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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace SCJMapper_V2.CryXMLlib
/// <summary>
/// Derived work from CryEngine: XMLBinaryHeaders.h:
/// CryEngine Source File.
/// Copyright (C), Crytek Studios, 2001-2006.
/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// File name: xml.h
/// Created: 21/04/2006 by Timur.
/// Description:
/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Implemented IXmlNode
/// </summary>
internal class CryXmlBinNode : IXmlNode // CBinaryXmlNode
internal CryXmlBinContext m_pData = null; // ref to the binary data area
internal UInt32 m_pNodeIndex = 0; // Index of ourself
// Return current node in binary data.
private CryXMLNode _node( )
return m_pData.pNodes[m_pNodeIndex];
private XmlString _string( UInt32 nIndex )
return m_pData._string( nIndex );
private string GetValue( string key )
CryXMLNodeIndex nFirst = _node( ).nFirstAttributeIndex;
CryXMLNodeIndex nLast = nFirst + _node( ).nAttributeCount;
for ( CryXMLNodeIndex i = nFirst; i < nLast; i++ ) {
XmlString attrKey = _string( m_pData.pAttributes[i].nKeyStringOffset );
if ( key == attrKey ) {
string attrValue = _string( m_pData.pAttributes[i].nValueStringOffset );
return attrValue;
return "";
// Get XML node tag.
public override string getTag( )
return _string( _node( ).nTagStringOffset );
// Return true if given tag is equal to node tag.
public override bool isTag( string tag )
return ( tag == getTag( ) );
// Check if attributes with specified key exist.
public override bool haveAttr( string key )
return ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( GetValue( key ) ) );
// Get XML Node attributes.
public override int getNumAttributes( ) { return ( int )_node( ).nAttributeCount; }
// Return attribute key and value by attribute index.
public override bool getAttributeByIndex( int index, out string key, out string value )
key = ""; value = "";
CryXMLNode pNode = _node( );
if ( index >= 0 && index < pNode.nAttributeCount ) {
CryXMLAttribute attr = m_pData.pAttributes[pNode.nFirstAttributeIndex + index];
key = _string( attr.nKeyStringOffset );
value = _string( attr.nValueStringOffset );
return true;
return false;
// Return attribute key and value by attribute index, string version.
public virtual bool getAttributeByIndex( int index, out XmlString key, out XmlString value )
string _key, _value;
bool retVal = getAttributeByIndex( index, out _key, out _value );
key = ( XmlString )_key; value = ( XmlString )_value;
return retVal;
// Get XML Node attribute for specified key.
public override string getAttr( string key )
return GetValue( key );
// Get XML Node attribute for specified key.
// Returns true if the attribute exists, false otherwise.
public override bool getAttr( string key, out string value )
string svalue = GetValue( key );
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( svalue ) ) {
value = svalue;
return true;
else {
value = "";
return false;
// Get attribute value of node.
public override bool getAttr( string key, out XmlString value )
string v = "";
bool boHasAttribute = getAttr( key, out v );
value = v;
return boHasAttribute;
// Get number of child XML nodes.
public override int getChildCount( ) { return ( int )_node( ).nChildCount; }
// Get XML Node child nodes.
public override CryXmlNodeRef getChild( int i )
CryXMLNode pNode = _node( );
if ( i < 0 || i > ( int )pNode.nChildCount ) {
return null;
CryXmlNodeRef n = m_pData.pBinaryNodes[m_pData.pChildIndices[pNode.nFirstChildIndex + i]];
return n;
// Find node with specified tag.
public override CryXmlNodeRef findChild( string tag )
CryXMLNode pNode = _node( );
CryXMLNodeIndex nFirst = pNode.nFirstChildIndex;
CryXMLNodeIndex nAfterLast = pNode.nFirstChildIndex + pNode.nChildCount;
for ( CryXMLNodeIndex i = nFirst; i < nAfterLast; i++ ) {
string sChildTag = _string( m_pData.pNodes[m_pData.pChildIndices[i]].nTagStringOffset );
if ( tag == sChildTag ) {
CryXmlNodeRef n = m_pData.pBinaryNodes[m_pData.pChildIndices[i]];
return n;
return null;
// Get parent XML node.
public override CryXmlNodeRef getParent( )
CryXMLNode pNode = _node( );
if ( pNode.nParentIndex != ( CryXMLNodeIndex )( -1 ) ) { // murks..
CryXmlNodeRef n = m_pData.pBinaryNodes[pNode.nParentIndex];
return n;
// has no parent i.e. toplevel
return this;
// Returns content of this node.
public override string getContent( ) { return _string( _node( ).nContentStringOffset ); }