# SCJMapper-V2 SC Joystick Mapper (.Net 4.5.2; using sharpDX/OpenTK wrapper) this should work with Win7, Win8.x Win 10 out of the box On RSI Spectrum see https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/51473/thread/scjmapper-news-and-updates Built using Windows Forms - Issues with display scaling may be encountered - set display scaling to 100%. using sharpDX 2.6.3 .net wrapper (http://sharpdx.org/) Use References to: * DirectX11-net40\SharpDX.dll * DirectX11-net40\SharpDX.DirectInput.dll using OpenTK.1.1.1589.5942 .net wrapper (http://www.opentk.com/) * NET40\OpenTK.dll * NET40\OpenTK.GLControl.dll using ZstdNet 1.3.1 (https://www.nuget.org/packages/ZstdNet/) using log4net.dll Built with VisualStudio 2017 Community free version ## Credits Device Layout Images and Maps: https://github.com/richardbuckle/EDRefCard DDS Skydome Images: Canyon, Highway, Shiodome, BigSight, LA Heliport: http://www.hdrlabs.com/sibl/archive.html sIBL Archive - Free HDRI sets for smart Image-Based Lighting Sunset https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Afterglow_of_a_sunset.jpg This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. At Toyomi fishermen's wharf, Tokyo. Author: Author Masato OHTA SC_Area18, _GrimHex, _DyingStar, _BrokenMoon, _Kareah by Rellim (SC handle) OutThere1 and 3 made with Spacescape: http://alexcpeterson.com/spacescape