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#include <build_config.h>
#include <koalageddon/koalageddon.hpp>
#include <core/cache.hpp>
#include <smoke_api/smoke_api.hpp>
#include <koalabox/dll_monitor.hpp>
#include <koalabox/http_client.hpp>
namespace koalageddon {
KoalageddonConfig config; // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
* @return A string representing the source of the config.
String init_koalageddon_config() {
if (!smoke_api::config.koalageddon_config.is_null()) {
try {
// First try to read a local config override
config = smoke_api::config.koalageddon_config.get<decltype(config)>();
return "local config override";
} catch (const Exception& ex) {
logger->error("Failed to get local koalageddon config: {}", ex.what());
try {
// Then try to fetch config from GitHub
const String url = "";
config = http_client::fetch_json(url).get<decltype(config)>();
return "GitHub repository";
} catch (const Exception& ex) {
logger->error("Failed to get remote koalageddon config: {}", ex.what());
try {
// Then try to get a cached copy of a previously fetched config.
// We expect call to value() to throw if no koalageddon config is present
config = cache::get_koalageddon_config().value();
return "disk cache";
} catch (const Exception& ex) {
logger->error("Failed to get cached koalageddon config: {}", ex.what());
// Finally, fallback on the default config
config = {};
return "default config bundled in the binary";
void init() {
std::thread([]() {
const auto kg_config_source = init_koalageddon_config();
logger->info("Loaded Koalageddon config from the {}", kg_config_source);
dll_monitor::init({VSTDLIB_DLL, STEAMCLIENT_DLL}, [](const HMODULE& library, const String& name) {
try {
smoke_api::original_library = library;
static auto init_count = 0;
if (util::strings_are_equal(name, VSTDLIB_DLL)) {
// VStdLib DLL handles Family Sharing functions
if (smoke_api::config.unlock_family_sharing) {
} else if (util::strings_are_equal(name, STEAMCLIENT_DLL)) {
// SteamClient DLL handles unlocking functions
if (init_count == 2) {
} catch (const Exception& ex) {
logger->error("Koalageddon mode dll monitor init error. Module: '{}', Message: {}", name, ex.what());