You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

936 lines
30 KiB

using SharpDX;
using SharpDX.DirectInput;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace SCJMapper_V2.Joystick
/// <summary>
/// Handles one JS device as DXInput device
/// In addition provide some static tools to handle JS props here in one place
/// Also owns the GUI i.e. the user control that shows all values
/// </summary>
public class JoystickCls : DeviceCls
private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger( MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod( ).DeclaringType );
private static readonly AppSettings appSettings = new AppSettings( );
#region Static Items
public new const string DeviceClass = "joystick"; // the device name used throughout this app
public new const string DeviceID = "js1_";
static public int RegisteredDevices = 0;
static public int JSnum_UNKNOWN = 0;
static public int JSnum_MAX = 12; // Get to 12 for 'freaks' ..
public const string JsUnknown = "jsx_";
public new const string BlendedInput = DeviceID + DeviceCls.BlendedInput; //AC2 ..
static public new bool IsBlendedInput( string input )
if ( input == BlendedInput ) return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the currently valid color for a jsN assignment
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsN">The jsN number of the command</param>
/// <returns>A color</returns>
static public System.Drawing.Color JsNColor( int jsN )
if ( jsN == JSnum_UNKNOWN ) return MyColors.BlendedColor;
if ( jsN < 1 ) return MyColors.ErrorColor;
if ( jsN > JoystickCls.JSnum_MAX ) return MyColors.ErrorColor;
return MyColors.JsMapColor[jsN - 1]; // jsN is 1 based, color array is 0 based
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the devicename is a joystick
/// </summary>
/// <param name="deviceClass"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public new bool IsDeviceClass( string deviceClass )
return ( deviceClass == DeviceClass );
public static void DecompJsCommand( string jsCmd, out string jsTag, out string sAction )
jsTag = ""; sAction = "";
string[] e = jsCmd.Split( new char[] { '_' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
if ( e.Length > 1 ) {
jsTag = e[0].Trim( ) + "_";
sAction = e[1].Trim( );
/// <summary>
/// Return this deviceClass if the input string contains something like jsN_
/// </summary>
/// <param name="devInput"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public new string DeviceClassFromInput( string devInput )
if ( JSNum( devInput ) != JSnum_UNKNOWN )
return DeviceClass; // this
return DeviceCls.DeviceClass; // unknown
/// <summary>
/// Create a DevInput string if the input does look like not having a device ID
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">A keyboard input</param>
/// <returns>DevInput</returns>
static public new string DevInput( string input )
if ( DevMatch( input ) )
return input; // already
return DeviceID + input; // this will mostly not be as expected as it returns js1_ only ..
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the input matches this device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="devInput">A devInput string</param>
/// <returns>True for a match</returns>
static public new bool DevMatch( string devInput )
return IsJsN( devInput );
/// <summary>
/// Returns the jsN part from a joystick command
/// i.e. js1_x returns js1
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsCmd">The joystick command in 'jsN_command' notation</param>
/// <returns>the jsN part or an empty string</returns>
public static string JsTagFromJsCommand( string jsCmd )
string jsTag, sAction;
DecompJsCommand( jsCmd, out jsTag, out sAction );
return jsTag;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the stick action part from a node text
/// i.e. js1_x returns x
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsCmd">The joystick command in 'jsN_command' notation</param>
/// <returns>the stick action part or an empty string</returns>
public static string ActionFromJsCommand( string jsCmd )
string jsTag, sAction;
DecompJsCommand( jsCmd, out jsTag, out sAction );
return sAction;
/// <summary>
/// Returns properly formatted jsn_ string (jsx_ if the input is UNKNOWN)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsNum">The JS number</param>
/// <returns>The formatted JS name for the CryEngine XML</returns>
static public string JSTag( int jsNum )
if ( IsJSValid( jsNum ) ) return "js" + jsNum.ToString( );
return JsUnknown;
/// <summary>
/// Extract the JS number from a JS string (jsx_ returns 0 - UNKNOWN)
/// AC 1.1 can be something as "rctrl+js2_nn"
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsTag">The JS string</param>
/// <returns>The JS number</returns>
static public int JSNum( string jsTag )
int retNum = JSnum_UNKNOWN;
if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( jsTag ) ) {
// find jsN start
int jsPos = jsTag.IndexOf( "+js" );
if ( jsPos > 0 ) {
if ( !int.TryParse( ( jsTag + "XX" ).Substring( jsPos + 3, 2 ), out retNum ) ) { // cheap .. test for double digits
if ( !int.TryParse( jsTag.Substring( jsPos + 3, 1 ), out retNum ) ) { // now for only single ones
retNum = JSnum_UNKNOWN; // neither double nor single digit found
} else if ( jsTag.StartsWith( "js" ) ) {
if ( !int.TryParse( ( jsTag + "XX" ).Substring( 2, 2 ), out retNum ) ) { // cheap .. test for double digits ( have to extend the string to parse)
if ( !int.TryParse( jsTag.Substring( 2, 1 ), out retNum ) ) { // now for only single ones
retNum = JSnum_UNKNOWN; // neither double nor single digit found
} else {
retNum = JSnum_UNKNOWN; // neither double nor single digit found
return retNum;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the validity of a JSnumber
/// Done here to maintain the ownership of how things are done
/// </summary>
/// <param name="jsNum">The JS number</param>
/// <returns>True if it is a valid one</returns>
static public bool IsJSValid( int jsNum )
return ( jsNum > JSnum_UNKNOWN ) && ( jsNum <= JSnum_MAX );
const string js_pattern = @"^js\d{1,2}_*";
static Regex rgx_js = new Regex( js_pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the input starts with a valid jsN_ formatting
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public bool IsJsN( string input )
return rgx_js.IsMatch( input );
/// <summary>
/// Returns an adjusted jsN tag with the new number
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">An input directive</param>
/// <param name="newJsN">the new JsN number</param>
/// <returns>The modified js directive or the directive if no mod can be done</returns>
static public string ReassignJSTag( string input, int newJsN )
// find jsN start
if ( IsJsN( input ) ) {
int inJsN = JSNum( input );
if ( inJsN < 10 ) {
return input.Replace( input.Substring( 0, 3 ), JSTag( newJsN ) );
} else {
// 2 digit input JsN
return input.Replace( input.Substring( 0, 4 ), JSTag( newJsN ) );
} else {
return input;
const string jsl_pattern = @"^js\d{1,2}_[xyz]$";
static Regex rgx_jsl = new Regex( jsl_pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
const string jsr_pattern = @"^js\d{1,2}_rot[xyz]$";
static Regex rgx_jsr = new Regex( jsr_pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
/// <summary>
/// Makes a throttle from the given ctrl
/// accepts js#_(rot)[xyz] and returns js#_throttle[xyz]
/// </summary>
/// <param name="control"></param>
/// <param name="makeIt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public string MakeThrottle( string control, bool makeIt )
if ( makeIt == false ) return control;
if ( control.Length < 5 ) return control;
string retVal = control;
if ( rgx_jsl.IsMatch( control ) ) {
int inJsN = JSNum( control );
if ( inJsN < 10 ) {
retVal = retVal.Insert( 4, "throttle" );
} else {
// 2 digit input JsN
retVal = retVal.Insert( 5, "throttle" );
/* THIS IS WRONG.... don't know if rot can get a throttle...
else if ( rgx_jsr.IsMatch( control ) ) {
retVal = retVal.Remove( 4, 3 ); // remove rot
retVal = retVal.Insert( 4, "throttle" );
return retVal;
/// <summary>
/// returns true if the ctrl can be a throttle - for now this is js#_[xyz]
/// </summary>
/// <param name="control"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
static public bool CanThrottle( string control )
return rgx_jsl.IsMatch( control ) || rgx_jsr.IsMatch( control );
const string jsb_pattern = @"^js\d{1,2}_button\d{1,3}$";
static Regex rgx_jsb = new Regex( jsb_pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase );
/// <summary>
/// Returns True if devInput seems to be a valid Modifier
/// (only buttons are accepted)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="devInput">A qualified devInput (jsN_buttonM)</param>
/// <returns>True for a valid one</returns>
static public Bool ValidModifier( string devInput )
return rgx_jsb.IsMatch( devInput );
// ****************** CLASS *************************
private SharpDX.DirectInput.Joystick m_device;
private JoystickState m_state = new JoystickState( );
private JoystickState m_prevState = new JoystickState( );
private Control m_hwnd;
private int m_numPOVs = 0; // static counter for UpdateControls
private int m_sliderCount = 0; // static counter for UpdateControls
private string m_lastItem = "";
private int m_senseLimit = 150; // axis jitter avoidance...
private int m_joystickNumber = 0; // 0..n-1 seq number of the enumerated joystick - assigned in Ctor - remains fixed
private int m_xmlInstance = 0; // The CIG instance number (may change through property JSAssignment)
private bool[] m_ignoreButtons;
private bool m_activated = false;
private bool[] m_modifierButtons;
private UC_JoyPanel m_jPanel = null; // the GUI panel
internal int MyTabPageIndex = -1;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a CryEngine compatible hat direction
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The Hat value</param>
/// <returns>The direction string</returns>
private string HatDir( int value )
// Hats have a 360deg -> 36000 value reporting
if ( value == 0 ) return "up";
if ( value == 9000 ) return "right";
if ( value == 18000 ) return "down";
if ( value == 27000 ) return "left";
return "";
/// <summary>
/// Return the CIG instance number (which is the jsN number)
/// </summary>
public override int XmlInstance { get { return m_xmlInstance; } }
/// <summary>
/// Return the DX device instance number (0..n-1)
/// </summary>
public override int DevInstance { get { return m_joystickNumber; } }
/// <summary>
/// The DeviceClass of this instance
/// </summary>
public override string DevClass { get { return JoystickCls.DeviceClass; } }
/// <summary>
/// The JS ProductName property
/// </summary>
public override string DevName { get { return m_device.Properties.ProductName; } }
/// <summary>
/// The JS Instance GUID for multiple device support (VJoy gets 2 of the same name)
/// </summary>
public override string DevInstanceGUID { get { return m_device.Information.InstanceGuid.ToString( ); } }
/// <summary>
/// The assigned jsN number for this device (1..n)
/// </summary>
public int JSAssignment
get { return m_xmlInstance; }
set {
m_xmlInstance = value;
m_jPanel.JsAssignment = m_xmlInstance;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the mapping color for this device
/// </summary>
public override System.Drawing.Color MapColor
get { return JsNColor( JSAssignment ); }
// device props
public int AxisCount { get { return m_device.Capabilities.AxeCount; } }
public int ButtonCount { get { return m_device.Capabilities.ButtonCount; } }
public int POVCount { get { return m_device.Capabilities.PovCount; } }
public override List<string> AnalogCommands
get {
List<string> cmds = new List<string>();
try {
// Enumerate all the objects on the device.
foreach ( DeviceObjectInstance d in m_device.GetObjects( ) ) {
// Set the UI to reflect what objects the joystick supports.
if ( ObjectGuid.XAxis == d.ObjectType ) cmds.Add( "x" );
if ( ObjectGuid.YAxis == d.ObjectType ) cmds.Add( "y" );
if ( ObjectGuid.ZAxis == d.ObjectType ) cmds.Add( "z" );
if ( ObjectGuid.RxAxis == d.ObjectType ) cmds.Add( "rotx" );
if ( ObjectGuid.RyAxis == d.ObjectType ) cmds.Add( "roty" );
if ( ObjectGuid.RzAxis == d.ObjectType ) cmds.Add( "rotz" );
if ( ObjectGuid.Slider == d.ObjectType ) {
switch ( m_sliderCount++ ) {
case 0:
cmds.Add( "slider1" );
case 1:
cmds.Add( "slider2" );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
log.Error( "AnalogCommands - Get JS Objects failed", ex );
cmds.Sort( );
return cmds;
public override bool Activated
get { return Activated_low; }
set { Activated_low = value; }
private bool Activated_low
get { return m_activated; }
set {
m_activated = value;
if ( m_activated == false ) m_device.Unacquire( ); // explicitely if not longer active
/// <summary>
/// ctor and init
/// </summary>
/// <param name="device">A DXInput device</param>
/// <param name="hwnd">The WinHandle of the main window</param>
/// <param name="joystickNum">The 0.. n-1 Joystick from DX enum</param>
/// <param name="panel">The respective JS panel to show the properties</param>
/// <param name="tabIndex">The Tab index in the GUI</param>
public JoystickCls( SharpDX.DirectInput.Joystick device, Control hwnd, int joystickNum, UC_JoyPanel panel, int tabIndex )
log.DebugFormat( "JoystickCls ctor - Entry with {0}", device.Information.ProductName );
m_device = device;
m_hwnd = hwnd;
m_joystickNumber = joystickNum; // this remains fixed
m_xmlInstance = joystickNum+1; // initial assignment (is 1 based..)
m_jPanel = panel;
MyTabPageIndex = tabIndex;
Activated_low = false;
m_senseLimit = AppConfiguration.AppConfig.jsSenseLimit; // can be changed in the app.config file if it is still too little
// Set BufferSize in order to use buffered data.
m_device.Properties.BufferSize = 128;
m_jPanel.Caption = m_device.Properties.ProductName;
m_jPanel.nAxis = AxisCount.ToString( );
m_jPanel.nButtons = ButtonCount.ToString( );
m_jPanel.nPOVs = POVCount.ToString( );
m_jPanel.JsAssignment = 0; // default is no assignment
m_ignoreButtons = new bool[m_state.Buttons.Length];
ResetButtons( m_ignoreButtons );
m_modifierButtons = new bool[m_state.Buttons.Length];
ResetButtons( m_modifierButtons );
log.Debug( "Get JS Objects" );
try {
// Set the data format to the c_dfDIJoystick pre-defined format.
//m_device.SetDataFormat( DeviceDataFormat.Joystick );
// Set the cooperative level for the device.
m_device.SetCooperativeLevel( m_hwnd, CooperativeLevel.NonExclusive | CooperativeLevel.Background );
// Enumerate all the objects on the device.
foreach ( DeviceObjectInstance d in m_device.GetObjects( ) ) {
// For axes that are returned, set the DIPROP_RANGE property for the
// enumerated axis in order to scale min/max values.
if ( ( 0 != ( d.ObjectId.Flags & DeviceObjectTypeFlags.Axis ) ) ) {
// Set the range for the axis.
m_device.Properties.Range = new InputRange( -1000, +1000 );
// Update the controls to reflect what objects the device supports.
UpdateControls( d );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
log.Error( "Get JS Objects failed", ex );
ApplySettings_low( ); // get whatever is needed here from Settings
Activated_low = true;
/// <summary>
/// Shutdown device access
/// </summary>
public override void FinishDX( )
if ( null != m_device ) {
log.DebugFormat( "Release DirectInput device: {0}", m_device.Information.ProductName );
m_device.Unacquire( );
m_device = null;
/// <summary>
/// Tells the Joystick to re-read settings
/// </summary>
public override void ApplySettings()
ApplySettings_low( );
private void ApplySettings_low( )
appSettings.Reload( );
ResetButtons( m_ignoreButtons );
// read ignore buttons
string igs = "";
switch ( m_joystickNumber ) {
case 1: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS1; break;
case 2: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS2; break;
case 3: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS3; break;
case 4: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS4; break;
case 5: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS5; break;
case 6: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS6; break;
case 7: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS7; break;
case 8: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS8; break;
case 9: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS9; break;
case 10: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS10; break;
case 11: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS11; break;
case 12: igs = appSettings.IgnoreJS12; break;
default: break;
if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( igs ) ) return; // no setting - all allowed
// read the ignore numbers
string[] nums = igs.Split( ' ' );
foreach ( string s in nums ) {
int btNum = 0; // gets 1..n
if ( int.TryParse( s, out btNum ) ) {
if ( ( btNum > 0 ) && ( btNum <= m_ignoreButtons.Length ) ) {
m_ignoreButtons[--btNum] = true; // zero indexed
private void ResetButtons( bool[] bt )
for ( int i = 0; i < bt.Length; i++ ) bt[i] = false;
/// <summary>
/// Add or Remove a modifier from this joystick
/// </summary>
/// <param name="modS">The joystick command (jsN_buttonM)</param>
/// <param name="add">True to add, False to remove it</param>
public void UpdateModifier( string modS, bool add )
if ( !ValidModifier( modS ) ) return; // sanity..
// check if it is applicable
int jsn = JSNum(modS);
if ( jsn == m_joystickNumber ) {
// format is jsN_buttonM i.e. get button number at the end
int bNr = 0;
if ( int.TryParse( modS.Substring( 10 ), out bNr ) ) {
// valid bNr
m_modifierButtons[bNr - 1] = add; // update
/// <summary>
/// Enable the properties that are supported by the device
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d"></param>
private void UpdateControls( DeviceObjectInstance d )
// Set the UI to reflect what objects the joystick supports.
if ( ObjectGuid.XAxis == d.ObjectType ) {
m_jPanel.Xe = true;
m_jPanel.Xname = d.Name + ":";
if ( ObjectGuid.YAxis == d.ObjectType ) {
m_jPanel.Ye = true;
m_jPanel.Yname = d.Name + ":";
if ( ObjectGuid.ZAxis == d.ObjectType ) {
m_jPanel.Ze = true;
m_jPanel.Zname = d.Name + ":";
if ( ObjectGuid.RxAxis == d.ObjectType ) {
m_jPanel.Xre = true;
m_jPanel.Xrname = d.Name + ":";
if ( ObjectGuid.RyAxis == d.ObjectType ) {
m_jPanel.Yre = true;
m_jPanel.Yrname = d.Name + ":";
if ( ObjectGuid.RzAxis == d.ObjectType ) {
m_jPanel.Zre = true;
m_jPanel.Zrname = d.Name + ":";
if ( ObjectGuid.Slider == d.ObjectType ) {
switch ( m_sliderCount++ ) {
case 0:
m_jPanel.S1e = true;
m_jPanel.S1name = d.Name + ":";
case 1:
m_jPanel.S2e = true;
m_jPanel.S2name = d.Name + ":";
if ( ObjectGuid.PovController == d.ObjectType ) {
switch ( m_numPOVs++ ) {
case 0:
m_jPanel.H1e = true;
m_jPanel.H1name = d.Name + ":";
case 1:
m_jPanel.H2e = true;
m_jPanel.H2name = d.Name + ":";
case 2:
m_jPanel.H3e = true;
m_jPanel.H3name = d.Name + ":";
case 3:
m_jPanel.H4e = true;
m_jPanel.H4name = d.Name + ":";
/// <summary>
/// Find the last change the user did on that device
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The last action as CryEngine compatible string</returns>
public override string GetLastChange( )
// TODO: Expand this out into a joystick class (see commit for details)
Dictionary<string, string> axies = new Dictionary<string, string>( )
foreach ( KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in axies ) {
PropertyInfo axisProperty = typeof( JoystickState ).GetProperty( entry.Key );
if ( DidAxisChange2( ( int )axisProperty.GetValue( this.m_state, null ), ( int )axisProperty.GetValue( this.m_prevState, null ) ) )
this.m_lastItem = entry.Value;
int[] slider = m_state.Sliders;
int[] pslider = m_prevState.Sliders;
if ( DidAxisChange2( slider[0], pslider[0] ) ) m_lastItem = "slider1";
if ( DidAxisChange2( slider[1], pslider[1] ) ) m_lastItem = "slider2";
int[] pov = m_state.PointOfViewControllers;
int[] ppov = m_prevState.PointOfViewControllers;
if ( pov[0] >= 0 ) if ( pov[0] != ppov[0] ) m_lastItem = "hat1_" + HatDir( pov[0] );
if ( pov[1] >= 0 ) if ( pov[1] != ppov[1] ) m_lastItem = "hat2_" + HatDir( pov[1] );
if ( pov[2] >= 0 ) if ( pov[2] != ppov[2] ) m_lastItem = "hat3_" + HatDir( pov[2] );
if ( pov[3] >= 0 ) if ( pov[3] != ppov[3] ) m_lastItem = "hat4_" + HatDir( pov[3] );
bool[] buttons = m_state.Buttons;
bool[] prevButtons = m_prevState.Buttons;
for ( int bi = 0; bi < buttons.Length; bi++ ) {
if ( m_ignoreButtons[bi] == false ) {
if ( buttons[bi] && buttons[bi] != prevButtons[bi] )
m_lastItem = "button" + ( bi + 1 ).ToString( );
return m_lastItem;
/// Figure out if an axis changed enough to consider it as a changed state
/// The change is polled every 100ms (timer1) so the user has to change so much within that time
/// Then an axis usually swings back when left alone - that is the real recording of a change.
/// We know that the range is -1000 .. 1000 so we can judge absolute
/// % relative is prone to small changes around 0 - which is likely the case with axes
/// </summary>
private bool DidAxisChange2( int current, int prev )
// determine if the axis drifts more than x units to account for bounce
// old-new/old
if ( current == prev )
return false;
int change = Math.Abs( prev - current );
// if the axis has changed more than x units to it's last value
return change > m_senseLimit ? true : false;
/// Figure out if an axis changed enough to consider it as a changed state
/// </summary>
private bool DidAxisChange( int current, int prev )
// determine if the axis drifts more than x% to account for bounce
// old-new/old
if ( current == prev )
return false;
if ( prev == 0 )
prev = 1;
int changepct = Math.Abs( prev ) - Math.Abs( current ) / Math.Abs( prev );
// if the axis has changed more than 70% relative to it's last value
return changepct > 70 ? true : false;
/// <summary>
/// Show the current props in the GUI
/// </summary>
private void UpdateUI( )
// This function updated the UI with joystick state information.
string strText = null;
m_jPanel.X = m_state.X.ToString( );
m_jPanel.Y = m_state.Y.ToString( );
m_jPanel.Z = m_state.Z.ToString( );
m_jPanel.Xr = m_state.RotationX.ToString( );
m_jPanel.Yr = m_state.RotationY.ToString( );
m_jPanel.Zr = m_state.RotationZ.ToString( );
int[] slider = m_state.Sliders;
m_jPanel.S1 = slider[0].ToString( );
m_jPanel.S2 = slider[1].ToString( );
int[] pov = m_state.PointOfViewControllers;
m_jPanel.H1 = pov[0].ToString( );
m_jPanel.H2 = pov[1].ToString( );
m_jPanel.H3 = pov[2].ToString( );
m_jPanel.H4 = pov[3].ToString( );
// Fill up text with which buttons are pressed
bool[] buttons = m_state.Buttons;
int button = 0;
foreach ( bool b in buttons ) {
if ( b )
strText += ( button + 1 ).ToString( "00 " ); // buttons are 1 based
m_jPanel.Button = strText;
/// <summary>
/// Collect the current data from the device
/// </summary>
public void GetAxisData( out int x, out int y, out int rz )
x = 0; y = 0; rz = 0;
// Make sure there is a valid device.
if ( null == m_device )
// Poll the device for info.
try {
m_device.Poll( );
} catch ( SharpDXException e ) {
if ( ( e.ResultCode == ResultCode.NotAcquired ) || ( e.ResultCode == ResultCode.InputLost ) ) {
// Check to see if either the app needs to acquire the device, or
// if the app lost the device to another process.
try {
// Acquire the device.
m_device.Acquire( );
} catch ( SharpDXException ) {
// Failed to acquire the device. This could be because the app doesn't have focus.
return; // EXIT unaquired
} else {
log.Error( "Unexpected Poll Exception", e );
return; // EXIT see ex code
// Get the state of the device - retaining the previous state to find the lates change
m_prevState = m_state;
try { m_state = m_device.GetCurrentState( ); }
// Catch any exceptions. None will be handled here,
// any device re-aquisition will be handled above.
catch ( SharpDXException ) {
x = m_state.X; y = m_state.Y; rz = m_state.RotationZ;
/// <summary>
/// Collect the current data from the device
/// </summary>
public override void GetCmdData( string cmd, out int data )
// TODO: Expand this out into a joystick class (see commit for details)
Dictionary<string, string> axies = new Dictionary<string, string>( )
data = 0;
// Make sure there is a valid device.
if ( null == m_device )
// Poll the device for info.
try {
m_device.Poll( );
} catch ( SharpDXException e ) {
if ( ( e.ResultCode == ResultCode.NotAcquired ) || ( e.ResultCode == ResultCode.InputLost ) ) {
// Check to see if either the app needs to acquire the device, or
// if the app lost the device to another process.
try {
// Acquire the device.
m_device.Acquire( );
} catch ( SharpDXException ) {
// Failed to acquire the device. This could be because the app doesn't have focus.
return; // EXIT unaquired
} else {
log.Error( "Unexpected Poll Exception", e );
return; // EXIT see ex code
// Get the state of the device - retaining the previous state to find the lates change
m_prevState = m_state;
try { m_state = m_device.GetCurrentState( ); }
// Catch any exceptions. None will be handled here,
// any device re-aquisition will be handled above.
catch ( SharpDXException ) {
try {
PropertyInfo axisProperty = typeof( JoystickState ).GetProperty( axies[cmd] );
data = ( int )axisProperty.GetValue( this.m_state, null );
} catch {
data = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Collect the current data from the device
/// </summary>
public override void GetData( )
// Make sure there is a valid device.
if ( null == m_device )
// Poll the device for info.
try {
m_device.Poll( );
} catch ( SharpDXException e ) {
if ( ( e.ResultCode == ResultCode.NotAcquired ) || ( e.ResultCode == ResultCode.InputLost ) ) {
// Check to see if either the app needs to acquire the device, or
// if the app lost the device to another process.
try {
// Acquire the device - if the (main)window is active
if ( Activated ) m_device.Acquire( );
} catch ( SharpDXException ) {
// Failed to acquire the device. This could be because the app doesn't have focus.
return; // EXIT unaquired
} else {
log.Error( "Unexpected Poll Exception", e );
return; // EXIT see ex code
// Get the state of the device - retaining the previous state to find the lates change
m_prevState = m_state;
try { m_state = m_device.GetCurrentState( ); }
// Catch any exceptions. None will be handled here,
// any device re-aquisition will be handled above.
catch ( SharpDXException ) {
UpdateUI( ); // and update the GUI