using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SCJMapper_V2.Gamepad { public partial class UC_GpadPanel : UserControl { public UC_GpadPanel( ) { InitializeComponent( ); } #region Strings /// /// Return s only if length is max 12 (some crazy names may kill the layout...) /// /// String to return if length less than 12 /// String to return if s length more than 12 /// A string private String Chk( String s, String d ) { if ( s.Length > 12 ) return d; else return s; } public String Caption { set { gBoxCap.Text = value; } } public String DPad { set { iDPad.Text = value; } } public String TStickXL { set { iTStickXL.Text = value; } } public String TStickYL { set { iTStickYL.Text = value; } } public String TStickBtL { set { iTStickBtL.Text = value; } } public String TStickXR { set { iTStickXR.Text = value; } } public String TStickYR { set { iTStickYR.Text = value; } } public String TStickBtR { set { iTStickBtR.Text = value; } } public String TriggerL { set { iTrigL.Text = value; } } public String TriggerR { set { iTrigR.Text = value; } } public String ShoulderL { set { iShL.Text = value; } } public String ShoulderR { set { iShR.Text = value; } } public String Start { set { iBtStart.Text = value; } } public String Back { set { iBtBack.Text = value; } } public String Button { set { lbl1Buttons.Text = value; } } // Caps public String nButtons { set { lblnButtons.Text = value; } } public String nDPads { set { lblnDPad.Text = value; } } public String nTSticks { set { lblnTSticks.Text = value; } } public String nTriggers { set { lblnTriggers.Text = value; } } #endregion #region Enables public Boolean DPadE { set { iDPad.Enabled = value; lDPad.Enabled = value; } } public Boolean TStickLE { set { iTStickXL.Enabled = value; iTStickYL.Enabled = value; iTStickBtL.Enabled = true; lTStickL.Enabled = value; } } public Boolean TStickRE { set { iTStickXR.Enabled = value; iTStickYR.Enabled = value; iTStickBtR.Enabled = true; lTStickR.Enabled = value; } } public Boolean TriggerLE { set { iTrigL.Enabled = value; lTrigL.Enabled = value; } } public Boolean TriggerRE { set { iTrigR.Enabled = value; lTrigR.Enabled = value; } } public Boolean ShoulderLE { set { iShL.Enabled = value; lH0.Enabled = value; } } public Boolean ShoulderRE { set { iShR.Enabled = value; lH1.Enabled = value; } } public Boolean StartE { set { iBtStart.Enabled = value; lH2.Enabled = value; } } public Boolean BackE { set { iBtBack.Enabled = value; lH3.Enabled = value; } } public Boolean ButtonE { set { lbl1Buttons.Enabled = value; lB.Enabled = value; } } #endregion } }