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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SCJMapper_V2.RTF
/// <summary>
/// A simple class to support RTF formatting for the RTF control
/// </summary>
class RTFformatter
private const string c_Header = @"\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg437\deff0\deflang9"; // plain ANSI with old IBM codepage, def font use 0, lang is Gen English
private const string c_Leader = @"\viewkind4\uc1\b0\f0\cf0 "; // 4 Normal view, Unicode 1 byte (ANSI)
#region Font
private const int c_FontSize = 11;
private string FontSize_low( int ptSize )
int ps = ( ptSize == 0 ) ? c_FontSize : ptSize;
return @"\fs" + ( ps * 2 ).ToString( ).Trim( );
public void FontSize( int ptSize )
m_rTFtextLine += FontSize_low( ptSize );
private string m_fmtFont = @"\f0";
private const string c_Fonts = @"{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}}"; // some fonts (Sans, Mono)
public enum ERFont
ERF_Sans = 0,
private ERFont m_rFont = ERFont.ERF_Sans;
public ERFont RFont
get { return m_rFont; }
set {
m_rFont = value;
m_fmtFont = string.Format( @"\f{0} ", ( (int)m_rFont ).ToString( ).Trim( ) );
m_rTFtextLine += m_fmtFont;
private string m_fmtBold = @"\f0 ";
private bool m_rBold = false;
public bool RBold
get { return m_rBold; }
set {
m_rBold = value;
m_fmtBold = ( m_rBold ) ? @"\b " : @"\b0 ";
m_rTFtextLine += m_fmtBold;
private string m_fmtULine = @"\ulnone ";
private bool m_rULine = false;
public bool RULine
get { return m_rULine; }
set {
m_rULine = value;
m_fmtULine = ( m_rULine ) ? @"\ul " : @"\ulnone ";
m_rTFtextLine += m_fmtULine;
#region Text Color
private const string c_Colors = @"{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green176\blue80;\red0\green77\blue187;\red173\green255\blue47;}"; // some colors (Black, Red, Green, Blue)
public enum ERColor
ERC_Black = 0,
private string m_fmtColor = @"\cf0";
private ERColor m_rColor = ERColor.ERC_Black;
public ERColor RColor
get { return m_rColor; }
set {
m_rColor = value;
m_fmtColor = string.Format( @"\cf{0} ", ( (int)m_rColor ).ToString( ).Trim( ) );
m_rTFtextLine += m_fmtColor;
private string m_fmtHLight = @"\highlight0 ";
private ERColor m_rHighlightColor = ERColor.ERC_Black;
public ERColor RHighlightColor
get { return m_rHighlightColor; }
set {
m_rHighlightColor = value;
m_fmtHLight = string.Format( @"\highlight{0} ", ( (int)m_rHighlightColor ).ToString( ).Trim( ) );
m_rTFtextLine += m_fmtHLight;
#region RTF text
private const string c_NL = @"\par";
private string LineFormatter( string input )
string ret = @"\pard\sl0\slmult1" + TabHeader + " "; // reset, line size determined by char, spacing 1
return ret + input + c_NL;
private string m_rTFtextLine = "";
private List<string> m_rTFtext = new List<string>( );
public string RTFtext
get {
// Build the stuff...
string ret = "{" + string.Format( "{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n", c_Header, c_Fonts, c_Colors, c_Leader );
foreach ( string s in m_rTFtext )
ret += string.Format( "{0}\n", s );
ret += "}";
return ret;
#region Tabs
private List<int> m_tabs = new List<int>( );
private string TabHeader
get {
string ret = "";
foreach ( int i in m_tabs ) {
ret += @"\tx" + i.ToString( );
return ret;
public void ClearTabs()
m_tabs = new List<int>( );
/// <summary>
/// Set a tab in twips (1/20pt) this is RTF style..
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tabPos">Tab position in twips</param>
public void SetTab( int tabPos )
m_tabs.Add( tabPos );
#region Input
public void Clear()
m_rTFtext.Clear( );
m_rTFtextLine = "";
public void WriteTab( string input )
m_rTFtextLine += @"\tab " + input;
public void Write( string text )
m_rTFtextLine += text;
public void WriteLn( string text )
m_rTFtextLine += text;
WriteLn( );
public void WriteLn()
m_rTFtext.Add( LineFormatter( m_rTFtextLine ) );
m_rTFtextLine = "";