/****************************************************************************** * Ventoy2Disk.c * * Copyright (c) 2020, longpanda * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * */ #include #include "resource.h" #include "Language.h" #include "Ventoy2Disk.h" PHY_DRIVE_INFO *g_PhyDriveList = NULL; DWORD g_PhyDriveCount = 0; static int g_FilterRemovable = 0; static int g_FilterUSB = 1; int g_ForceOperation = 1; int ParseCmdLineOption(LPSTR lpCmdLine) { int i; char cfgfile[MAX_PATH]; if (lpCmdLine && lpCmdLine[0]) { Log("CmdLine:<%s>", lpCmdLine); } for (i = 0; i < __argc; i++) { if (strncmp(__argv[i], "-U", 2) == 0 || strncmp(__argv[i], "-u", 2) == 0) { g_FilterUSB = 0; } else if (strncmp(__argv[i], "-F", 2) == 0) { g_ForceOperation = 1; } } GetCurrentDirectoryA(sizeof(cfgfile), cfgfile); strcat_s(cfgfile, sizeof(cfgfile), "\\Ventoy2Disk.ini"); if (0 == GetPrivateProfileIntA("Filter", "USB", 1, cfgfile)) { g_FilterUSB = 0; } if (1 == GetPrivateProfileIntA("Operation", "Force", 0, cfgfile)) { g_ForceOperation = 1; } Log("Control Flag: %d %d %d", g_FilterRemovable, g_FilterUSB, g_ForceOperation); return 0; } static BOOL IsVentoyPhyDrive(int PhyDrive, UINT64 SizeBytes, MBR_HEAD *pMBR) { int i; BOOL bRet; DWORD dwSize; HANDLE hDrive; MBR_HEAD MBR; UINT32 PartStartSector; UINT32 PartSectorCount; CHAR PhyDrivePath[128]; safe_sprintf(PhyDrivePath, "\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive%d", PhyDrive); hDrive = CreateFileA(PhyDrivePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); Log("Create file Handle:%p %s status:%u", hDrive, PhyDrivePath, LASTERR); if (hDrive == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; } bRet = ReadFile(hDrive, &MBR, sizeof(MBR), &dwSize, NULL); CHECK_CLOSE_HANDLE(hDrive); Log("Read MBR Ret:%u Size:%u code:%u", bRet, dwSize, LASTERR); if ((!bRet) || (dwSize != sizeof(MBR))) { return FALSE; } if (MBR.Byte55 != 0x55 || MBR.ByteAA != 0xAA) { Log("Byte55 ByteAA not match 0x%x 0x%x", MBR.Byte55, MBR.ByteAA); return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Log("=========== Partition Table %d ============", i + 1); Log("PartTbl.Active = 0x%x", MBR.PartTbl[i].Active); Log("PartTbl.FsFlag = 0x%x", MBR.PartTbl[i].FsFlag); Log("PartTbl.StartSectorId = %u", MBR.PartTbl[i].StartSectorId); Log("PartTbl.SectorCount = %u", MBR.PartTbl[i].SectorCount); Log("PartTbl.StartHead = %u", MBR.PartTbl[i].StartHead); Log("PartTbl.StartSector = %u", MBR.PartTbl[i].StartSector); Log("PartTbl.StartCylinder = %u", MBR.PartTbl[i].StartCylinder); Log("PartTbl.EndHead = %u", MBR.PartTbl[i].EndHead); Log("PartTbl.EndSector = %u", MBR.PartTbl[i].EndSector); Log("PartTbl.EndCylinder = %u", MBR.PartTbl[i].EndCylinder); } if (MBR.PartTbl[0].StartSectorId != 2048) { Log("Part1 not match %u", MBR.PartTbl[0].StartSectorId); return FALSE; } PartStartSector = MBR.PartTbl[0].StartSectorId + MBR.PartTbl[0].SectorCount; PartSectorCount = VENTOY_EFI_PART_SIZE / 512; if (MBR.PartTbl[1].FsFlag != 0xEF || MBR.PartTbl[1].StartSectorId != PartStartSector || MBR.PartTbl[1].SectorCount != PartSectorCount) { Log("Part2 not match [0x%x 0x%x] [%u %u] [%u %u]", MBR.PartTbl[1].FsFlag, 0xEF, MBR.PartTbl[1].StartSectorId, PartStartSector, MBR.PartTbl[1].SectorCount, PartSectorCount); return FALSE; } if (MBR.PartTbl[0].Active != 0x80 && MBR.PartTbl[1].Active != 0x80) { Log("Part1 and Part2 are both NOT active 0x%x 0x%x", MBR.PartTbl[0].Active, MBR.PartTbl[1].Active); return FALSE; } memcpy(pMBR, &MBR, sizeof(MBR_HEAD)); Log("PhysicalDrive%d is ventoy disk", PhyDrive); return TRUE; } static int FilterPhysicalDrive(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pDriveList, DWORD DriveCount) { DWORD i; DWORD LogDrive; int Letter = 'A'; int Id = 0; int LetterCount = 0; PHY_DRIVE_INFO *CurDrive; MBR_HEAD MBR; int LogLetter[VENTOY_MAX_PHY_DRIVE]; int PhyDriveId[VENTOY_MAX_PHY_DRIVE]; for (LogDrive = GetLogicalDrives(); LogDrive > 0; LogDrive >>= 1) { if (LogDrive & 0x01) { LogLetter[LetterCount] = Letter; PhyDriveId[LetterCount] = GetPhyDriveByLogicalDrive(Letter); Log("Logical Drive:%C ===> PhyDrive:%d", LogLetter[LetterCount], PhyDriveId[LetterCount]); LetterCount++; } Letter++; } for (i = 0; i < DriveCount; i++) { CurDrive = pDriveList + i; CurDrive->Id = -1; CurDrive->FirstDriveLetter = -1; // Too big for MBR if (CurDrive->SizeInBytes > 2199023255552ULL) { Log("<%s %s> is filtered for too big for MBR.", CurDrive->VendorId, CurDrive->ProductId); continue; } if (g_FilterRemovable && (!CurDrive->RemovableMedia)) { Log("<%s %s> is filtered for not removable.", CurDrive->VendorId, CurDrive->ProductId); continue; } if (g_FilterUSB && CurDrive->BusType != BusTypeUsb) { Log("<%s %s> is filtered for not USB type.", CurDrive->VendorId, CurDrive->ProductId); continue; } CurDrive->Id = Id++; for (Letter = 0; Letter < LetterCount; Letter++) { if (PhyDriveId[Letter] == CurDrive->PhyDrive) { CurDrive->FirstDriveLetter = LogLetter[Letter]; break; } } if (IsVentoyPhyDrive(CurDrive->PhyDrive, CurDrive->SizeInBytes, &MBR)) { GetVentoyVerInPhyDrive(CurDrive, &MBR, CurDrive->VentoyVersion, sizeof(CurDrive->VentoyVersion)); } } // for safe for (i = 0; i < DriveCount; i++) { CurDrive = pDriveList + i; if (CurDrive->Id < 0) { CurDrive->PhyDrive = 0x00FFFFFF; } } return Id; } PHY_DRIVE_INFO * GetPhyDriveInfoById(int Id) { DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < g_PhyDriveCount; i++) { if (g_PhyDriveList[i].Id >= 0 && g_PhyDriveList[i].Id == Id) { return g_PhyDriveList + i; } } return NULL; } int SortPhysicalDrive(PHY_DRIVE_INFO *pDriveList, DWORD DriveCount) { DWORD i, j; PHY_DRIVE_INFO TmpDriveInfo; for (i = 0; i < DriveCount; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < DriveCount; j++) { if (pDriveList[i].BusType == BusTypeUsb && pDriveList[j].BusType == BusTypeUsb) { if (pDriveList[i].RemovableMedia == FALSE && pDriveList[j].RemovableMedia == TRUE) { memcpy(&TmpDriveInfo, pDriveList + i, sizeof(PHY_DRIVE_INFO)); memcpy(pDriveList + i, pDriveList + j, sizeof(PHY_DRIVE_INFO)); memcpy(pDriveList + j, &TmpDriveInfo, sizeof(PHY_DRIVE_INFO)); } } } } return 0; } int Ventoy2DiskInit(void) { g_PhyDriveList = (PHY_DRIVE_INFO *)malloc(sizeof(PHY_DRIVE_INFO)* VENTOY_MAX_PHY_DRIVE); if (NULL == g_PhyDriveList) { Log("Failed to alloc phy drive memory"); return FALSE; } memset(g_PhyDriveList, 0, sizeof(PHY_DRIVE_INFO)* VENTOY_MAX_PHY_DRIVE); GetAllPhysicalDriveInfo(g_PhyDriveList, &g_PhyDriveCount); SortPhysicalDrive(g_PhyDriveList, g_PhyDriveCount); FilterPhysicalDrive(g_PhyDriveList, g_PhyDriveCount); return 0; } int Ventoy2DiskDestroy(void) { free(g_PhyDriveList); return 0; }