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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Gamepad;
using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Joystick;
using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Keyboard;
using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Mouse;
using SharpDX.DirectInput;
namespace SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Monitor
/// <summary>
/// Monitors the DirectX devices and reports Events to update the caller
/// </summary>
public class DeviceMonitoring
private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger( MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod( ).DeclaringType );
public event EventHandler<DxDeviceEventArgs> DxDeviceEvent;
// call when the items are known.
private void DeviceStateUpdated( DxDeviceStates action )
if ( m_reportEvents ) {
DxDeviceEvent?.Invoke( this, new DxDeviceEventArgs( action ) );
private Thread m_monitoringThread = null;
// Thread polling
private static int m_pollInterval_ms = 50; //**** Take care...
public int PollIntervall
get => m_pollInterval_ms;
set {
m_pollInterval_ms = value;
m_pollInterval_ms = ( m_pollInterval_ms < 10 ) ? 10 : m_pollInterval_ms; // limit minimum to 10 ms
private static bool m_reportEvents = false;
public bool ReportEvents
get => m_reportEvents;
set {
m_reportEvents = value;
if ( m_reportEvents ) {
DeviceInst.GamepadRef?.Activate( );
DeviceInst.KeyboardRef?.Activate( );
DeviceInst.MouseRef?.Activate( );
DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.Activate( );
else {
DeviceInst.GamepadRef?.Deactivate( );
DeviceInst.KeyboardRef?.Deactivate( );
DeviceInst.MouseRef?.Deactivate( );
DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.Deactivate( );
/// <summary>
/// cTor: Enable continuous monitoring
/// </summary>
public DeviceMonitoring()
log.Debug( "DeviceMonitoring.cTor - Entry" );
// save the Activated States
DeviceInst.GamepadRef?.PushActiveState( );
DeviceInst.KeyboardRef?.PushActiveState( );
DeviceInst.MouseRef?.PushActiveState( );
DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.PushActiveState( );
var dxMonitorThread = new DxMonitorThread( this );
m_monitoringThread = new Thread( dxMonitorThread.Run );
m_monitoringThread.Start( );
public void ShutMonitoring()
m_reportEvents = false;
// recover the Activated States
DeviceInst.GamepadRef?.PopActiveState( );
DeviceInst.KeyboardRef?.PopActiveState( );
DeviceInst.MouseRef?.PopActiveState( );
DeviceInst.JoystickListRef.PopActiveState( );
m_monitoringThread?.Abort( );
public class DxDeviceReport
public string Input = "";
public bool IsAxis = false; // true if an Axis is reported
public bool Pressed = false; // true if activated (buttons, keys)
/// <summary>
/// Reporting structure for DX devices
/// </summary>
public class DxDeviceStates
// Keyboard
public DxDeviceReport KeyboardIn = new DxDeviceReport( ) { Input = "", IsAxis = false };
// Mouse
public DxDeviceReport MouseIn = new DxDeviceReport( ) { Input = "", IsAxis = false };
// Gamepad
public DxDeviceReport GamepadIn = new DxDeviceReport( ) { Input = "", IsAxis = false };
// Joysticks
public DxDeviceReport[] JoystickIn = new DxDeviceReport[12] { new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
new DxDeviceReport(){ Input="", IsAxis=false },
public string Modifier = ""; // mod from Kbd
// state management
string m_prevKbdMod = string.Empty;
string m_prevKbd = string.Empty;
bool m_kbdEmpty = false;
string m_prevMouse = string.Empty;
string m_prevMouseMod = string.Empty;
bool m_mouseEmpty = false;
string m_prevGamepad = string.Empty;
string m_prevGamepadMod = string.Empty;
bool m_gamepadEmpty = false;
string[] m_prevJoystick = new string[12] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };
string[] m_prevJoystickMod = new string[12] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };
bool[] m_joystickEmpty = new bool[12] { false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false };
int m_timer = 3000 / m_pollInterval_ms;// 3sec
/// <summary>
/// This should assign a new input or an empty string for each item
/// </summary>
public void Update()
bool anyInput = false;
// keyboard input will be empty on release where other stay on their last input...
Modifier = DeviceInst.KeyboardRef?.GetLastChange( false ); // mod only
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( Modifier ) ) {
Modifier += "+";
string input = string.Empty;
KeyboardIn.Input = string.Empty;
input = DeviceInst.KeyboardRef?.GetCurrentInput( ); // key only
KeyboardIn.Pressed = false; // to start with
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( input ) ) {
KeyboardIn.Pressed = true;
// still pressed or newly pressed
if ( m_prevKbd == input ) {
// still pressed
if ( ( m_prevKbdMod != Modifier ) || m_kbdEmpty ) {
// but mod changed; or newly the same- report
KeyboardIn.Input = KeyboardCls.DevInput( Modifier + input );
m_prevKbdMod = Modifier;
anyInput = true;
else {
// new input
KeyboardIn.Input = KeyboardCls.DevInput( Modifier + input );
m_prevKbd = input;
m_prevKbdMod = Modifier;
anyInput = true;
m_kbdEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty( input );
MouseIn.Input = string.Empty;
input = DeviceInst.MouseRef?.GetCurrentInput( );
MouseIn.Pressed = false;
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( input ) ) {
MouseIn.Pressed = true;
// still pressed or newly pressed
if ( m_prevMouse == input ) {
// still pressed
if ( ( m_prevMouseMod != Modifier ) || m_mouseEmpty ) {
// but mod changed - report
MouseIn.Input = MouseCls.DevInput( Modifier + input );
m_prevMouseMod = Modifier;
anyInput = true;
else {
// new input
MouseIn.Input = MouseCls.DevInput( Modifier + input );
m_prevMouse = input;
m_prevMouseMod = Modifier;
MouseIn.IsAxis = MouseCls.IsAxisCommand( MouseIn.Input );
anyInput = true;
m_mouseEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty( input );
GamepadIn.Input = string.Empty;
input = DeviceInst.GamepadRef?.GetCurrentInput( );
GamepadIn.Pressed = false;
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( input ) ) {
GamepadIn.Pressed = true;
// still pressed or newly pressed
if ( m_prevGamepad == input ) {
// still pressed
if ( ( m_prevGamepadMod != Modifier ) || m_gamepadEmpty ) {
// but mod changed - report
GamepadIn.Input = GamepadCls.DevInput( Modifier + input );
m_prevGamepadMod = Modifier;
anyInput = true;
else {
// new input
GamepadIn.Input = GamepadCls.DevInput( Modifier + input );
m_prevGamepad = input;
m_prevGamepadMod = Modifier;
GamepadIn.IsAxis = GamepadCls.IsAxisCommand( GamepadIn.Input );
anyInput = true;
m_gamepadEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty( input );
foreach ( var js in DeviceInst.JoystickListRef ) {
JoystickIn[js.DevInstance].Input = string.Empty; // indicates no change
input = js.GetCurrentInput( ); // we get either a code or an empty string if released
JoystickIn[js.DevInstance].Pressed = false;
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( input ) ) {
JoystickIn[js.DevInstance].Pressed = true;
// still pressed or newly pressed
if ( m_prevJoystick[js.DevInstance] == input ) {
// still pressed
if ( ( m_prevJoystickMod[js.DevInstance] != Modifier ) || m_joystickEmpty[js.DevInstance] ) {
// but mod changed - report
JoystickIn[js.DevInstance].Input = JoystickCls.DevInput( Modifier + input, js.JSAssignment );
m_prevJoystickMod[js.DevInstance] = Modifier;
anyInput = true;
else {
// new input
JoystickIn[js.DevInstance].Input = JoystickCls.DevInput( Modifier + input, js.JSAssignment );
m_prevJoystick[js.DevInstance] = input;
m_prevJoystickMod[js.DevInstance] = Modifier;
JoystickIn[js.DevInstance].IsAxis = JoystickCls.IsAxisCommand( JoystickIn[js.DevInstance].Input );
anyInput = true;
m_joystickEmpty[js.DevInstance] = string.IsNullOrEmpty( input );
if ( anyInput ) {
m_timer = 3000 / m_pollInterval_ms; // for any Input - wait again 3sec before sending modifier alone as input
else {
m_timer = ( m_timer < 0 ) ? 0 : m_timer - 1; // decrement and hold at 0
// check if it is time to send the modifier as input
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( Modifier ) && ( m_timer <= 0 ) )
KeyboardIn.Input = KeyboardCls.DevInput( DeviceInst.KeyboardRef?.GetLastChange( false ) );
private static DxDeviceStates m_deviceStates = new DxDeviceStates( );
public DxDeviceStates GetState { get => m_deviceStates; }
class DxMonitorThread
private DeviceMonitoring m_context = null;
public DxMonitorThread( DeviceMonitoring context )
m_context = context;
/// <summary>
/// Thread routine to scan DxDevices
/// </summary>
public void Run()
while ( true ) {
if ( m_reportEvents ) {
if ( ( DeviceInst.KeyboardRef != null ) && DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.Activated ) DeviceInst.KeyboardRef.GetData( );
if ( ( DeviceInst.MouseRef != null ) && DeviceInst.MouseRef.Activated ) DeviceInst.MouseRef.GetData( );
if ( ( DeviceInst.GamepadRef != null ) && DeviceInst.GamepadRef.Activated ) DeviceInst.GamepadRef.GetData( );
foreach ( var js in DeviceInst.JoystickListRef ) {
if ( js.Activated ) js.GetData( );
// fill device states
m_deviceStates.Update( );
m_context?.DeviceStateUpdated( m_deviceStates );
try {
Thread.Sleep( m_pollInterval_ms );
catch {