You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
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#include <smoke_api/smoke_api.hpp>
#include <steam_impl/steam_client.hpp>
#include <koalabox/win_util.hpp>
#include <regex>
using namespace smoke_api;
using namespace steam_functions;
* Searches the `.rdata` section of the original dll for the full interface version string
* Results are cached for performance.
String get_versioned_interface(const String& version_prefix, const String& fallback) {
static Map<String, String> version_map;
if (not version_map.contains(version_prefix)) {
try {
const String rdata = win_util::get_pe_section_data_or_throw(original_library, ".rdata");
const std::regex regex(version_prefix + "\\d{3}");
std::smatch match;
if (std::regex_search(rdata, match, regex)) {
version_map[version_prefix] = match[0];
return version_map[version_prefix];
throw util::exception("No match found for '{}'", version_prefix);
} catch (const Exception& ex) {
"Failed to get versioned interface: {}."
"Falling back to version {}", ex.what(), fallback
version_map[version_prefix] = version_prefix + fallback;
return version_map[version_prefix];
DLL_EXPORT(void*) SteamClient() {
static auto version = get_versioned_interface(STEAM_CLIENT, "006");
return steam_client::GetGenericInterface(__func__, version, [&]() {
return SteamClient_o();
DLL_EXPORT(void*) SteamApps() {
static auto version = get_versioned_interface(STEAM_APPS, "002");
return steam_client::GetGenericInterface(__func__, version, [&]() {
return SteamApps_o();
DLL_EXPORT(void*) SteamUser() {
static auto version = get_versioned_interface(STEAM_USER, "012");
return steam_client::GetGenericInterface(__func__, version, [&]() {
return SteamUser_o();
DLL_EXPORT(void*) SteamInventory() {
static auto version = get_versioned_interface(STEAM_INVENTORY, "001");
return steam_client::GetGenericInterface(__func__, version, [&]() {
return SteamInventory_o();