# This is the SSLproxy configuration file # Use CA cert (and key) to sign forged certs CACert /etc/sslproxy/ca.crt # Use CA key (and cert) to sign forged certs CAKey /etc/sslproxy/ca.key # Close connections after this many seconds of idle time ConnIdleTimeout 120 # Check for expired connections every this many seconds ExpiredConnCheckPeriod 10 # Retry to shut ssl conns down after this many micro seconds # Increasing this delay may avoid dirty shutdowns on slow connections, # but increases resource usage, such as file desriptors and memory SSLShutdownRetryDelay 100 # Write pid to file PidFile /var/run/sslproxy.pid # Log statistics to syslog LogStats yes # Log statistics every this many ExpiredConnCheckPeriod periods StatsPeriod 1 # Drop privileges to user and group User _sslproxy Group _sslproxy # Remove HTTP header line for Accept-Encoding RemoveHTTPAcceptEncoding no # Proxy specifications # type listenaddr+port up:utmport ProxySpec https 8443 up:8080 ProxySpec pop3s 8995 up:8110 ProxySpec smtps 8465 up:9199