#include #include #include #include #include #include "resource.h" #include "Language.h" #include "Ventoy2Disk.h" #include "DiskService.h" #include "VentoyJson.h" extern void CLISetReserveSpace(int MB); typedef struct CLI_CFG { int op; int PartStyle; int ReserveMB; BOOL USBCheck; BOOL NonDest; int fstype; }CLI_CFG; BOOL g_CLI_Mode = FALSE; static int g_CLI_OP; static int g_CLI_PhyDrive; static PHY_DRIVE_INFO* g_CLI_PhyDrvInfo = NULL; static int CLI_GetPhyDriveInfo(int PhyDrive, PHY_DRIVE_INFO* pInfo) { BOOL bRet; DWORD dwBytes; HANDLE Handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; CHAR PhyDrivePath[128]; GET_LENGTH_INFORMATION LengthInfo; STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY Query; STORAGE_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER DevDescHeader; STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR* pDevDesc; STORAGE_ACCESS_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTOR diskAlignment; safe_sprintf(PhyDrivePath, "\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive%d", PhyDrive); Handle = CreateFileA(PhyDrivePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); Log("Create file Handle:%p %s status:%u", Handle, PhyDrivePath, LASTERR); if (Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 1; } bRet = DeviceIoControl(Handle, IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO, NULL, 0, &LengthInfo, sizeof(LengthInfo), &dwBytes, NULL); if (!bRet) { Log("DeviceIoControl IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO failed error:%u", LASTERR); return 1; } Log("PHYSICALDRIVE%d size %llu bytes", PhyDrive, (ULONGLONG)LengthInfo.Length.QuadPart); Query.PropertyId = StorageDeviceProperty; Query.QueryType = PropertyStandardQuery; bRet = DeviceIoControl(Handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &Query, sizeof(Query), &DevDescHeader, sizeof(STORAGE_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER), &dwBytes, NULL); if (!bRet) { Log("DeviceIoControl1 error:%u dwBytes:%u", LASTERR, dwBytes); return 1; } if (DevDescHeader.Size < sizeof(STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR)) { Log("Invalid DevDescHeader.Size:%u", DevDescHeader.Size); return 1; } pDevDesc = (STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR*)malloc(DevDescHeader.Size); if (!pDevDesc) { Log("failed to malloc error:%u len:%u", LASTERR, DevDescHeader.Size); return 1; } bRet = DeviceIoControl(Handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &Query, sizeof(Query), pDevDesc, DevDescHeader.Size, &dwBytes, NULL); if (!bRet) { Log("DeviceIoControl2 error:%u dwBytes:%u", LASTERR, dwBytes); free(pDevDesc); return 1; } memset(&Query, 0, sizeof(STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY)); Query.PropertyId = StorageAccessAlignmentProperty; Query.QueryType = PropertyStandardQuery; memset(&diskAlignment, 0, sizeof(STORAGE_ACCESS_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTOR)); bRet = DeviceIoControl(Handle, IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY, &Query, sizeof(STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY), &diskAlignment, sizeof(STORAGE_ACCESS_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTOR), &dwBytes, NULL); if (!bRet) { Log("DeviceIoControl3 error:%u dwBytes:%u", LASTERR, dwBytes); } pInfo->PhyDrive = PhyDrive; pInfo->SizeInBytes = LengthInfo.Length.QuadPart; pInfo->DeviceType = pDevDesc->DeviceType; pInfo->RemovableMedia = pDevDesc->RemovableMedia; pInfo->BusType = pDevDesc->BusType; pInfo->BytesPerLogicalSector = diskAlignment.BytesPerLogicalSector; pInfo->BytesPerPhysicalSector = diskAlignment.BytesPerPhysicalSector; if (pDevDesc->VendorIdOffset) { safe_strcpy(pInfo->VendorId, (char*)pDevDesc + pDevDesc->VendorIdOffset); TrimString(pInfo->VendorId); } if (pDevDesc->ProductIdOffset) { safe_strcpy(pInfo->ProductId, (char*)pDevDesc + pDevDesc->ProductIdOffset); TrimString(pInfo->ProductId); } if (pDevDesc->ProductRevisionOffset) { safe_strcpy(pInfo->ProductRev, (char*)pDevDesc + pDevDesc->ProductRevisionOffset); TrimString(pInfo->ProductRev); } if (pDevDesc->SerialNumberOffset) { safe_strcpy(pInfo->SerialNumber, (char*)pDevDesc + pDevDesc->SerialNumberOffset); TrimString(pInfo->SerialNumber); } free(pDevDesc); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(Handle); return 0; } static int CLI_CheckParam(int argc, char** argv, PHY_DRIVE_INFO* pDrvInfo, CLI_CFG *pCfg) { int i; int fstype = VTOY_FS_EXFAT; int op = -1; char* opt = NULL; int PhyDrive = -1; int PartStyle = 0; int ReserveMB = 0; BOOL USBCheck = TRUE; BOOL NonDest = FALSE; MBR_HEAD MBR; UINT64 Part2GPTAttr = 0; UINT64 Part2StartSector = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { opt = argv[i]; if (_stricmp(opt, "/I") == 0) { op = 0; } else if (_stricmp(opt, "/U") == 0) { op = 1; } else if (_stricmp(opt, "/GPT") == 0) { PartStyle = 1; } else if (_stricmp(opt, "/NoSB") == 0) { g_SecureBoot = FALSE; } else if (_stricmp(opt, "/NoUSBCheck") == 0) { USBCheck = FALSE; } else if (_stricmp(opt, "/NonDest") == 0) { NonDest = TRUE; } else if (_strnicmp(opt, "/Drive:", 7) == 0) { Log("Get PhyDrive by logical drive %C:", opt[7]); PhyDrive = GetPhyDriveByLogicalDrive(opt[7], NULL); } else if (_strnicmp(opt, "/PhyDrive:", 10) == 0) { PhyDrive = (int)strtol(opt + 10, NULL, 10); } else if (_strnicmp(opt, "/R:", 3) == 0) { ReserveMB = (int)strtol(opt + 3, NULL, 10); } else if (_strnicmp(opt, "/FS:", 4) == 0) { if (_stricmp(opt + 4, "NTFS") == 0) { fstype = VTOY_FS_NTFS; } else if (_stricmp(opt + 4, "FAT32") == 0) { fstype = VTOY_FS_FAT32; } } } if (op < 0 || PhyDrive < 0) { Log("[ERROR] Invalid parameters %d %d", op, PhyDrive); return 1; } Log("Ventoy CLI %s PhyDrive:%d %s SecureBoot:%d ReserveSpace:%dMB USBCheck:%u FS:%s NonDest:%d", op == 0 ? "install" : "update", PhyDrive, PartStyle ? "GPT" : "MBR", g_SecureBoot, ReserveMB, USBCheck, GetVentoyFsFmtNameByTypeA(fstype), NonDest ); if (CLI_GetPhyDriveInfo(PhyDrive, pDrvInfo)) { Log("[ERROR] Failed to get phydrive%d info", PhyDrive); return 1; } Log("PhyDrive:%d BusType:%-4s Removable:%u Size:%dGB(%llu) Name:%s %s", pDrvInfo->PhyDrive, GetBusTypeString(pDrvInfo->BusType), pDrvInfo->RemovableMedia, GetHumanReadableGBSize(pDrvInfo->SizeInBytes), pDrvInfo->SizeInBytes, pDrvInfo->VendorId, pDrvInfo->ProductId); if (IsVentoyPhyDrive(PhyDrive, pDrvInfo->SizeInBytes, &MBR, &Part2StartSector, &Part2GPTAttr)) { memcpy(&(pDrvInfo->MBR), &MBR, sizeof(MBR)); pDrvInfo->PartStyle = (MBR.PartTbl[0].FsFlag == 0xEE) ? 1 : 0; pDrvInfo->Part2GPTAttr = Part2GPTAttr; GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive(pDrvInfo, Part2StartSector, pDrvInfo->VentoyVersion, sizeof(pDrvInfo->VentoyVersion), &(pDrvInfo->SecureBootSupport)); Log("PhyDrive %d is Ventoy Disk ver:%s SecureBoot:%u", pDrvInfo->PhyDrive, pDrvInfo->VentoyVersion, pDrvInfo->SecureBootSupport); GetVentoyFsNameInPhyDrive(pDrvInfo); if (pDrvInfo->VentoyVersion[0] == 0) { pDrvInfo->VentoyVersion[0] = '?'; Log("Unknown Ventoy Version"); } } if (op == 0 && NonDest) { GetLettersBelongPhyDrive(PhyDrive, pDrvInfo->DriveLetters, sizeof(pDrvInfo->DriveLetters)); } pCfg->op = op; pCfg->PartStyle = PartStyle; pCfg->ReserveMB = ReserveMB; pCfg->USBCheck = USBCheck; pCfg->NonDest = NonDest; pCfg->fstype = fstype; return 0; } static int Ventoy_CLI_NonDestInstall(PHY_DRIVE_INFO* pDrvInfo, CLI_CFG* pCfg) { int rc; int TryId = 1; Log("Ventoy_CLI_NonDestInstall start ..."); if (pDrvInfo->BytesPerLogicalSector == 4096 && pDrvInfo->BytesPerPhysicalSector == 4096) { Log("Ventoy does not support 4k native disk."); rc = 1; goto out; } if (!PartResizePreCheck(NULL)) { Log("#### Part Resize PreCheck Failed ####"); rc = 1; goto out; } rc = PartitionResizeForVentoy(pDrvInfo); out: Log("Ventoy_CLI_NonDestInstall [%s]", rc == 0 ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED"); return rc; } static int Ventoy_CLI_Install(PHY_DRIVE_INFO* pDrvInfo, CLI_CFG *pCfg) { int rc; int TryId = 1; Log("Ventoy_CLI_Install start ..."); if (pDrvInfo->BytesPerLogicalSector == 4096 && pDrvInfo->BytesPerPhysicalSector == 4096) { Log("Ventoy does not support 4k native disk."); rc = 1; goto out; } if (pCfg->ReserveMB > 0) { CLISetReserveSpace(pCfg->ReserveMB); } SetVentoyFsType(pCfg->fstype); rc = InstallVentoy2PhyDrive(pDrvInfo, pCfg->PartStyle, TryId++); if (rc) { Log("This time install failed, clean disk by disk, wait 3s and retry..."); DISK_CleanDisk(pDrvInfo->PhyDrive); Sleep(3000); Log("Now retry to install..."); rc = InstallVentoy2PhyDrive(pDrvInfo, pCfg->PartStyle, TryId++); if (rc) { Log("This time install failed, clean disk by diskpart, wait 5s and retry..."); DSPT_CleanDisk(pDrvInfo->PhyDrive); Sleep(5000); Log("Now retry to install..."); rc = InstallVentoy2PhyDrive(pDrvInfo, pCfg->PartStyle, TryId++); } } SetVentoyFsType(VTOY_FS_EXFAT); out: Log("Ventoy_CLI_Install [%s]", rc == 0 ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED"); return rc; } static int Ventoy_CLI_Update(PHY_DRIVE_INFO* pDrvInfo, CLI_CFG* pCfg) { int rc; int TryId = 1; Log("Ventoy_CLI_Update start ..."); rc = UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive(pDrvInfo, TryId++); if (rc) { Log("This time update failed, now wait and retry..."); Sleep(4000); //Try2 Log("Now retry to update..."); rc = UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive(pDrvInfo, TryId++); if (rc) { //Try3 Sleep(1000); Log("Now retry to update..."); rc = UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive(pDrvInfo, TryId++); if (rc) { //Try4 is dangerous ... Sleep(3000); Log("Now retry to update..."); rc = UpdateVentoy2PhyDrive(pDrvInfo, TryId++); } } } Log("Ventoy_CLI_Update [%s]", rc == 0 ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILED"); return rc; } void CLI_UpdatePercent(int Pos) { int Len; FILE* File = NULL; CHAR szBuf[128]; Len = (int)sprintf_s(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), "%d", Pos * 100 / PT_FINISH); fopen_s(&File, VENTOY_CLI_PERCENT, "w+"); if (File) { fwrite(szBuf, 1, Len, File); fwrite("\n", 1, 1, File); fclose(File); } } static void CLI_WriteDoneFile(int ret) { FILE* File = NULL; fopen_s(&File, VENTOY_CLI_DONE, "w+"); if (File) { if (ret == 0) { fwrite("0\n", 1, 2, File); } else { fwrite("1\n", 1, 2, File); } fclose(File); } } PHY_DRIVE_INFO* CLI_PhyDrvInfo(void) { return g_CLI_PhyDrvInfo; } /* * Ventoy2Disk.exe VTOYCLI { /I | /U } { /Drive:F: | /PhyDrive:1 } /GPT /NoSB /R:4096 /NoUSBCheck * */ int VentoyCLIMain(int argc, char** argv) { int ret = 1; PHY_DRIVE_INFO* pDrvInfo = NULL; CLI_CFG CliCfg; DeleteFileA(VENTOY_CLI_PERCENT); DeleteFileA(VENTOY_CLI_DONE); g_CLI_PhyDrvInfo = pDrvInfo = (PHY_DRIVE_INFO*)malloc(sizeof(PHY_DRIVE_INFO)); if (!pDrvInfo) { goto end; } memset(pDrvInfo, 0, sizeof(PHY_DRIVE_INFO)); if (CLI_CheckParam(argc, argv, pDrvInfo, &CliCfg)) { goto end; } //Check USB type for install if (CliCfg.op == 0 && CliCfg.USBCheck) { if (pDrvInfo->BusType != BusTypeUsb) { Log("[ERROR] PhyDrive %d is NOT USB type", pDrvInfo->PhyDrive); goto end; } } if (CliCfg.op == 0) { if (CliCfg.NonDest) { ret = Ventoy_CLI_NonDestInstall(pDrvInfo, &CliCfg); } else { AlertSuppressInit(); SetAlertPromptHookEnable(TRUE); ret = Ventoy_CLI_Install(pDrvInfo, &CliCfg); } } else { if (pDrvInfo->VentoyVersion[0] == 0) { Log("[ERROR] No Ventoy information detected in PhyDrive %d, so can not do update", pDrvInfo->PhyDrive); goto end; } ret = Ventoy_CLI_Update(pDrvInfo, &CliCfg); } end: CHECK_FREE(pDrvInfo); CLI_UpdatePercent(PT_FINISH); CLI_WriteDoneFile(ret); return ret; }