You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
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#include <steam_impl/steam_apps.hpp>
#include <steam_impl/steam_impl.hpp>
#include <common/app_cache.hpp>
#include <smoke_api/config.hpp>
#include <koalabox/logger.hpp>
#include <koalabox/util.hpp>
#include <core/types.hpp>
#include <core/api.hpp>
namespace steam_apps {
/// Steamworks may max GetDLCCount value at 64, depending on how much unowned DLCs the user has.
/// Despite this limit, some games with more than 64 DLCs still keep using this method.
/// This means we have to get extra DLC IDs from local config, remote config, or cache.
constexpr auto MAX_DLC = 64;
Map<AppId_t, Vector<DLC>> app_dlcs; // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
Set<AppId_t> fully_fetched; // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp)
String get_app_id_log(const AppId_t app_id) {
return app_id ? fmt::format("App ID: {:>8}, ", app_id) : "";
* @param app_id
* @return boolean indicating if the function was able to successfully fetch DLC IDs from all sources.
void fetch_and_cache_dlcs(AppId_t app_id) {
static std::mutex mutex;
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex);
if (not app_id) {
// No app id means we are operating in game mode.
// Hence, we need to use utility functions to get app id.
try {
app_id = steam_impl::get_app_id_or_throw();
LOG_INFO("Detected App ID: {}", app_id)
} catch (const Exception& ex) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to get app ID: {}", ex.what())
app_dlcs[app_id] = {}; // Dummy value to avoid checking for presence on each access
// We want to fetch data only once. However, if any of the remote sources have failed
// previously, we want to attempt fetching again.
if (fully_fetched.contains(app_id)) {
// Any of the sources might fail, so we try to get optimal result
// by aggregating results from all the sources into a single set.
Vector<DLC> aggregated_dlcs;
const auto append_dlcs = [&](const Vector<DLC>& source, const String& source_name) {
LOG_DEBUG("App ID {} has {} DLCs defined in {}", app_id, source.size(), source_name)
aggregated_dlcs < append > source;
append_dlcs(smoke_api::config::get_extra_dlcs(app_id), "local config");
const auto github_dlcs_opt = api::fetch_dlcs_from_github(app_id);
if (github_dlcs_opt) {
append_dlcs(*github_dlcs_opt, "GitHub repository");
const auto steam_dlcs_opt = api::fetch_dlcs_from_steam(app_id);
if (steam_dlcs_opt) {
append_dlcs(*steam_dlcs_opt, "Steam API");
if (github_dlcs_opt && steam_dlcs_opt) {
} else {
append_dlcs(smoke_api::app_cache::get_dlcs(app_id), "disk cache");
// Cache DLCs in memory and cache for future use
app_dlcs[app_id] = aggregated_dlcs;
smoke_api::app_cache::save_dlcs(app_id, aggregated_dlcs);
bool IsDlcUnlocked(
const String& function_name,
AppId_t app_id,
AppId_t dlc_id,
const Function<bool()>& original_function
) {
try {
const auto unlocked = smoke_api::config::is_dlc_unlocked(app_id, dlc_id, original_function);
LOG_INFO("{} -> {}DLC ID: {:>8}, Unlocked: {}", function_name, get_app_id_log(app_id), dlc_id, unlocked)
return unlocked;
} catch (const Exception& e) {
LOG_ERROR("Uncaught exception: {}", e.what())
return false;
int GetDLCCount(const String& function_name, const AppId_t app_id, const Function<int()>& original_function) {
try {
const auto total_count = [&](int count) {
LOG_INFO("{} -> Responding with DLC count: {}", function_name, count)
return count;
if (app_id != 0) {
LOG_DEBUG("{} -> App ID: {}", function_name, app_id)
const auto original_count = original_function();
LOG_DEBUG("{} -> Original DLC count: {}", function_name, original_count)
if (original_count < MAX_DLC) {
return total_count(original_count);
LOG_DEBUG("Game has {} or more DLCs. Fetching DLCs from remote sources.", original_count)
return total_count(static_cast<int>(app_dlcs[app_id].size()));
} catch (const Exception& e) {
LOG_ERROR(" Uncaught exception: {}", function_name, e.what())
return 0;
bool GetDLCDataByIndex(
const String& function_name,
AppId_t app_id,
int iDLC,
AppId_t* pDlcId,
bool* pbAvailable,
char* pchName,
int cchNameBufferSize,
const Function<bool()>& original_function,
const Function<bool(AppId_t)>& is_originally_unlocked
) {
try {
LOG_DEBUG("{} -> {}index: {:>3}", function_name, get_app_id_log(app_id), iDLC)
const auto print_dlc_info = [&](const String& tag) {
R"({} -> [{:^12}] {}index: {:>3}, DLC ID: {:>8}, available: {:5}, name: "{}")",
function_name, tag, get_app_id_log(app_id), iDLC, *pDlcId, *pbAvailable, pchName
const auto inject_dlc = [&](const DLC& dlc) {
// Fill the output pointers
*pDlcId = dlc.get_id();
*pbAvailable = smoke_api::config::is_dlc_unlocked(
app_id, *pDlcId, [&]() {
return is_originally_unlocked(*pDlcId);
auto name = dlc.get_name();
name = name.substr(0, cchNameBufferSize + 1);
memcpy_s(pchName, cchNameBufferSize, name.c_str(), name.size());
if (app_dlcs.contains(app_id)) {
const auto& dlcs = app_dlcs[app_id];
if (iDLC >= 0 && iDLC < dlcs.size()) {
return true;
LOG_WARN("{} -> Out of bounds DLC index: {}", function_name, iDLC)
return false;
const auto success = original_function();
if (success) {
*pbAvailable = smoke_api::config::is_dlc_unlocked(
app_id, *pDlcId, [&]() { return *pbAvailable; }
} else {
LOG_WARN("{} -> original call failed for index: {}", function_name, iDLC)
return success;
} catch (const Exception& e) {
LOG_ERROR("{} -> Uncaught exception: {}", function_name, e.what())
return false;