/* * SSLsplit - transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception * Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Daniel Roethlisberger * All rights reserved. * http://www.roe.ch/SSLsplit * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice unmodified, this list of conditions, and the following * disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "pxythrmgr.h" #include "sys.h" #include "log.h" #include #include /* * Proxy thread manager: manages the connection handling worker threads * and the per-thread resources (i.e. event bases). The load is shared * across num_cpu * 2 connection handling threads, using the number of * currently assigned connections as the sole metric. * * The attach and detach functions are thread-safe. */ typedef struct pxy_thr_ctx { pthread_t thr; size_t load; struct event_base *evbase; struct evdns_base *dnsbase; int running; } pxy_thr_ctx_t; struct pxy_thrmgr_ctx { int num_thr; pxy_thr_ctx_t **thr; pthread_mutex_t mutex; }; /* * Dummy recurring timer event to prevent the event loops from exiting when * they run out of events. */ static void pxy_thrmgr_timer_cb(UNUSED evutil_socket_t fd, UNUSED short what, UNUSED void *arg) { /* do nothing */ } /* * Thread entry point; runs the event loop of the event base. * Does not exit until the libevent loop is broken explicitly. */ static void * pxy_thrmgr_thr(void *arg) { pxy_thr_ctx_t *ctx = arg; struct timeval timer_delay = {60, 0}; struct event *ev; ev = event_new(ctx->evbase, -1, EV_PERSIST, pxy_thrmgr_timer_cb, NULL); if (!ev) return NULL; evtimer_add(ev, &timer_delay); ctx->running = 1; event_base_dispatch(ctx->evbase); event_free(ev); return NULL; } /* * Create new thread manager but do not start any threads yet. * This gets called before forking to background. */ pxy_thrmgr_ctx_t * pxy_thrmgr_new(UNUSED opts_t *opts) { pxy_thrmgr_ctx_t *ctx; if (!(ctx = malloc(sizeof(pxy_thrmgr_ctx_t)))) return NULL; memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(pxy_thrmgr_ctx_t)); ctx->num_thr = 2 * sys_get_cpu_cores(); return ctx; } /* * Start the thread manager and associated threads. * This must be called after forking. * * Returns -1 on failure, 0 on success. */ int pxy_thrmgr_run(pxy_thrmgr_ctx_t *ctx) { int idx = -1; if (!ctx) return -1; pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->mutex, NULL); if (!(ctx->thr = malloc(ctx->num_thr * sizeof(void*)))) { log_dbg_printf("Failed to allocate memory\n"); goto leave; } for (idx = 0; idx < ctx->num_thr; idx++) { if (!(ctx->thr[idx] = malloc(sizeof(pxy_thr_ctx_t)))) { log_dbg_printf("Failed to allocate memory\n"); goto leave; } ctx->thr[idx]->evbase = event_base_new(); if (!ctx->thr[idx]->evbase) { log_dbg_printf("Failed to create evbase %d\n", idx); goto leave; } ctx->thr[idx]->dnsbase = evdns_base_new( ctx->thr[idx]->evbase, 1); if (!ctx->thr[idx]->dnsbase) { log_dbg_printf("Failed to create dnsbase %d\n", idx); goto leave; } ctx->thr[idx]->load = 0; ctx->thr[idx]->running = 0; } log_dbg_printf("Initialized %d connection handling threads\n", ctx->num_thr); for (idx = 0; idx < ctx->num_thr; idx++) { if (pthread_create(&ctx->thr[idx]->thr, NULL, pxy_thrmgr_thr, ctx->thr[idx])) goto leave_thr; while (!ctx->thr[idx]->running) { sched_yield(); } } log_dbg_printf("Started %d connection handling threads\n", ctx->num_thr); return 0; leave_thr: idx--; while (idx >= 0) { pthread_cancel(ctx->thr[idx]->thr); pthread_join(ctx->thr[idx]->thr, NULL); idx--; } idx = ctx->num_thr - 1; leave: while (idx >= 0) { if (ctx->thr[idx]) { if (ctx->thr[idx]->dnsbase) { evdns_base_free(ctx->thr[idx]->dnsbase, 0); } if (ctx->thr[idx]->evbase) { event_base_free(ctx->thr[idx]->evbase); } free(ctx->thr[idx]); } idx--; } pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->mutex); if (ctx->thr) { free(ctx->thr); ctx->thr = NULL; } return -1; } /* * Destroy the event manager and stop all threads. */ void pxy_thrmgr_free(pxy_thrmgr_ctx_t *ctx) { if (!ctx) return; pthread_mutex_destroy(&ctx->mutex); if (ctx->thr) { for (int idx = 0; idx < ctx->num_thr; idx++) { event_base_loopbreak(ctx->thr[idx]->evbase); sched_yield(); } for (int idx = 0; idx < ctx->num_thr; idx++) { pthread_join(ctx->thr[idx]->thr, NULL); } for (int idx = 0; idx < ctx->num_thr; idx++) { evdns_base_free(ctx->thr[idx]->dnsbase, 0); event_base_free(ctx->thr[idx]->evbase); free(ctx->thr[idx]); } free(ctx->thr); } free(ctx); } /* * Attach a new connection to a thread. Chooses the thread with the fewest * currently active connections, returns the appropriate event bases. * Returns the index of the chosen thread (for passing to _detach later). * This function cannot fail. */ int pxy_thrmgr_attach(pxy_thrmgr_ctx_t *ctx, struct event_base **evbase, struct evdns_base **dnsbase) { int thridx; size_t minload; thridx = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->mutex); minload = ctx->thr[thridx]->load; #ifdef DEBUG_THREAD log_dbg_printf("===> Proxy connection handler thread status:\n" "thr[%d]: %zu\n", thridx, minload); #endif /* DEBUG_THREAD */ for (int idx = 1; idx < ctx->num_thr; idx++) { #ifdef DEBUG_THREAD log_dbg_printf("thr[%d]: %zu\n", idx, ctx->thr[idx]->load); #endif /* DEBUG_THREAD */ if (minload > ctx->thr[idx]->load) { minload = ctx->thr[idx]->load; thridx = idx; } } *evbase = ctx->thr[thridx]->evbase; *dnsbase = ctx->thr[thridx]->dnsbase; ctx->thr[thridx]->load++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->mutex); #ifdef DEBUG_THREAD log_dbg_printf("thridx: %d\n", thridx); #endif /* DEBUG_THREAD */ return thridx; } /* * Detach a connection from a thread by index. * This function cannot fail. */ void pxy_thrmgr_detach(pxy_thrmgr_ctx_t *ctx, int thridx) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->mutex); ctx->thr[thridx]->load--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->mutex); } /* vim: set noet ft=c: */