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461 lines
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# Sample configuration for sslproxy v0.9.2
# Use the -f command line option to start sslproxy with a config file.
# See sslproxy.conf(5) and sslproxy(1) for documentation.
# Note that the ordering of options, rules, and proxyspecs in configuration
# files (and on the command line) is important. For example, rules and
# proxyspecs can only make use of the options defined earlier.
# Use CA cert (and key) to sign forged certs.
# Equivalent to -c command line option.
CACert /etc/sslproxy/ca.crt
# Use CA key (and cert) to sign forged certs.
# Equivalent to -k command line option.
CAKey /etc/sslproxy/ca.key
# Use cert from pemfile when destination requests client certs.
# Equivalent to -a command line option.
#ClientCert /etc/sslproxy/client.crt
# Use key from pemfile when destination requests client certs.
# Equivalent to -b command line option.
#ClientKey /etc/sslproxy/client.key
# Use CA chain from pemfile (intermediate and root CA certs).
# Equivalent to -C command line option.
#CAChain /etc/sslproxy/chain.crt
# Use key from pemfile for leaf certs.
# Equivalent to -K command line option.
# (default: generate)
#LeafKey /etc/sslproxy/leaf.key
# Use URL as CRL distribution point for all forged certs.
# Equivalent to -q command line option.
# Use cert+chain+key PEM files from certdir to target all sites matching the
# common names (non-matching: generate if CA).
# Equivalent to -t command line option.
#LeafCertDir /etc/sslproxy/leaf.d
# Use cert+chain+key from PEM file instead of generating leaf keys on the fly.
# Equivalent to -A command line option.
#DefaultLeafCert /etc/sslproxy/leaf.pem
# Write leaf key and only generated certificates to gendir.
# Equivalent to -w command line option.
#WriteGenCertsDir /var/log/sslproxy
# Write leaf key and all certificates to gendir.
# Equivalent to -W command line option.
#WriteAllCertsDir /var/log/sslproxy
# Deny all OCSP requests on all proxyspecs.
# Equivalent to -O command line option.
#DenyOCSP yes
# Passthrough SSL connections if they cannot be split because of client cert
# auth or no matching cert and no CA.
# Equivalent to -P command line option.
# (default: drop)
#Passthrough yes
# Use DH group params from pemfile.
# Equivalent to -g command line option.
# (default: keyfiles or auto)
#DHGroupParams /etc/sslproxy/dh.pem
# Use ECDH named curve.
# Equivalent to -G command line option.
# (default: prime256v1)
#ECDHCurve prime256v1
# Enable/disable SSL/TLS compression on all connections.
# Equivalent to -Z command line option.
#SSLCompression no
# Force SSL/TLS protocol version only.
# Equivalent to -r command line option.
# (default: all)
#ForceSSLProto tls12
# Disable SSL/TLS protocol version.
# Equivalent to -R command line option.
# (default: none)
#DisableSSLProto tls10
# Enable SSL/TLS protocol version.
# Equivalent to -B command line option.
# (default: all)
#EnableSSLProto tls10
# Min SSL/TLS protocol version.
# (default: tls10)
#MinSSLProto tls10
# Max SSL/TLS protocol version.
# (default: tls12 or tls13, depending on the version of SSL library)
#MaxSSLProto tls13
# Use the given OpenSSL ciphers spec.
# Equivalent to -s command line option.
# (default: ALL:-aNULL)
# Use the given OpenSSL ciphersuites spec.
# The ciphersuites spec is for TLS 1.3.
# Equivalent to -U command line option.
# (default: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256)
#CipherSuites TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# Leaf key RSA keysize in bits, use 1024|2048|3072|4096.
# (default: 2048)
#LeafKeyRSABits 2048
# OpenSSL engine to activate, either ID or full path to shared library
# Equivalent to -x command line option
#OpenSSLEngine cloudhsm
# Specify default NAT engine to use.
# Equivalent to -e command line option.
#NATEngine netfilter
# Drop privileges to user.
# Equivalent to -u command line option.
# (default: nobody, if run as root)
#User _sslproxy
# Drop privileges to group.
# Equivalent to -m command line option.
# (default: primary group of user)
#Group _sslproxy
# chroot() to jaildir (impacts sni proxyspecs, see sslproxy(1)).
# Equivalent to -j command line option.
#Chroot /var/run/sslproxy
# Write pid to file.
# Equivalent to -p command line option.
# (default: no pid file)
PidFile /var/run/
# Connect log: log one line summary per connection to logfile.
# Equivalent to -l command line option.
#ConnectLog /var/log/sslproxy/connect.log
# Content log: full data to file or named pipe
# (excludes ContentLogDir/ContentLogPathSpec).
# Equivalent to -L command line option.
#ContentLog /var/log/sslproxy/content.log
# Content log: full data to separate files in dir
# (excludes ContentLog/ContentLogPathSpec).
# Equivalent to -S command line option.
#ContentLogDir /var/log/sslproxy/content
# Content log: full data to sep files with % subst
# (excludes ContentLog/ContentLogDir).
# Equivalent to -F command line option.
#ContentLogPathSpec /var/log/sslproxy/%X/%u-%s-%d-%T.log
# Look up local process owning each connection for logging.
# Equivalent to -i command line option.
#LogProcInfo yes
# Pcap log: packets to pcapfile (excludes PcapLogDir/PcapLogPathSpec).
# Equivalent to -X command line option.
#PcapLog /var/log/sslproxy/content.pcap
# Pcap log: packets to separate files in dir
# (excludes PcapLog/PcapLogPathSpec).
# Equivalent to -Y command line option.
#PcapLogDir /var/log/sslproxy/pcap
# Pcap log: packets to sep files with % subst (excludes PcapLog/PcapLogDir).
# Equivalent to -y command line option.
#PcapLogPathSpec /var/log/sslproxy/%X/%u-%s-%d-%T.pcap
# Mirror packets to interface.
# Equivalent to -I command line option.
#MirrorIf lo
# Mirror packets to target address (used with MirrorIf).
# Equivalent to -T command line option. Leave commented if the target is
# irrelevant (e.g. mirror to dummy device)
# Log master keys to logfile in SSLKEYLOGFILE format.
# Equivalent to -M command line option.
#MasterKeyLog /var/log/sslproxy/masterkeys.log
# Daemon mode: run in background, log error messages to syslog.
# Equivalent to -d command line option.
Daemon yes
# Debug mode: run in foreground, log debug messages on stderr.
# Equivalent to -D command line option.
#Debug yes
# Verbose debug level
#DebugLevel 4
# Close connections after this many seconds of idle time
ConnIdleTimeout 120
# Check for expired connections every this many seconds
ExpiredConnCheckPeriod 10
# Log statistics to syslog
# Equivalent to -J command line option.
LogStats yes
# Log statistics every this many ExpiredConnCheckPeriod periods
StatsPeriod 1
# Remove HTTP header line for Accept-Encoding
RemoveHTTPAcceptEncoding no
# Remove HTTP header line for Referer
RemoveHTTPReferer yes
# Verify peer using default certificates
VerifyPeer yes
# When disabled, never add the SNI to forged certificates, even if the SNI
# provided by the client does not match the server certificate's CN/SAN.
# Helps pass the test at
AllowWrongHost no
# Require authentication for users to use SSLproxy
#UserAuth no
# Path to user db file
#UserDBPath /var/db/users.db
# Time users out after this many seconds of idle time
#UserTimeout 300
# Redirect URL for users to log in to the system
# Comma separated list of users diverted by all proxyspecs
# Connections from these users are diverted to listening programs.
# Users not listed in DivertUsers or PassUsers are blocked.
# Max of 50 users can be listed.
DivertUsers utmfw
# Comma separated list of users passed through by all proxyspecs
# Connections from these users are simply passed through to their original destinations,
# not diverted to listening programs.
# Users not listed in DivertUsers or PassUsers are blocked.
# Max of 50 users can be listed.
PassUsers admin
# Validate proxy spec protocols
#ValidateProto no
# Max HTTP header size in bytes for protocol validation
#MaxHTTPHeaderSize 8192
# Set open files limit, use 50-10000
#OpenFilesLimit 1024
# Set divert or split mode of operation
# Not equivalent to the command line -n option.
# Applied to the proxyspecs defined after it, and structured proxyspecs can override it.
# Note that if the arg is not yes|no, this is assumed to be a Divert filter rule.
# (default: yes)
#Divert yes
# Passthrough sites
# The PassSite option is a special form of Pass filter rule
# PassSite rules can be written as Pass filter rules, see filter rule examples
# PassSite rules will be deprecated in favor of filter rules in the future
# site[*] [(clientaddr|user|*) [description desc]]
#PassSite soner
#PassSite * * android
#PassSite* soner android
# Load configuration from an include file
# Recursive include files are not allowed. The Include option cannot be used in
# include files.
#Include /etc/sslproxy/filterrules.conf
#Include /etc/sslproxy/proxyspecs.conf
# Define macro to be used in filtering rules. Macro names must start with a $
# char. The macro name must be followed by words separated with spaces.
# Recursive macro definitions are not allowed.
#Define $macro value1 value2
# One line filtering rules
# ([from (
# user (username[*]|$macro|*) [desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)]|
# desc (desc[*]|$macro|*)|
# ip (clientip[*]|$macro|*)|
# *)]
# [to (
# (sni (servername[*]|$macro|*)|
# cn (commonname[*]|$macro|*)|
# host (host[*]|$macro|*)|
# uri (uri[*]|$macro|*)|
# ip (serverip[*]|$macro|*)) [port (serverport[*]|$macro|*)]|
# port (serverport[*]|$macro|*)|
# *)]
# [log ([[!]connect] [[!]master] [[!]cert]
# [[!]content] [[!]pcap] [[!]mirror] [$macro]|[!]*)]
# |*) [# comment]
# PassSite is equivalent to the following two Pass rules:
# Pass to sni
# Pass to cn
#Divert from ip to sni
#Split from user soner to sni log content
#Pass from user * desc android to sni *
#Block from user soner desc android to cn*
# Structured filtering rules
#FilterRule {
# Action (Divert|Split|Pass|Block|Match)
# # From
# User (username[*]|$macro|*) # inline
# Desc (desc[*]|$macro|*) # comments
# SrcIp (clientip[*]|$macro|*) # allowed
# # To
# SNI (servername[*]|$macro|*)
# CN (commonname[*]|$macro|*)
# Host (host[*]|$macro|*)
# URI (uri[*]|$macro|*)
# DstIp (serverip[*]|$macro|*)
# DstPort (serverport[*]|$macro|*)
# # Multiple Log lines allowed
# Log ([[!]connect] [[!]master] [[!]cert]
# [[!]content] [[!]pcap] [[!]mirror] [$macro]|[!]*)
# ReconnectSSL (yes|no)
# # Connection options
# DenyOCSP (yes|no)
# Passthrough (yes|no)
# CACert ca.crt
# CAKey ca.key
# ClientCert client.crt
# ClientKey client.key
# CAChain chain.crt
# DHGroupParams dh.pem
# ECDHCurve prime256v1
# SSLCompression (yes|no)
# ForceSSLProto (ssl2|ssl3|tls10|tls11|tls12|tls13)
# DisableSSLProto (ssl2|ssl3|tls10|tls11|tls12|tls13)
# EnableSSLProto (ssl2|ssl3|tls10|tls11|tls12|tls13)
# MinSSLProto (ssl2|ssl3|tls10|tls11|tls12|tls13)
# MaxSSLProto (ssl2|ssl3|tls10|tls11|tls12|tls13)
# CipherSuites TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# RemoveHTTPAcceptEncoding (yes|no)
# RemoveHTTPReferer (yes|no)
# VerifyPeer (yes|no)
# AllowWrongHost (yes|no)
# UserAuth (yes|no)
# UserTimeout 300
# UserAuthURL
# ValidateProto (yes|no)
# MaxHTTPHeaderSize 8192
# One line proxy specifications
# type listenaddr+port up:utmport [ua:utmaddr ra:returnaddr]
#ProxySpec https 8443 up:8080 [ua: ra:]
ProxySpec https 8443 up:8080
ProxySpec pop3s 8995 up:8110
ProxySpec smtps 8465 up:9199
# split mode
ProxySpec http 8081
# Structured proxy specifications
# Global config is cloned into all proxyspecs first
# Each proxyspec can override its cloned global config
ProxySpec {
Proto https
# Listen address
# Listen port
Port 8444
# Set divert or split mode for proxyspec
#Divert yes
# Divert address defaults to, if not specified
# Equivalent to ua
# Equivalent to up
DivertPort 8080
# Return address defaults to, if not specified
# Equivalent to ra
# Specify nat, sni, or target config
#NatEngine netfilter
#SNIPort 443
#TargetPort 9443
DenyOCSP yes
Passthrough no
# Proxyspec specific SSL/TLS config, overrides the cloned global config
#CACert ca.crt
#CAKey ca.key
#ClientCert client.crt
#ClientKey client.key
#CAChain chain.crt
#DHGroupParams dh.pem
#ECDHCurve prime256v1
#SSLCompression no
#ForceSSLProto tls12
#DisableSSLProto tls10
#EnableSSLProto tls10
#MinSSLProto tls10
#MaxSSLProto tls13
#CipherSuites TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
RemoveHTTPAcceptEncoding no
RemoveHTTPReferer yes
VerifyPeer yes
UserAuth yes
UserTimeout 300
# Comma separated list of users diverted by this proxyspec, overrides the cloned global list
DivertUsers utmfw
# Comma separated list of users passed through by this proxyspec, overrides the cloned global list
PassUsers admin
ValidateProto yes
# Proxyspec specific passsites are appended to the cloned global passsites
Define $admins soner admin
Pass from user $admins desc android to cn*
# Structured version of one line filtering rule above
FilterRule {
Action Pass
User $admins
Desc android