#!/bin/sh info() { echo -e "\033[32m$*\033[0m" } warn() { echo -e "\033[33m$*\033[0m" } err() { echo -e "\033[31m$*\033[0m" } get_disk_size() { sec=$(cat /sys/block/$1/size) /ventoy/disksize $sec } enum_disk() { id=1 rm -f /device.list ls /sys/block/ | egrep 'd[a-z]|nvme|mmc' | while read dev; do if ! [ -b /dev/$dev ]; then continue fi size=$(get_disk_size $dev) model=$(parted -s /dev/$dev p 2>/dev/null | grep Model | sed 's/Model: \(.*\)/\1/') printf " <%d> %-4s %3s GB %s\r\n" $id "$dev" "$size" "$model" >> /device.list id=$(expr $id + 1) done } select_disk() { echo "" > /dev/console echo "" > /dev/console if [ -f /device.list ]; then lines=$(cat /device.list | wc -l) cat /device.list > /dev/console else echo -e "\033[31m !!! NO device detected !!!\033[0m" > /dev/console lines=0 fi echo "" > /dev/console echo " Refresh device list Reboot Enter shell" > /dev/console echo "" > /dev/console while true; do if [ $lines -gt 0 ]; then read -p "Please select the disk to operator [1-$lines] " Answer else read -p "Please choose your operation [a-c] " Answer fi if [ "$Answer" = "shell" ]; then echo 8888; return elif [ "$Answer" = "c" ] || [ "$Answer" = "C" ]; then echo 8888; return fi if [ "$Answer" = "a" ] || [ "$Answer" = "A" ]; then echo 0; return elif [ "$Answer" = "b" ] || [ "$Answer" = "B" ]; then read -p "Do you really want to reboot? (y/n) " Ask if [ "$Ask" = "y" ] || [ "$Ask" = "Y" ]; then reboot else continue fi fi if [ -n "$Answer" ]; then if echo $Answer | grep -q "^[1-9][0-9]*$"; then if [ $Answer -gt 0 ] && [ $Answer -le $lines ]; then echo $Answer return fi fi fi done } get_dev_ventoy_ver() { if ! [ -b /dev/${1}2 ]; then echo "NO"; return fi mount -t vfat -o ro /dev/${1}2 /ventoy/mnt >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ -e /ventoy/mnt/ventoy ] && [ -f /ventoy/mnt/grub/grub.cfg ]; then if grep -q 'set.*VENTOY_VERSION=' /ventoy/mnt/grub/grub.cfg; then grep 'set.*VENTOY_VERSION=' /ventoy/mnt/grub/grub.cfg | awk -F'"' '{print $2}' else echo 'NO' fi umount /ventoy/mnt return fi echo "NO" } ventoy_configuration() { while true; do if [ -f /preserve.txt ]; then SPACE=$(cat /preserve.txt) else SPACE=0 fi if [ -f /secureboot.txt ]; then SECURE=$(cat /secureboot.txt) else SECURE=Disable fi if [ -f /partstyle.txt ]; then STYLE=$(cat /partstyle.txt) else STYLE=MBR fi echo "" echo -e " <1> Preserve space (only for install) \033[32m[${SPACE}MB]\033[0m" echo -e " <2> Secure boot support \033[32m[$SECURE]\033[0m" echo -e " <3> Partition style (only for install) \033[32m[$STYLE]\033[0m" echo " <0> Back to previous menu" echo "" while true; do read -p "Please choose your operation: " Answer if echo $Answer | grep -q "^[0-3]$"; then break fi done if [ "$Answer" = "0" ]; then break elif [ "$Answer" = "1" ]; then while true; do read -p "Please input the preserve space in MB: " Answer if echo $Answer | grep -q "^[0-9][0-9]*$"; then echo $Answer > /preserve.txt break fi done elif [ "$Answer" = "2" ]; then if [ "$SECURE" = "Disable" ]; then echo "Enable" > /secureboot.txt else echo "Disable" > /secureboot.txt fi else if [ "$STYLE" = "GPT" ]; then echo "MBR" > /partstyle.txt else echo "GPT" > /partstyle.txt fi fi done } cd / VTPATH=$(ls -1 | grep ventoy-) VTVER=${VTPATH#*-} cd $VTPATH clear echo "" info "**************************************************" vline=$(printf "* Ventoy LiveCD %6s *\r\n" "$VTVER") info "$vline" info "**************************************************" echo "" info "Scaning devices ......" sleep 5 enum_disk while true; do sel=$(select_disk) if [ $sel -eq 8888 ]; then break elif [ $sel -eq 0 ]; then enum_disk continue fi DEV=$(sed -n "${sel}p" /device.list | awk '{print $2}') DevVtVer=$(get_dev_ventoy_ver $DEV) if [ "$DevVtVer" = "NO" ]; then while true; do echo "" echo " <1> Install Ventoy to $DEV" echo " <2> Set Configuration" echo " <0> Back to previous menu" echo "" while true; do read -p "Please choose your operation: " Answer if echo $Answer | grep -q "^[0-2]$"; then break; fi done if [ "$Answer" = "0" ]; then break elif [ "$Answer" = "2" ]; then ventoy_configuration else opt="" if [ -f /preserve.txt ]; then opt="$opt -r $(cat /preserve.txt)" fi if [ -f /secureboot.txt ] && grep -q "Enable" /secureboot.txt; then opt="$opt -s" fi if [ -f /partstyle.txt ] && grep -q "GPT" /partstyle.txt; then opt="$opt -g" fi info "Ventoy2Disk.sh $opt -i /dev/$DEV" sh Ventoy2Disk.sh $opt -i /dev/$DEV sync break fi done else info "Ventoy $DevVtVer detected in the device $DEV" while true; do echo "" echo " <1> Update Ventoy in $DEV from $DevVtVer ==> $VTVER" echo " <2> Re-install Ventoy to $DEV" echo " <3> Set Configuration" echo " <0> Back to previous menu" echo "" while true; do read -p "Please choose your operation: " Answer if echo $Answer | grep -q "^[0-3]$"; then break; fi done if [ "$Answer" = "0" ]; then break elif [ "$Answer" = "1" ]; then opt="" if [ -f /secureboot.txt ] && grep -q "Enable" /secureboot.txt; then opt="$opt -s" fi info "Ventoy2Disk.sh $opt -u /dev/$DEV" sh Ventoy2Disk.sh $opt -u /dev/$DEV sync break elif [ "$Answer" = "2" ]; then opt="" if [ -f /preserve.txt ]; then opt="$opt -r $(cat /preserve.txt)" fi if [ -f /secureboot.txt ] && grep -q "Enable" /secureboot.txt; then opt="$opt -s" fi if [ -f /partstyle.txt ] && grep -q "GPT" /partstyle.txt; then opt="$opt -g" fi info "Ventoy2Disk.sh $opt -I /dev/$DEV" sh Ventoy2Disk.sh $opt -I /dev/$DEV sync break else ventoy_configuration fi done fi done