SC Joystick Mapper V 2.46 - Build 81 BETA (c) Cassini, StandardToaster - 16-Mar-2020 Contains 14 files + graphics: SCJMapper.exe The program (V2.46) - The following files and folders MUST be in the same folder as the Exe file SCJMapper.exe.config Program config (V2.46) de\SCJMapper.resources.dll German language (V2.45) fr\SCJMapper.resources.dll French language (V2.45) Storage\*.scj Folder for collected assets (V2.35) PTU_Storage\*.scj Folder for collected PTU (V2.37) SharpDX.DirectInput.dll Managed DirectInput Assembly SharpDX.dll Managed DirectX Assembly OpenTK.dll Managed OpenGL Assembly OpenTK.GLControl.dll Managed OpenGL Assembly ZstdNet.dll Managed Zip Assembly (v2.33) x64\libzstd.dll Native dll for ZstdNet (v2.33) x86\libzstd.dll Native dll for ZstdNet (v2.33) log4net.dll Managed Logging Assembly log4net.config.OFF Config file for logging then look for trace.log in the same folder SCJMapper_QGuide V2.35beta.pdf Quick Guide (v2.35) ReadMe.txt This file graphics folder Skybox Images (V2.32) - graphics folder MUST be in the same folder as the Exe file graphics\layouts folder Layout Images & defs (V2.46) - layouts folder MUST be in the graphics folder above NOTE V 2.41+: search order for defaultProfile.xml to build the action tree is: 1. directory where SCJMapper Exe is located 2. directory of \LIVE\USER or \PTU\USER 3. extract from \LIVE\Data.p4k \PTU\Data.p4k (preferred - using stored asset) 4. extract from SCJMapper exe file (derived from 3.2i build 790942) --> in order to get always the most current one use 3. (and therefore remove the ones in 1. and 2.) --> The one used is shown below the actionTree (Profile: ....) Read the Guide first RTFM ;-) Put all files into one folder and hit SCJMapper.exe to run it For Updates and information visit: Or CIG Spectrum Scanned for viruses before packing... Changelog: V 2.47 - BETA Build 82 - add Mode to create SCJoyServer Command items from action tree - add Saving ActionTree to a json file in \Documents\SCJM\file.scjn.json for other tools (easier than XML) - updated Rework for Device Monitor - fix Ignore buttons from Settings not properly handled V 2.46 - BETA Build 81 - add Some more Layout files for devices - update Layout to work with keyboard and mouse - fix for some Layout files and general fixes in the layout part V 2.45 - BETA Build 80 - add Some more Layout files for devices - update Layout to work with dual Joysticks of the same type and Gamepads - fix for Invert mod writing to XML (#90) - fix for some Layout files and general fixes in the layout part V 2.44 - BETA Build 79 - added Input device layout dialog and some layouts for the most common device controllers NOTE: THIS IS VERY EARLY and may break or not show - use the GitHub Issue feature to report also make sure to copy the graphics\layouts folder from the distribution else no layouts are available - update Can read Exported XMLs from the Game (mostly ... max 3 points for curves are supported) (#91) - update - defaultProfile.xml from SC LIVE PTU 3.8.2 as last resort built in one V 2.43 - BETA Build 78 - added About / Splash Screen while loading Game resources - update checkbox "Forced write" for Invert items in Options (writes the invert tag in any case to disable CIG invert defaults) (#90) V 2.42 - BETA Build 77 - fix for not using the proper PTU cache when pulling data from gamepack (#87) NOTE: please delete .scj files in \Storage\*.scj (as they have been overwritten with PTU content) V 2.41 - BETA Build 76 - update for SC Alpha PTU 3.6.0 and launcher 1.2.0 - new PTU path (#86) - update Log File from game includes also used Pathes - revisit those if the progam does not find them - NOTE: Gampad may not yet work and other new stuff is not complete so you're on your own here V 2.40 - BETA Build 75 - update for SC Alpha PTU 3.5.0 defaultProfile now using gamepad instead of xboxpad (#83) - NOTE: other new stuff is not complete so you're on your own here V 2.39 - BETA Build 74 - fix - processing gamefile (PTU 3.2.1i) causes exception - NOTE: other new stuff is not complete so you're on your own here V 2.38 - BETA Build 73 - add - ability to hide joystick device tabs in Settings - add - ability to color joystick device tabs in Settings - update - defaultProfile.xml from SC PTU 3.2.1d as last resort built in one - NOTE: other new stuff is not complete so you're on your own here V 2.37 - BETA Build 72 - quick update for PTU 3.1 - improved - adopt PTU treatment of SC 3.x series (\StarCitizenPTU\LIVE) then (\StarCitizen\LIVE) - improved - separate storage / backup of PTU files in MyDocuments - update - defaultProfile.xml from SC PTU 3.2i as last resort built in one - NOTE: other new stuff is not complete so you're on your own here V 2.36 - BETA Build 71 - new feature - window for realtime monitoring of the controls (works also in background) - add - silently dumps the CSV list along the backup xml file into MyDocuments - improvement - try to add more usability for the config path setting V 2.35 - BETA Build 70 - add - GUI translation support (english, german, french so far..) - add - provide CIG asset texts/translations for actions and maps (use Settings to choose - for now only French and German are in but have no translations for English not all have a proper text - may not be used in the game ??) - add - tooltips for profile action names in treeview (enable in Settings) - add - mouse tuning items (curve, expo, invert) - improvement - cache CIG assets into the app/Storage folder, reads from p4k file only if those are updated - fix - window should always be visible on startup now - internal cleanup - to many to list V 2.34 - BETA Build 68 - improvement - complete rework of XML defaultProfile/mapping parsing - add - provide CIG mappings from game assets - update - unclutter GUI, allow more scaling - internal cleanup - consistent type naming, others - fix - overwritten profile actions removed in Assignment Tab - update - doc SCJMapper_QGuide V2.34beta.pdf V 2.33 - BETA Build 67 - update for SC 3.0.0 Alpha public - fix - finding SC game folder - may work automatically for 3.0 Alpha else define it in Settings - add - get the defaultProfile.xml from LIVE\data.p4k file if possible (real game assets) - improvement - caching def profile once it is read from disk - removed - old SC path and folder locators (SCJM does not longer work with pre 3.0 game) - removed - reference to Iconic.Zip DLL (replaced with Zstd) - update - defaultProfile.xml as last resort from PTU 3.0-695052 (Dec 18, build) V 2.32 - BETA Build 66 - add - path to defaultProfile can be in USER directory of SC - add - some skyboxes from game captures (thanks to Rellim) - removed - PTU folders in Settings - no longer used in PTU 3.0 - fix - finding SC game folder - may work automatically for PTU 3.0 else define it in Settings - update - defaultProfile from PTU 3.0-689345 (Dec 15, build) V 2.30 - BETA Build 64 - add - Tab to show all mappings for the current input (Tabbed with XML other Dump items) - add - Setting (enabled, disabled -> default) to automatically switch the new tabs - either Input or Dump - add - addbind of Mouse input is possible for Keyboard actions - seems to work somehow in the game... - improvement - mouse mappings in kbd entries in defaultProfile are collected as mouse now and allowed to map - improvement - removed some unneeded tree scans - to speed things up - fix - issue with user activations modes while dumping the mapping list - fix - issue with loading a map with gamepad mappings and the gamepad is not connected - fixes and refacturing while encountered... - update - doc SCJMapper_QGuide V2.30beta.pdf V 2.29 - BETA Build 63 - add - Calibrate gamepad thumb axes (press ABXY buttons all together and wait 2 sec - should zero all 4 axes) - fix #56 - exception when entering Tuning - fix - wrong gamepad action codes (xi1_xi_command instead of xi1_command) - fix - some more issues with gamepads - fix - options did not properly update when assigning them to another cmd or clearing the entry - improvement - Options Dialog selection and deselection of items improved - improvement - Tuning Dialog selection and deselection of items improved - improvement - Dump Log: added some more interesting captures from the game log file - improvement - Win7 / Win10 hidden text/controls with High DPI scaling issues partly resolved - update - doc SCJMapper_QGuide V2.29beta.pdf V 2.28 - BETA Build 62 - add #48 - Tune Strafe controls - add - "Options ..." dialog to edit all device and control options - add - 2 more three 3D scenes for Tuning - improvement #49 - Mapping area: Current mapping is shown - improvement - Gamepad support improved, Tab is now always the most left one if gamepads are enabled - improvement - Dump Log: added some more interesting captures from the game log file - improvement - Tuning is now closer to CIG implementation, remove Sensitivity, add Saturation instead - fix #51 - accepting multiple actionmaps in default profile (collects only the first one found) - fix - bug re- joystick hats (affected No 2..4) - fixes and refacturing while encountered... - update - fallback default profile from SC 2.6.3 alpha - update - doc SCJMapper_QGuide V2.28beta.pdf V 2.27 - BETA Build 61 - add - Collapse/Expand in context menu in Mapping tree - improvement - actionmaps are taken from the defaultProfile and will no longer need a program update - improvement - rename Blend to Disable - fix - an issue in Seetings for actionmap ignore handling - update - fallback default profile from SC 2.6.0 alpha - update - doc SCJMapper_QGuide V2.27beta.pdf V 2.26 - BETA Build 60 - add - new actionmaps from SC 2.5.0 alpha to choose from in Settings - update - fallback default profile from SC 2.5.0 alpha V 2.25 - BETA Build 59 - fix - an issue in parsing options from imported maps - add - an option to show the actiontree as CSV list with more/less details (change in Settings) - improvement - In table view add possibility to Blend All visible unmapped entries V 2.24 - BETA Build 58 - fix - some trouble in SC path finding V 2.23 - BETA Build 57 - update - Using .Net 4.5.2 Now (seems to handle some scaling issues WinForm apps) - update - Try to find the SC path also as StarCitizen\Live (instead of Public) was mentioned for SC2.2.2 onwards ??? - fix - addbind UNDEF removed when assigned - improvement - Issue a infobox if the Client folder cannot be found (please submit the complete folder structure of your installation as bug report ...) - add - a table display for mappings - some internal stuff (namespaces etc) - update - doc SCJMapper_QGuide V2.23beta.pdf V 2.22 - BETA Build 56 - fix - try again to fix Win10 scaling issues for some PCs (hidden assignment area) - improvement - actions with a profile modifier attached will show underlined in the action tree - improvement - less offensive gamepad color mark ... - add - a button to dump the used defaultProfile in the right area - some internal stuff - update - doc SCJMapper_QGuide V2.22beta.pdf V 2.21 - BETA Build 55 - fix #40 added Tab entry in Ctrl. context menu - fix - try to fix Win10 scaling issues (hidden assignment area) - fix - profile tree color indication also applied when re-reading defaultProfile - improvement - enumerates up to 12 devices now (though not tested as I don't have 12 ..) - add - use of SCA 2.2 provided defaultProfile (new location and format) - add - indication of the used defaultProfile - add - built in defaultProfile updated to SCA 2.2 V 2.19 - BETA Build 52 - fix #37 improved defaultProfile Parsing - fix #38 locale issue - changed App number formatting to US - fix #39 changed equal to equals string for kbd entry - add - default actionmap to choose from (it is on the ignore list) V 2.18 - BETA Build 51 - fix - layout works now for Win10 - fix - uses game defaultProfile again - fix - keyboard command for all Ctrl keys fixed - fix - keyboard command formatting - improvement - timeout ~4 sec for kbd modifiers in Joystick Mode (Esc no longer needed) - improvement - ActivationMode handling finished - improvement - user ActivationMode change indication in mapping tree - improvement - Blending adds multiTap=1 to overwrite double taps - improvement - Dump List: added ActivationModes; device checkBox applied to list - update - doc SCJMapper_QGuide V2.18beta.pdf V 2.17 - BETA Build 50 - update - Updated for SC Alpha 2.0/2.1PTU using new actionmap syntax (no longer use device attribute) - update - Complete new QuickReference Guide - update - Supports actionmaps with - add - ActivationMode - Use Context Menu in ActionTree (or read the manual) - add - PTU file usage in Settings - add - Prepared JS Modifiers (but SC cannot right now - so it is disabled) - add - full mouse settings - improvement - some GUI improvements - improvement - reworked blending - removed - global JS or GP blend options in Settings - removed - ignoreversion from Settings - NOTE: - Dump Log does not work right now as CIG does no longer list detected controllers in the log file - NOTE: - Right now a number of binds behave erratically e.g. addbind does not work at all so be aware that your map is not necessarily wrong but the game may just have a bug there V 2.16 - BETA Build 49 - update - Updated for AC Alpha 1.3 defaultProfile does no longer have js1_ or xi_ marks form commands - NOTE: - Dump Log does not work right now as CIG does no longer list detected controllers in the log file V 2.15 - BETA Build 48 - update - Updated for AC Alpha 1.1.6 new files locations to find files and mappings - NOTE: - Dump Log does not work right now as CIG does no longer list detected controllers in the log file V 2.14 - BETA Build 47 - update - added new defaultProfile (CIG allows some more joystick mappings) V 2.13 - BETA Build 46 - update - added new defaultProfile and actionmaps from AC 1.1.1 - add - keyboard modifier for joystick (e.g. rctrl+js1_xy) - Press ESC to clear modifiers - fix - device checkboxes are now applied after Reassign - fix - invert checkbox handling (removed flight invert - use the one in Tuning) - fix - Add UICustomization Header and Devices List in any case V 2.12 - BETA Build 45 - improvement - SCJM maintains mappings in USER rather than data folder (AC 1.03) - improvement - UICustomization Header for joystick updated (label is the filename minus "layout_") (AC 1.03) V 2.11 - BETA Build 44 - fix - reading of deadzone value (if not a number should not break anymore) - fix - writing the proper deadzone XML if first used - fix - reading addbind commands from existing mappings will appear now in the tree - improvement - better handling of the default mapping name from config file - improvement - mapping name added to XML mapping (first line comment extended with mapping name) V 2.10 - Build 43 - Production - new feature - added Action Tree context menu for Assign, Clear and Blend - fix - issue for Js Reassignment if more than one was not yet assigned - improvement - Right click in Action Tree selects the items (no need to select and then right click anymore) V 2.10 - BETA Build 41 - fix - issue with null ptr assignment in Device Tuning (review and fix of AC1.0 changes) - fix - disabled first joystick tab when gamepad is second or later - improvement - added tooltips for device tabs showing Name and GUID - improvement - added full 4 number version for beta builds V 2.10 - BETA Build 40 - rework for AC 1.0 - new feature - add DumpLog to get the AC detected Controller assignments from logfile - new feature - add Invert checkboxes for supported option items - new feature - context menu in treeview allows to add/delete action sub items (support addbind mapping in XML) - update - cannot longer assign cross device mappings (AC 1.0 related - use addbind above) - update - new options naming and structure (not compatible with pre 2.10 - delete them in the file and then reload) - update - Profile Version to 1 V 2.8 - BETA Build 37 - new feature - add checkboxes to show Joystick, Gamepad, Kbd and Mapped Only - fix - Blended ones don't reload with proper visual V 2.8 - BETA Build 36 - new feature - add invert for single mappings - improvement - initialization and assignment of Joystick devices V 2.8 - BETA Build 34 - new feature - add keyboard input - new feature - add gamepad input as xboxpad - new feature - add gamepad for tuning - new feature - blend single entries with - fix - tuning copy to all axis now applies immediately - improvement - cleanup of some inconsistencies V 2.7 - Build 33 - fix - if an axis is not mapped the prog will not longer crash (was null ptr exception) - doc update 2.7 V 2.7 - BETA - new feature - Joystick Tuning V 2.6 - fix - taking actionmaps from config file now works - improvement - added actionmap vehicle_driver V 2.5 - new feature - support and maintain option tags - improvement - support and maintain version and ignoreversion attribute / can force ignoreversion="1" - improvement - makes backup copy before each save (in my documents e.g. layout_my_xyz.xml.backup) - Update of the Guide for V2.5 V 2.4 - improvement - add new actionmaps for AC 0.9 (flycam, spaceship_turret) - improvement - supports now assignment of js1 .. js8 - SC may not support all though... - Update of the Guide for V2.4 V 2.3 - new feature - allow reassignment of the jsN group - improvement - uniquely identified devices with the same name (use GUID) - improvement - shows jsN assignment in Joystick tab - improvement - detection of the SC install path extended to one more Registry entry - fix - blend unmapped works properly now - fix - manual entry of SC directory works now - Update of the Guide for V2.3 V 2.2 - new feature - option to ignore actionmaps in Settings - improvement - add actionmaps for multiplayer, singleplayer, player - improvement - GUI layout of Joystick tabs for more than 4 devices - Update of the Guide for V2.2 V 2.1 - program is maintained at "" - new feature - option to blend unmapped actions - improvement - ignore buttons in Settings - improvement - override the built in detection of the SC folder in Settings - added - trace log for resolving crash and other issues - Update of the Guide for V2.1 V 2.0 - program is maintained at "" - new feature - get defaultProfile.xml from game assets - new feature - get actionsmaps from game assets - new feature - reset to defaults - new feature - load and save own maps to gamefolders (makes backup in My Documents\SCJMapper) - new feature - filter the action tree - new feature - drag and drop an mapping file into the XML window - new feature - make throttle assignment for any axis - improved joystick detection (jitter avoidance, limit can be set in Program config file) - improved button detection (blend buttons that are always on) - improved sizeable window - improved settings persist between sessions - Update of the Guide for V2.0 - removed defaultProfile.xml from distribution (REMOVE IT FROM YOUR FOLDER - else it will be taken as action list) V 1.4PRE - using a new Managed DirectX assembly and built with .Net4 (Hope this works for Win8.1) - added Joystick properties and Axis Names from the Joystick driver V 1.3 - new feature - read the original defaultProfile.xml from SC to derive the actions (must be in the EXE folder) - added support for up to 8 devices - added multibinding i.e. bind the same action to multiple buttons, one for kbd, one for xbox etc. if the profile supports it - added Dump List - a readable list of the commands (can be saved as txt file - using Save as) - fixed "Find 1st" - Update of the Guide - removed MappingVars file from distribution (REMOVE IT FROM YOUR FOLDER - else it will be taken as action list) V 1.2 - added support for rebinding xboxpad and ps3pad - added Find 1st for a Control - fixed Hat direction not maintained as last Control used - some GUI refinements - Update of the Guide (incl MappingVar.csv format) MappingVar file - added commands that where missing - changed from keyboard to xboxpad rebinding where possible to leave kbd intact V 1.1 - fixed issue with less than 3 joysticks attached V 1.0 initial