PROJECT_ROOT= ../.. include $(PROJECT_ROOT)/Mk/ ifndef SRCDIR $(error SRCDIR not defined) endif SRCS:= $(wildcard *.t.c) OBJS:= $(SRCS:.t.c=.t.o) SRCSRCS:= $(wildcard $(PROJECT_ROOT)/$(SRCDIR)/*.c) SRCHDRS:= $(wildcard $(PROJECT_ROOT)/$(SRCDIR)/*.h) SRCSOBJS:= $(SRCSRCS:.c=.o) OBJS+= $(filter-out $(PROJECT_ROOT)/$(SRCDIR)/main.o,$(SRCSOBJS)) MKFS:= $(wildcard GNUmakefile $(PROJECT_ROOT)/$(SRCDIR)/GNUmakefile $(PROJECT_ROOT)/GNUmakefile $(PROJECT_ROOT)/Mk/*.mk) all: test $(TARGET).test: $(OBJS) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(TPKG_LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(TPKG_LIBS) %.t.o: %.t.c $(SRCHDRS) $(MKFS) ifdef CHECK_MISSING $(error unit test dependency 'check' not found; \ install it or point CHECK_BASE to base path) endif $(CC) -c $(CPPFLAGS) $(TCPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(TPKG_CFLAGS) -o $@ \ -x c $< buildtest: TCPPFLAGS+=-D"TEST_ZEROUSR=\"$(shell id -u -n root||echo 0)\"" buildtest: TCPPFLAGS+=-D"TEST_ZEROGRP=\"$(shell id -g -n root||echo 0)\"" buildtest: TCPPFLAGS+=-I$(PROJECT_ROOT)/$(SRCDIR) buildtest: $(TARGET).test $(MAKE) -C engine $(MAKE) -C pki testreqs ifeq ($(findstring -DDEBUG_PROXY,$(shell $(PROJECT_ROOT)/src/sslproxy -V 2>&1 | grep "Features: ")),-DDEBUG_PROXY) $(error Unit tests cannot run with DEBUG_PROXY feature enabled, disable DEBUG_PROXY feature in main makefile and try again) endif test: buildtest ./$(TARGET).test sudotest: buildtest sudo ./$(TARGET).test travis: TCPPFLAGS+=-DTRAVIS travis: test clean: $(MAKE) -C engine clean $(RM) -f $(TARGET).test *.o .*.o *.core *~ $(RM) -rf *.dSYM ifdef GITDIR lint: $(CPPCHECK) $(CPPCHECKFLAGS) --force --enable=all --error-exitcode=1 . realclean: clean $(MAKE) -C pki clean endif FORCE: .PHONY: all config clean buildtest test sudotest travis realclean