-lists.ps1 should NOT be added to GIT,
    so that a "git pull" does not change their custom settings.
    Step 2 will provide a GUI to easily create/edit this file.
6.) Tried to make NonRemovables dynamic - to auto-detect new
    packages that cannot be removed in future verisons of Windows.
    Non-dynamic fallback provided for older versions of Windows.
    (I developed  on 1709, which didn't have the .NonRemovable
    property, but tested on 1809 which does.)
Justin Luth 5 years ago
parent fb64083821
commit 5bbbf3ab8e

@ -12,6 +12,175 @@ If (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]:
#Unnecessary Windows 10 AppX apps that will be removed by the blacklist.
$global:Bloatware = @(
"Microsoft.News" # Issue 77
"Microsoft.Office.Lens" # Issue 77
"Microsoft.RemoteDesktop" # Issue 120
"Microsoft.Office.Todo.List" # Issue 77
"Microsoft.Whiteboard" # Issue 77
#Sponsored Windows 10 AppX Apps
#Add sponsored/featured apps to remove in the "*AppName*" format
"Spotify" # Issue 123
"Royal Revolt"
"Sway" # Issue 77
"Dolby" # Issue 78
"Windows.CBSPreview" # Issue 84
#Optional: Typically not removed but you can if you need to for some reason
#Valuable Windows 10 AppX apps that most people want to keep. Protected from DeBloat All.
#Credit to /u/GavinEke for a modified version of my whitelist code
$global:WhiteListedApps = @(
"Microsoft.WindowsCalculator" # Microsoft removed legacy calculator
"Microsoft.WindowsStore" # Issue 1
"Microsoft.Windows.Photos" # Microsoft disabled/hid legacy photo viewer
"CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows" # Issue 10
"Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI" # Issue 91
"Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay" # Issue 25, 91 Many home users want to play games
"Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI" # Issue 25, 91 Many home users want to play games
"Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider" # Issue 25, 91 Many home users want to play games
"Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes" # Issue 33 New functionality.
"Microsoft.MSPaint" # Issue 32 This is Paint3D, legacy paint still exists in Windows 10
"Microsoft.WindowsCamera" # Issue 65 New functionality.
"Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension" # Issue 68
"Microsoft.ScreenSketch" # Issue 55: Looks like Microsoft will be axing snipping tool and using Snip & Sketch going forward
"Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp" # Issue 68
"Microsoft.VP9VideoExtensions" # Issue 68
"Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions" # Issue 68
"Microsoft.WebpImageExtension" # Issue 68
"Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller" # Issue 68
"WindSynthBerry" # Issue 68
"MIDIBerry" # Issue 68
"Slack" # Issue 83
#NonRemovable Apps that where getting attempted and the system would reject the uninstall, speeds up debloat and prevents 'initalizing' overlay when removing apps
$NonRemovables = Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where-Object {$_.NonRemovable -eq $true} | foreach{$_.Name}
$NonRemovables += Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object {$_.NonRemovable -eq $true} | foreach{$_.Name}
$NonRemovables += Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object {$_.NonRemovable -eq $true} | foreach{$_.DisplayName}
$NonRemovables = $NonRemovables | Sort-Object -unique
if ($NonRemovables -eq $null ) { # the .NonRemovable property doesn't exist until version 18xx. Use a hard-coded list instead.
#WARNING: only use exact names here - no short names or wildcards
$NonRemovables = @(
"Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI" # Issue 117 Windows Defender
"Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI" # Issue 91
# import library code - located relative to this script
Function dotInclude() {
# Look for the file in the same directory as this script
$scriptPath = $PSScriptRoot
if ( $PSScriptRoot -eq $null -and $psISE) {
$scriptPath = (Split-Path -Path $psISE.CurrentFile.FullPath)
if ( test-path $scriptPath\$includeFile ){
# import and immediately execute the requested file
. $scriptPath\$includeFile
# Override built-in blacklist/whitelist with user defined lists
dotInclude 'custom-lists.ps1'
#convert to regular expression to allow for the super-useful -match operator
$global:WhiteListedAppsRegex = $global:WhiteListedApps -join '|'
# This form was created using a free online gui designer for PowerShell
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
@ -172,82 +341,15 @@ Start-Transcript -OutputDirectory "$DebloatFolder"
$RemoveBlacklist.Add_Click( {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
Function DebloatBlacklist {
$Bloatware = @(
#Unnecessary Windows 10 AppX Apps
#Sponsored Windows 10 AppX Apps
#Add sponsored/featured apps to remove in the "*AppName*" format
"*Royal Revolt*"
#Optional: Typically not removed but you can if you need to for some reason
foreach ($Bloat in $Bloatware) {
foreach ($Bloat in $global:Bloatware) {
Get-AppxPackage -Name $Bloat| Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object DisplayName -like $Bloat | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
Write-Host "Trying to remove $Bloat."
Write-Host "Bloatware removed!"
Write-Host "Requested removal of $Bloat."
Write-Host "Removing Bloatware with a specific blacklist."
Write-Host "Bloatware removed!"
$RemoveAllBloatware.Add_Click( {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
@ -291,19 +393,9 @@ $RemoveAllBloatware.Add_Click( {
Function DebloatAll {
#Removes AppxPackages
#Credit to /u/GavinEke for a modified version of my whitelist code
$WhitelistedApps = 'Microsoft.ScreenSketch|Microsoft.Paint3D|Microsoft.WindowsCalculator|Microsoft.WindowsStore|Microsoft.Windows.Photos|CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows|`
#NonRemovable Apps that where getting attempted and the system would reject the uninstall, speeds up debloat and prevents 'initalizing' overlay when removing apps
$NonRemovable = '1527c705-839a-4832-9118-54d4Bd6a0c89|c5e2524a-ea46-4f67-841f-6a9465d9d515|E2A4F912-2574-4A75-9BB0-0D023378592B|F46D4000-FD22-4DB4-AC8E-4E1DDDE828FE|InputApp|Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin|Microsoft.AccountsControl|`
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where {$_.Name -NotMatch $WhitelistedApps -and $_.Name -NotMatch $NonRemovable} | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage | Where {$_.Name -NotMatch $WhitelistedApps -and $_.Name -NotMatch $NonRemovable} | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where {$_.Name -NotMatch $WhitelistedApps -and $_.Name -NotMatch $NonRemovable} | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where { !($_.Name -cmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex) -and !($NonRemovables -cmatch $_.Name) } | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage | Where { !($_.Name -cmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex) -and !($NonRemovables -cmatch $_.Name) } | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where { !($_.Name -cmatch $global:WhiteListedAppsRegex) -and !($NonRemovables -cmatch $_.Name) } | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
#Creates a PSDrive to be able to access the 'HKCR' tree
