
file —— 主题配置文件

# 文件路径 默认 状态 操作
选项说明 theme.txt 文件的全路径。可以设置1个或者多个。当设置为多个时,启动之后还可以通过 F5 Tools --> Theme Select 菜单进行切换。
Option Description The theme.txt file path. You can add one or more files. You can switch between themes with F5 Tools --> Theme Select menu if you set more than one themes.

display_mode —— 屏幕显示模式

选项说明 菜单显示模式,可以设置为 默认为 GUI 模式。GUI和CLI 分别对应图形模式和文本模式。
不过,不管GUI还是CLI都是基于VGA显示设备的,如果你的机器上只有串口,你可以设置为 serial
当然,如果既有串口也有VGA设备,则也可以设置为 serial_console
Option Description Boot menu display mode, default is GUI. GUI or CLI corresponding to the GUI mode and TEXT mode respectively.
On very few machines Ventoy's menu can't be shown or the cursor moves extremely slow. In this case you can set the default mode to "CLI".
However, both "GUI" and "CLI" need a VGA device, if your machine only has serial, you can use serial
Also you can use serial_console if you have both serial and VGA device.
Attention: Unicode characters will NOT be displayed normally in CLI or serial mode.

gfxmode —— 屏幕分辨率

选项说明 默认使用的屏幕分辨率,默认为 "1024x768"。只有在上面的 display_mode 选项设置为 GUI 时才有效。
Option Description Default screen resolution, default is "1024x768". Only take effect when display_mode option is GUI.

fonts —— 字体文件

# 文件路径 状态 操作
选项说明 字体文件的全路径。Ventoy在启动时会依次加载这些字体文件。
Option Description Full path of fonts file. Ventoy will load each of them when boot.