#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WIN64 #include #endif namespace smoke_api { Config config = {}; // NOLINT(cert-err58-cpp) HMODULE original_library = nullptr; bool is_hook_mode = false; Path self_directory; void init_config() { // TODO: Detect koalageddon mode first, and then fetch config from corresponding directory config = config_parser::parse(self_directory / PROJECT_NAME".json"); } void init_proxy_mode() { logger->info("🔀 Detected proxy mode"); original_library = loader::load_original_library(self_directory, ORIGINAL_DLL); } void init_hook_mode() { logger->info("🪝 Detected hook mode"); dll_monitor::init(STEAMCLIENT_DLL, [](const HMODULE& library) { original_library = library; DETOUR_ORIGINAL(CreateInterface) }); // Hooking steam_api has show itself to be less desirable than steamclient // for the reasons outlined below: // // Calling original in flat functions will actually call the hooked functions // because the original function redirects the execution to a function taken // from self pointer, which would have been hooked by SteamInternal_*Interface // functions. // // Furthermore, turns out that many flat functions share the same body, // which looks like the following snippet: // // mov rax, qword ptr ds:[rcx] // jmp qword ptr ds:[rax+immediate] // // This means that we end up inadvertently hooking unintended functions. // Given that hooking steam_api has no apparent benefits, but has inherent flaws, // the support for it has been dropped from this project. } void init(HMODULE self_module) { try { DisableThreadLibraryCalls(self_module); koalabox::project_name = PROJECT_NAME; self_directory = loader::get_module_dir(self_module); init_config(); const auto exe_path = Path(win_util::get_module_file_name_or_throw(nullptr)); const auto exe_name = exe_path.filename().string(); const auto exe_bitness = util::is_x64() ? 64 : 32; if (config.logging) { logger = file_logger::create(self_directory / fmt::format("{}.log", PROJECT_NAME)); } logger->info("🐨 {} v{}", PROJECT_NAME, PROJECT_VERSION); logger->debug(R"(Process name: "{}" [{}-bit])", exe_name, exe_bitness); is_hook_mode = hook::is_hook_mode(self_module, ORIGINAL_DLL); if (is_hook_mode) { hook::init(true); #ifdef _WIN64 init_hook_mode(); #else // TODO: Check if it's steam from valve if (util::strings_are_equal(exe_name, "steam.exe")) { koalageddon::init(); } else { init_hook_mode(); } #endif } else { init_proxy_mode(); } logger->info("🚀 Initialization complete"); } catch (const Exception& ex) { util::panic(fmt::format("Initialization error: {}", ex.what())); } } void shutdown() { try { if (is_hook_mode) { dll_monitor::shutdown(); } else { win_util::free_library(original_library); } logger->info("💀 Shutdown complete"); } catch (const Exception& ex) { logger->error("Shutdown error: {}", ex.what()); } } bool should_unlock(uint32_t app_id) { return config.unlock_all != config.override.contains(app_id); } }