using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using System.IO; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting; using SCJMapper_V2.Actions; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Joystick; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Options; using SCJMapper_V2.OGL.TextureLoaders; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices.Mouse; using SCJMapper_V2.Devices; using SCJMapper_V2.Translation; namespace SCJMapper_V2.OGL { public partial class FormJSCalCurve : Form { private static readonly log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger( System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod( ).DeclaringType ); public bool Canceled { get; set; } private bool loaded = false; #region OGL Fields // Shader int VertexShaderObject, FragmentShaderObject, ProgramObject; // Textures const TextureUnit TMU0_Unit = TextureUnit.Texture0; const int TMU0_UnitInteger = 0; string TMU0_Filename = ""; uint TMU0_Handle; TextureTarget TMU0_Target; private string[] SBFiles = { "graphics/","graphics/","graphics/","graphics/", "graphics/", "graphics/", "graphics/", "graphics/", "graphics/", "graphics/", "graphics/", "graphics/", "graphics/" }; // index into SBFiles const int SB_BrokenMoon = 0; const int SB_DyingStar = SB_BrokenMoon + 1; const int SB_Demien = SB_DyingStar + 1; const int SB_Area18 = SB_Demien + 1; const int SB_OutThere1 = SB_Area18 + 1; const int SB_OutThere3 = SB_OutThere1 + 1; const int SB_Canyon = SB_OutThere3 + 1; const int SB_Shiodome = SB_Canyon + 1; const int SB_Highway = SB_Shiodome + 1; const int SB_BigSight = SB_Highway + 1; const int SB_LA_Helipad = SB_BigSight + 1; const int SB_Sunset = SB_LA_Helipad + 1; const int SB_Skybox = SB_Sunset + 1; #endregion internal Fields #region Handling Vars // timing private Int64 m_msElapsed = 0; private Int64 m_ticks = 0; private double DegPerMS = 360.0 / 3000.0; private const Int64 m_frameTime = 25; // max Frametime msec 1/ = fps // location / acceleration private RK4Integrator m_flightModel = new RK4Integrator( ); private double m_damping = 5000; // range is around 3000 .. 30000 Label[] lblIn = null; Label[] lblOut = null; BezierSeries m_bSeries = new BezierSeries( ); bool m_isStrafe = false; // Strafe or YPR #endregion #region Form Handling public FormJSCalCurve() { InitializeComponent( ); log.Info( "Enter FormJSCalCurve" ); // helpers lblIn = new Label[] { null, lblIn1, lblIn2, lblIn3, null, null }; // goes with PtNo 1.. lblOut = new Label[] { null, lblOut1, lblOut2, lblOut3, lblOutExponent }; // goes with PtNo 1.. // add 5 points to the chart data series ( Zero, user1..3, max) for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { m_bSeries.BezierPoints.Add( new DataPoint( 0, 0 ) ); } m_bSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; m_bSeries.Name = "Curve"; chart1.Series[0] = m_bSeries; // Create the Marker Series chart1.Series.Add( "Marker" ); chart1.Series[1].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point; chart1.Series[1].MarkerColor = Color.Orange; chart1.Series[1].MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle; chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY( 0, 0 ); chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY( 0.25, 0.25 ); chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY( 0.5, 0.5 ); chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY( 0.75, 0.75 ); chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY( 1.0, 1.0 ); // sliders tbSlider.Maximum = Deviceoptions.DevOptSliderMax; tbSlider.TickFrequency = Deviceoptions.DevOptSliderTick; // OGL map TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_BrokenMoon]; // initial sky Canceled = true; } private void FormJSCalCurve_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) { Tx.LocalizeControlTree( this ); // localization with generic IDs rbPtDeadzone.Text = Tx.Translate( "xDeadzone" ); rbPtSaturation.Text = Tx.Translate( "xSaturation" ); rbPtExponent.Text = Tx.Translate( "xExponent" ); rbPt1.Text = Tx.Translate( "xPoint1" ); rbPt2.Text = Tx.Translate( "xPoint2" ); rbPt3.Text = Tx.Translate( "xPoint3" ); cbxPdeadzone.Text = Tx.Translate( "xDeadzone" ); cbxRdeadzone.Text = Tx.Translate( "xDeadzone" ); cbxYdeadzone.Text = Tx.Translate( "xDeadzone" ); cbxPexpo.Text = Tx.Translate( "xExponent" ); cbxRexpo.Text = Tx.Translate( "xExponent" ); cbxYexpo.Text = Tx.Translate( "xExponent" ); cbxPinvert.Text = Tx.Translate( "xInvert" ); cbxRinvert.Text = Tx.Translate( "xInvert" ); cbxYinvert.Text = Tx.Translate( "xInvert" ); cbxPsat.Text = Tx.Translate( "xSaturation" ); cbxRsat.Text = Tx.Translate( "xSaturation" ); cbxYsat.Text = Tx.Translate( "xSaturation" ); // END OF localization with generic IDs rbHornet.Checked = true; rbTuneYPR.Checked = false; rbTuneYPR.Checked = true; // chain of triggers to maintain and format entries with default events... rbY.Checked = false; //back to default rbY.Checked = true; rbPtDeadzone.Checked = false; // trigger value change.. rbPtDeadzone.Checked = true; // default rbTuneYPR.Checked = true; UpdateMouseTargetRect( ); } private void FormJSCalCurve_Move( object sender, EventArgs e ) { UpdateMouseTargetRect( ); } private void FormJSCalCurve_Resize( object sender, EventArgs e ) { UpdateMouseTargetRect( ); } private void FormJSCalCurve_FormClosing( object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e ) { if ( loaded ) { YawUpdateTuning( ); PitchUpdateTuning( ); RollUpdateTuning( ); StrafeLatUpdateTuning( ); StrafeVertUpdateTuning( ); StrafeLonUpdateTuning( ); Application.Idle -= Application_Idle; GL.DeleteProgram( ProgramObject ); GL.DeleteTexture( TMU0_Handle ); Devices.DeviceInst.MouseRef.Deactivate( ); // might be activated } } #endregion #region class LiveValues (internal class) private class LiveValues { // load live from TuningParameters public void Load( DeviceTuningParameter dp ) { if ( dp != null ) { used = ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( dp.NodeText ) ); if ( !used ) return; nodetext = dp.NodeText; string[] e = nodetext.Split( new char[] { ActionTreeInputNode.RegDiv, ActionTreeInputNode.ModDiv }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ); if ( e.Length > 0 ) control = e[1].TrimEnd( ); else control = dp.NodeText; command = dp.CommandCtrl; // the option data if ( dp.DeviceoptionRef == null ) { deadzoneEnabled = false; deadzoneUsed = false; saturationEnabled = false; saturationUsed = false; } else { deadzoneEnabled = true; deadzoneUsed = dp.DeviceoptionRef.DeadzoneUsed; deadzoneS = dp.DeviceoptionRef.Deadzone; saturationEnabled = true; saturationUsed = dp.DeviceoptionRef.SaturationUsed; saturationS = dp.DeviceoptionRef.Saturation; } invertUsed = dp.InvertUsed; exponentUsed = dp.ExponentUsed; exponentS = dp.Exponent; nonLinCurveUsed = dp.NonLinCurveUsed; if ( dp.NonLinCurveUsed ) { nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( dp.NonLinCurvePtsIn[0] ), float.Parse( dp.NonLinCurvePtsOut[0] ), float.Parse( dp.NonLinCurvePtsIn[1] ), float.Parse( dp.NonLinCurvePtsOut[1] ), float.Parse( dp.NonLinCurvePtsIn[2] ), float.Parse( dp.NonLinCurvePtsOut[2] ) ); } else { // dummy curve nonLinCurve.Curve( 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.75f, 0.75f ); } } } // update the TuningParameters public void Update( ref DeviceTuningParameter dp ) { if ( !used ) return; // don't return strings to control the device if ( dp.DeviceoptionRef == null ) { ; // nothing to update } else { dp.DeviceoptionRef.DeadzoneUsed = deadzoneUsed; dp.DeviceoptionRef.Deadzone = deadzoneS; dp.DeviceoptionRef.SaturationUsed = saturationUsed; dp.DeviceoptionRef.Saturation = saturationS; } dp.InvertUsed = invertUsed; dp.ExponentUsed = exponentUsed; dp.Exponent = exponentS; dp.NonLinCurveUsed = nonLinCurveUsed; List pts = new List( ); pts.Add( nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ) ); pts.Add( nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ) ); pts.Add( nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ) ); dp.NonLinCurvePtsIn = pts; pts = new List( ); pts.Add( nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ) ); pts.Add( nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ) ); pts.Add( nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ) ); dp.NonLinCurvePtsOut = pts; } // Context public bool used = false; public string nodetext = ""; // the node text public string control = ""; // the device control item e.g. js2_x public string command = ""; // the control item used to get the XDevice Input // calc values private double MAX_DZ = 160.0; // avoid range issues and silly values.. private double MIN_SAT = 200.0; // avoid range issues and silly values.. private double m_range = 1000.0; private double m_sign = 1.0; /// /// Scales the input according to Deadzone and Saturation /// /// Int device input -1000 .. 0..1000 /// A double in the range -1.0 .. 0.0 .. 1.0 public double ScaledOut( int devIn ) { int di = Math.Abs( devIn ); if ( di <= m_deadzone ) return 0.0; if ( di >= m_saturation ) return 1.0 * Math.Sign( devIn ); double fout = ( di - m_deadzone ) / m_range; // 0 .. 1.0 if ( exponentUsed ) { fout = Math.Pow( fout, exponent ) * Math.Sign( devIn ); } else if ( nonLinCurveUsed ) { fout = nonLinCurve.EvalX( (int)( fout * 1000.0 * Math.Sign( devIn ) ) ); // gets a scaled signed value (-1 .. +1) } else { fout = fout * Math.Sign( devIn ); } fout = ( fout > 1.0 ) ? 1.0 : fout; // safeguard against any overshoots fout = ( fout < -1.0 ) ? -1.0 : fout; // safeguard against any overshoots return fout; } /// /// Applies the inversion if needed /// /// The new DevOut float 0.0 .. 1000.0 /// Applied inverted DevOut public double InvertedSign { get { return m_sign; } } // set values public bool m_invertUsed = false; public bool invertUsed { get { return m_invertUsed; } set { m_invertUsed = value; m_sign = m_invertUsed ? -1.0 : 1.0; } } public bool deadzoneEnabled = false; public bool deadzoneUsed = false; private double m_deadzone = 0.0; // stores 1000 * set value public double deadzone { get { return m_deadzone; } set { m_deadzone = ( value > MAX_DZ ) ? MAX_DZ : value; m_range = m_saturation - m_deadzone; } } public string deadzoneS // get/set game value 0..1.000 { get { return ( deadzone / 1000.0 ).ToString( "0.000" ); } set { double f; if ( double.TryParse( value, out f ) ) { deadzone = f * 1000.0; } else { deadzone = 0.0; } } } public bool saturationEnabled = false; public bool saturationUsed = false; private double m_saturation = 1000.0;// stores 1000 * set value public double saturation { get { return m_saturation; } set { m_saturation = ( value < MIN_SAT ) ? MIN_SAT : value; m_range = m_saturation - m_deadzone; } } public string saturationS // get/set game value 0..1.000 { get { return ( m_saturation / 1000.0 ).ToString( "0.000" ); } set { double f; if ( double.TryParse( value, out f ) ) { saturation = f * 1000.0; } else { saturation = 1000.0; } } } public bool exponentUsed = false; public double exponent = 1.0F; public string exponentS { get { return exponent.ToString( "0.000" ); } set { double f; if ( double.TryParse( value, out f ) ) { exponent = f; } else { exponent = 1.0; } } } public bool nonLinCurveUsed = false; public xyPoints nonLinCurve = new xyPoints( 1000 ); // max val of Joystick Input } // class LiveValues #endregion private Tuningoptions m_tuningOptions = null; // will get the current optiontree on call public Tuningoptions TuningOptions { get { return m_tuningOptions; } set { m_tuningOptions = value; if ( m_tuningOptions == null ) { log.Error( "- TuningOptions: m_tuningRef not assigned" ); return; } YawTuning = m_tuningOptions.FirstTuningItem( "flight_move_yaw" ); PitchTuning = m_tuningOptions.FirstTuningItem( "flight_move_pitch" ); RollTuning = m_tuningOptions.FirstTuningItem( "flight_move_roll" ); StrafeLatTuning = m_tuningOptions.FirstTuningItem( "flight_move_strafe_lateral" ); StrafeVertTuning = m_tuningOptions.FirstTuningItem( "flight_move_strafe_vertical" ); StrafeLonTuning = m_tuningOptions.FirstTuningItem( "flight_move_strafe_longitudinal" ); } } // Generic Interaction Pattern // // Assign TuningParameter (load Live data from Parameter) // Switch YPR - Strafe (load live values into GUI) // Switch Axis (load live values into working area) // Change Parameters (live values are changed, GUI is updated) // Retrieve TuningParameter (update Parameter from Live data // #region YAW - Interaction private DeviceTuningParameter m_YawTuning = new DeviceTuningParameter( "flight_move_yaw" ); private LiveValues m_liveYaw = new LiveValues( ); // live values /// /// Submit the tuning parameters /// /// private DeviceTuningParameter YawTuning { get { YawUpdateTuning( ); return m_YawTuning; } set { log.Info( "FormJSCalCurve : Yaw Command is: " + value ); m_YawTuning = value; // update live values from input m_liveYaw.Load( m_YawTuning ); // populate from input //YawUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); } } // update the GUI from Live private void YawUpdateGUIFromLiveValues() { // updated the working area with Tuning parameters (obey live values) LiveValues lv = m_liveYaw; if ( !lv.used ) { pnlYaw.Visible = false; rbY.Visible = false; return; } pnlYaw.Visible = true; rbY.Visible = true; lblYCmd.Text = lv.control; lblYnt.Text = lv.nodetext; cbxYinvert.Checked = lv.invertUsed; lblYdeadzone.Text = lv.deadzoneS; cbxYdeadzone.Checked = lv.deadzoneUsed; cbxYdeadzone.Enabled = lv.deadzoneEnabled; lblYsat.Text = lv.saturationS; cbxYsat.Checked = lv.saturationUsed; cbxYsat.Enabled = lv.saturationEnabled; lblYexponent.Text = lv.exponentS; cbxYexpo.Checked = lv.exponentUsed; lblYin1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblYout1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblYin2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblYout2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblYin3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblYout3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); cbxYpts.Checked = lv.nonLinCurveUsed; rbY.Checked = false; rbY.Checked = true; } // update Tuning from Live values private void YawUpdateTuning() { m_liveYaw.Update( ref m_YawTuning ); // update from live values } #endregion #region PITCH - Interaction private DeviceTuningParameter m_PitchTuning = new DeviceTuningParameter( "flight_move_pitch" ); private LiveValues m_livePitch = new LiveValues( ); // live values /// /// Submit the tuning parameters /// /// private DeviceTuningParameter PitchTuning { get { // update PitchUpdateTuning( ); return m_PitchTuning; } set { log.Info( "FormJSCalCurve : Pitch Command is: " + value ); m_PitchTuning = value; // update live values from input m_livePitch.Load( m_PitchTuning ); // populate from input //PitchUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); } } // update the GUI from Live private void PitchUpdateGUIFromLiveValues() { // updated the working area with Tuning parameters (obey live values) LiveValues lv = m_livePitch; if ( !lv.used ) { pnlPitch.Visible = false; rbP.Visible = false; return; } pnlPitch.Visible = true; rbP.Visible = true; lblPCmd.Text = lv.control; lblPnt.Text = lv.nodetext; cbxPinvert.Checked = lv.invertUsed; lblPdeadzone.Text = lv.deadzoneS; cbxPdeadzone.Checked = lv.deadzoneUsed; cbxPdeadzone.Enabled = lv.deadzoneEnabled; lblPsat.Text = lv.saturationS; cbxPsat.Checked = lv.saturationUsed; cbxPsat.Enabled = lv.saturationEnabled; lblPexponent.Text = lv.exponentS; cbxPexpo.Checked = lv.exponentUsed; lblPin1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblPout1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblPin2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblPout2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblPin3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblPout3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); cbxPpts.Checked = lv.nonLinCurveUsed; rbP.Checked = false; rbP.Checked = true; } private void PitchUpdateTuning() { m_livePitch.Update( ref m_PitchTuning ); // update from live values } #endregion #region ROLL - Interaction private DeviceTuningParameter m_RollTuning = new DeviceTuningParameter( "flight_move_roll" ); private LiveValues m_liveRoll = new LiveValues( ); // live values /// /// Submit the tuning parameters /// /// private DeviceTuningParameter RollTuning { get { // update RollUpdateTuning( ); return m_RollTuning; } set { log.Info( "FormJSCalCurve : Roll Command is: " + value ); m_RollTuning = value; // update live values from input m_liveRoll.Load( m_RollTuning ); // populate from input //RollUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); } } // update the GUI from Live private void RollUpdateGUIFromLiveValues() { // updated the working area with Tuning parameters (obey live values) LiveValues lv = m_liveRoll; if ( !lv.used ) { pnlRoll.Visible = false; rbR.Visible = false; return; } pnlRoll.Visible = true; rbR.Visible = true; lblRCmd.Text = lv.control; lblRnt.Text = lv.nodetext; cbxRinvert.Checked = lv.invertUsed; lblRdeadzone.Text = lv.deadzoneS; cbxRdeadzone.Checked = lv.deadzoneUsed; cbxRdeadzone.Enabled = lv.deadzoneEnabled; lblRsat.Text = lv.saturationS; cbxRsat.Checked = lv.saturationUsed; cbxRsat.Enabled = lv.saturationEnabled; lblRexponent.Text = lv.exponentS; cbxRexpo.Checked = lv.exponentUsed; lblRin1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblRout1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblRin2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblRout2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblRin3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblRout3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); cbxRpts.Checked = lv.nonLinCurveUsed; rbR.Checked = false; rbR.Checked = true; } private void RollUpdateTuning() { m_liveRoll.Update( ref m_RollTuning ); // update from live values } #endregion #region Strafe Lateral - Interaction (yaw GUI values) private DeviceTuningParameter m_StrafeLatTuning = new DeviceTuningParameter( "flight_move_strafe_lateral" ); private LiveValues m_liveStrafeLat = new LiveValues( ); // live values /// /// Submit the tuning parameters /// /// private DeviceTuningParameter StrafeLatTuning { get { // update StrafeLatUpdateTuning( ); return m_StrafeLatTuning; } set { log.Info( "FormJSCalCurve : Strafe Lateral Command is: " + value ); m_StrafeLatTuning = value; // update live values from input m_liveStrafeLat.Load( m_StrafeLatTuning ); // populate from input //StrafeLatUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); } } // update the GUI from Live private void StrafeLatUpdateGUIFromLiveValues() { // updated the working area with Tuning parameters (obey live values) LiveValues lv = m_liveStrafeLat; if ( !lv.used ) { pnlYaw.Visible = false; rbY.Visible = false; return; } pnlYaw.Visible = true; rbY.Visible = true; lblYCmd.Text = lv.control; lblYnt.Text = lv.nodetext; cbxYinvert.Checked = lv.invertUsed; lblYdeadzone.Text = lv.deadzoneS; cbxYdeadzone.Checked = lv.deadzoneUsed; lblYsat.Text = lv.saturationS; cbxYsat.Checked = lv.saturationUsed; lblYexponent.Text = lv.exponentS; cbxYexpo.Checked = lv.exponentUsed; lblYin1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblYout1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblYin2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblYout2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblYin3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblYout3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); cbxYpts.Checked = lv.nonLinCurveUsed; rbY.Checked = false; rbY.Checked = true; } private void StrafeLatUpdateTuning() { m_liveStrafeLat.Update( ref m_StrafeLatTuning ); // update from live values } #endregion #region Strafe Vertical - Interaction (pitch GUI values) private DeviceTuningParameter m_StrafeVertTuning = new DeviceTuningParameter( "flight_move_strafe_vertical" ); private LiveValues m_liveStrafeVert = new LiveValues( ); // live values /// /// Submit the tuning parameters /// /// private DeviceTuningParameter StrafeVertTuning { get { // update StrafeVertUpdateTuning( ); return m_StrafeVertTuning; } set { log.Info( "FormJSCalCurve : Strafe Vertical Command is: " + value ); m_StrafeVertTuning = value; // update live values from input m_liveStrafeVert.Load( m_StrafeVertTuning ); // populate from input //StrafeVertUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); } } // update the GUI from Live private void StrafeVertUpdateGUIFromLiveValues() { // updated the working area with Tuning parameters (obey live values) LiveValues lv = m_liveStrafeVert; if ( !lv.used ) { pnlPitch.Visible = false; rbP.Visible = false; return; } pnlPitch.Visible = true; rbP.Visible = true; lblPCmd.Text = lv.control; lblPnt.Text = lv.nodetext; cbxPinvert.Checked = lv.invertUsed; lblPdeadzone.Text = lv.deadzoneS; cbxPdeadzone.Checked = lv.deadzoneUsed; lblPsat.Text = lv.saturationS; cbxPsat.Checked = lv.saturationUsed; lblPexponent.Text = lv.exponentS; cbxPexpo.Checked = lv.exponentUsed; lblPin1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblPout1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblPin2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblPout2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblPin3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblPout3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); cbxPpts.Checked = lv.nonLinCurveUsed; rbP.Checked = false; rbP.Checked = true; } private void StrafeVertUpdateTuning() { m_liveStrafeVert.Update( ref m_StrafeVertTuning ); // update from live values } #endregion #region Strafe Longitudinal - Interaction (Roll GUI values) private DeviceTuningParameter m_StrafeLonTuning = new DeviceTuningParameter( "flight_move_strafe_longitudinal" ); private LiveValues m_liveStrafeLon = new LiveValues( ); // live values /// /// Submit the tuning parameters /// /// private DeviceTuningParameter StrafeLonTuning { get { // update StrafeLonUpdateTuning( ); return m_StrafeLonTuning; } set { log.Info( "FormJSCalCurve : Strafe Longitudinal Command is: " + value ); m_StrafeLonTuning = value; // update live values from input m_liveStrafeLon.Load( m_StrafeLonTuning ); // populate from input //StrafeLonUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); } } // update the GUI from Live private void StrafeLonUpdateGUIFromLiveValues() { // updated the working area with Tuning parameters (obey live values) LiveValues lv = m_liveStrafeLon; if ( !lv.used ) { pnlRoll.Visible = false; rbR.Visible = false; return; } pnlRoll.Visible = true; rbR.Visible = true; lblRCmd.Text = lv.control; lblRnt.Text = lv.nodetext; cbxRinvert.Checked = lv.invertUsed; lblRdeadzone.Text = lv.deadzoneS; cbxRdeadzone.Checked = lv.deadzoneUsed; lblRsat.Text = lv.saturationS; cbxRsat.Checked = lv.saturationUsed; lblRexponent.Text = lv.exponentS; cbxRexpo.Checked = lv.exponentUsed; lblRin1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblRout1.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 0 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblRin2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblRout2.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 1 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); lblRin3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).X.ToString( "0.000" ); lblRout3.Text = lv.nonLinCurve.Pt( 2 ).Y.ToString( "0.000" ); cbxRpts.Checked = lv.nonLinCurveUsed; rbR.Checked = false; rbR.Checked = true; } private void StrafeLonUpdateTuning() { m_liveStrafeLon.Update( ref m_StrafeLonTuning ); // update from live values } #endregion #region OGL Content private void LoadSkybox() { TextureLoaderParameters.FlipImages = false; TextureLoaderParameters.MagnificationFilter = TextureMagFilter.Linear; TextureLoaderParameters.MinificationFilter = TextureMinFilter.Linear; TextureLoaderParameters.WrapModeS = TextureWrapMode.ClampToEdge; TextureLoaderParameters.WrapModeT = TextureWrapMode.ClampToEdge; TextureLoaderParameters.EnvMode = TextureEnvMode.Modulate; try { ImageDDS.LoadFromDisk( TMU0_Filename, out TMU0_Handle, out TMU0_Target ); log.Info( "Loaded " + TMU0_Filename + " with handle " + TMU0_Handle + " as " + TMU0_Target ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { log.Error( "Error loading DDS file:", ex ); } log.Info( "End of Texture Loading. GL Error: " + GL.GetError( ) ); } private void glControl1_Load( object sender, EventArgs e ) { log.Info( "Enter glControl1_Load" ); GL.ClearColor( Color.SkyBlue ); // Yey! .NET Colors can be used directly! SetupViewport( ); Application.Idle += Application_Idle; // press TAB twice after += // init time keeping m_ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks; m_msElapsed = 0; //////////////////////////////// // Check for necessary capabilities: string extensions = GL.GetString( StringName.Extensions ); if ( !GL.GetString( StringName.Extensions ).Contains( "GL_ARB_shading_language" ) ) { log.ErrorFormat( "glControl1_Load - This program requires OpenGL 2.0. Found {0}. Aborting.", GL.GetString( StringName.Version ).Substring( 0, 3 ) ); throw new NotSupportedException( string.Format( "This program requires OpenGL 2.0. Found {0}. Aborting.", GL.GetString( StringName.Version ).Substring( 0, 3 ) ) ); } if ( !extensions.Contains( "GL_ARB_texture_compression" ) || !extensions.Contains( "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc" ) ) { log.Error( "glControl1_Load - This program requires support for texture compression. Aborting." ); throw new NotSupportedException( "This program requires support for texture compression. Aborting." ); } #region GL State GL.ClearColor( 0f, 0f, 0f, 0f ); GL.Disable( EnableCap.Dither ); GL.Enable( EnableCap.CullFace ); GL.FrontFace( FrontFaceDirection.Ccw ); GL.PolygonMode( MaterialFace.Front, PolygonMode.Fill ); #endregion GL State #region Shaders string LogInfo; // Load&Compile Vertex Shader // Thanks: // GLSL for vertex shader. VertexShaderObject = GL.CreateShader( ShaderType.VertexShader ); string vertSource = @" #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable void main() { mat4 r = gl_ModelViewMatrix; r[3][0] = 0.0; r[3][1] = 0.0; r[3][2] = 0.0; vec4 v = inverse(r) * gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse * gl_Vertex; gl_TexCoord[0] = v; gl_Position = gl_Vertex; } "; // compile shader compileShader( VertexShaderObject, vertSource ); // GLSL for fragment shader. FragmentShaderObject = GL.CreateShader( ShaderType.FragmentShader ); string fragSource = @" uniform samplerCube Skybox; void main() { gl_FragColor = textureCube(Skybox, gl_TexCoord[0]); } "; // compile shader compileShader( FragmentShaderObject, fragSource ); // Link the Shaders to a usable Program ProgramObject = GL.CreateProgram( ); GL.AttachShader( ProgramObject, VertexShaderObject ); GL.AttachShader( ProgramObject, FragmentShaderObject ); // link it all together GL.LinkProgram( ProgramObject ); // flag ShaderObjects for delete when not used anymore GL.DeleteShader( VertexShaderObject ); GL.DeleteShader( FragmentShaderObject ); int[] temp = new int[1]; GL.GetProgram( ProgramObject, GetProgramParameterName.LinkStatus, out temp[0] ); log.Info( "Linking Program (" + ProgramObject + ") " + ( ( temp[0] == 1 ) ? "succeeded." : "FAILED!" ) ); if ( temp[0] != 1 ) { GL.GetProgramInfoLog( ProgramObject, out LogInfo ); log.Error( "Program Log:\n" + LogInfo ); } GL.GetProgram( ProgramObject, GetProgramParameterName.ActiveAttributes, out temp[0] ); log.Info( "Program registered " + temp[0] + " Attributes." ); log.Info( "End of Shader build. GL Error: " + GL.GetError( ) ); #endregion Shaders #region Textures LoadSkybox( ); #endregion Textures loaded = true; } private void glControl1_Paint( object sender, PaintEventArgs e ) { if ( !loaded ) return; Render( ); } private void glControl1_Resize( object sender, EventArgs e ) { SetupViewport( ); if ( m_bSeries != null ) m_bSeries.Invalidate( chart1 ); else chart1.Invalidate( ); } /// /// Helper method to avoid code duplication. /// Compiles a shader and prints results using Debug.WriteLine. /// /// A shader object, gotten from GL.CreateShader. /// The GLSL source to compile. void compileShader( int shader, string source ) { GL.ShaderSource( shader, source ); GL.CompileShader( shader ); string info; GL.GetShaderInfoLog( shader, out info ); Trace.WriteLine( info ); int compileResult; GL.GetShader( shader, ShaderParameter.CompileStatus, out compileResult ); if ( compileResult != 1 ) { log.Error( "compileShader - Compile Error:" ); log.Error( source ); } } private void UpdateMouseTargetRect() { DeviceInst.MouseRef.SetTargetRectForCmdData( new Rectangle( glControl1.PointToScreen( new Point(0,0) ), glControl1.Size ) ); } private void SetupViewport() { int w = glControl1.Width; int h = glControl1.Height; GL.Viewport( 0, 0, w, h ); // Use all of the glControl painting area GL.MatrixMode( MatrixMode.Projection ); Matrix4 p = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView( MathHelper.PiOver4, w / (float)h, 0.1f, 10.0f ); GL.LoadMatrix( ref p ); GL.MatrixMode( MatrixMode.Modelview ); GL.LoadIdentity( ); } // One render cycle - beware this should be fast... private void Render() { if ( !loaded ) return; GL.Clear( ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit ); GL.UseProgram( ProgramObject ); // use the compiled shader // interface with shader variables GL.Uniform1( GL.GetUniformLocation( ProgramObject, "Skybox" ), TMU0_UnitInteger ); // get our own matrix GL.PushMatrix( ); GL.LoadIdentity( ); // Reset and transform the matrix. // part of the 3D orientation - the rest is in the idle routine Matrix4d rm = new Matrix4d( m_right.X, m_right.Y, m_right.Z, 0, m_up.X, m_up.Y, m_up.Z, 0, m_front.X, m_front.Y, m_front.Z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); GL.MultMatrix( ref rm ); // transform // Enable/Disable features GL.PushAttrib( AttribMask.EnableBit ); GL.DepthMask( false ); GL.Disable( EnableCap.DepthTest ); GL.Disable( EnableCap.Lighting ); GL.Disable( EnableCap.Blend ); // use the Skybox texture GL.ActiveTexture( TMU0_Unit ); GL.BindTexture( TMU0_Target, TMU0_Handle ); // Draw GL.Color3( 1f, 1f, 1f ); // Just in case we set all vertices to white. // draw one Quad only GL.Begin( PrimitiveType.Quads ); { GL.Vertex3( -1.0, -1.0, 0.0 ); GL.Vertex3( 1.0, -1.0, 0.0 ); GL.Vertex3( 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); GL.Vertex3( -1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); } GL.End( ); // END Draw // Restore enable bits and matrix GL.PopAttrib( ); GL.PopMatrix( ); // finally show the contents glControl1.SwapBuffers( ); } #endregion #region Device Input Handling /// /// Proper 3D camera aiming... /// Thanks: /// /// Vector3d m_right = Vector3d.UnitX; Vector3d m_up = Vector3d.UnitY; Vector3d m_front = Vector3d.UnitZ; /// /// Calc the view vector - take care of changing axis orientations /// /// Right-Left Direction /// Up-Down Direction /// RotLeft - RotRight Direction private void rotDeg( Vector3d dir ) { Matrix4d temp = Matrix4d.CreateRotationX( MathHelper.DegreesToRadians( dir.Y ) );// invert y-> x m_right = Vector3d.TransformVector( m_right, temp ); m_up = Vector3d.TransformVector( m_up, temp ); m_front = Vector3d.TransformVector( m_front, temp ); temp = Matrix4d.CreateRotationY( MathHelper.DegreesToRadians( dir.X ) ); // invert x-> y m_right = Vector3d.TransformVector( m_right, temp ); m_up = Vector3d.TransformVector( m_up, temp ); m_front = Vector3d.TransformVector( m_front, temp ); temp = Matrix4d.CreateRotationZ( MathHelper.DegreesToRadians( dir.Z ) ); m_right = Vector3d.TransformVector( m_right, temp ); m_up = Vector3d.TransformVector( m_up, temp ); m_front = Vector3d.TransformVector( m_front, temp ); } /// /// Sub Handler for Strafe /// Vector3d Idle_Strafe() { Vector3d m = Vector3d.Zero; ; bool lat = ( m_StrafeLatTuning != null ) && ( m_StrafeLatTuning.GameDevice != null ); bool vert = ( m_StrafeVertTuning != null ) && ( m_StrafeVertTuning.GameDevice != null ); bool lon = ( m_StrafeLonTuning != null ) && ( m_StrafeLonTuning.GameDevice != null ); int i_x = 0, i_y = 0, i_z = 0; // Joystick Input int x = 0; int y = 0; int z = 0; // retain real input as i_xyz if ( lat ) m_StrafeLatTuning.GameDevice.GetCmdData( m_liveStrafeLat.command, out i_x ); // + = right if ( vert ) m_StrafeVertTuning.GameDevice.GetCmdData( m_liveStrafeVert.command, out i_y ); // + = up if ( lon ) m_StrafeLonTuning.GameDevice.GetCmdData( m_liveStrafeLon.command, out i_z ); // += twist right // apply the modifications of the control (deadzone, shape, sensitivity) x = i_x; y = i_y; z = i_z; // retain real input as i_xyz m_flightModel.Velocity = Vector3d.Zero; // Lateral if ( lat ) { double fout = m_liveStrafeLat.ScaledOut( x ); // 0 .. 1000.0 lblYInput.Text = ( i_x / 1000.0 ).ToString( "0.00" ); lblYOutput.Text = ( fout ).ToString( "0.00" ); // calculate new direction vector m.X = m_liveStrafeLat.InvertedSign * ( ( !cbYuse.Checked ) ? fout : 0 ) * m_msElapsed * DegPerMS; } // Vertical if ( vert ) { double fout = m_liveStrafeVert.ScaledOut( y ); // 0 .. 1000.0 lblPInput.Text = ( i_y / 1000.0 ).ToString( "0.00" ); lblPOutput.Text = ( fout ).ToString( "0.00" ); // calculate new direction vector m.Y = m_liveStrafeVert.InvertedSign * ( ( !cbPuse.Checked ) ? fout : 0 ) * m_msElapsed * DegPerMS; } // Longitudinal if ( lon ) { double fout = m_liveStrafeLon.ScaledOut( z ); // 0 .. 1000.0 lblRInput.Text = ( i_z / 1000.0 ).ToString( "0.00" ); lblROutput.Text = ( fout ).ToString( "0.00" ); // calculate new direction vector m.Z = m_liveStrafeLon.InvertedSign * ( ( !cbRuse.Checked ) ? fout : 0 ) * m_msElapsed * DegPerMS; } return m; } /// /// Sub Handler for YPR (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) /// Vector3d Idle_YPR() { Vector3d m = Vector3d.Zero; ; bool yaw = ( m_YawTuning != null ) && ( m_YawTuning.GameDevice != null ); bool pitch = ( m_PitchTuning != null ) && ( m_PitchTuning.GameDevice != null ); bool roll = ( m_RollTuning != null ) && ( m_RollTuning.GameDevice != null ); int i_x = 0, i_y = 0, i_z = 0; // Joystick Input int x = 0; int y = 0; int z = 0; // retain real input as i_xyz if ( yaw ) m_YawTuning.GameDevice.GetCmdData( m_liveYaw.command, out i_x ); // + = right if ( pitch ) m_PitchTuning.GameDevice.GetCmdData( m_livePitch.command, out i_y ); // + = up if ( roll ) m_RollTuning.GameDevice.GetCmdData( m_liveRoll.command, out i_z ); // += twist right // apply the modifications of the control (deadzone, shape, sensitivity) x = i_x; y = i_y; z = i_z; // retain real input as i_xyz m_flightModel.Velocity = Vector3d.Zero; // Yaw if ( yaw ) { double fout = m_liveYaw.ScaledOut( x ); // 0 .. 1000.0 lblYInput.Text = ( i_x / 1000.0 ).ToString( "0.00" ); lblYOutput.Text = ( fout ).ToString( "0.00" ); // calculate new direction vector m.X = m_liveYaw.InvertedSign * ( ( !cbYuse.Checked ) ? fout : 0 ) * m_msElapsed * DegPerMS; } // Pitch if ( pitch ) { double fout = m_livePitch.ScaledOut( y ); // 0 .. 1000.0 lblPInput.Text = ( i_y / 1000.0 ).ToString( "0.00" ); lblPOutput.Text = ( fout ).ToString( "0.00" ); // calculate new direction vector m.Y = m_livePitch.InvertedSign * ( ( !cbPuse.Checked ) ? -fout : 0 ) * m_msElapsed * DegPerMS; // 20170801: fix - Must use inverted out value } // Roll if ( roll ) { double fout = m_liveRoll.ScaledOut( z ); // 0 .. 1000.0 lblRInput.Text = ( i_z / 1000.0 ).ToString( "0.00" ); lblROutput.Text = ( fout ).ToString( "0.00" ); // calculate new direction vector m.Z = m_liveRoll.InvertedSign * ( ( !cbRuse.Checked ) ? fout : 0 ) * m_msElapsed * DegPerMS; } return m; } /// /// Handle user input while Idle /// /// /// void Application_Idle( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // no guard needed -- we hooked into the event in Load handler if ( glControl1.IsDisposed ) return; if ( glControl1.Context == null ) return; while ( glControl1.IsIdle ) { Vector3d m = Vector3d.Zero; ; // calculate the aim change while the user is handling the control (integrating the amount of control) Int64 newTick = DateTime.Now.Ticks; m_msElapsed = ( newTick - m_ticks ) / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; if ( m_msElapsed < m_frameTime ) { // lblDebug.Text = "F"; continue; //pace updates the max frametime allowed } //lblDebug.Text = "R"; // safeguard against locking (moving the window) so the integrator does not get crazy.. // if deltatime gets too big we fake a regular cycle for this round if ( m_msElapsed > 200 ) m_msElapsed = m_frameTime; m_ticks = newTick; // prep next run // query the Joysticks for the 3 controls and fill the flight model vector if ( m_isStrafe ) { m = Idle_Strafe( ); } else { m = Idle_YPR( ); } // finalize m_flightModel.Velocity -= m; // new direction change vector Vector3d deltaAngleV = m_flightModel.Integrate( (double)m_msElapsed / 1000.0, m_damping, 85.0 ); // heuristic K and B .. // rotate the view along the input // rotDeg( m ); rotDeg( deltaAngleV ); // render once more Render( ); }//while } #endregion #region Event Handling #region turnspeed things private void rbAurora_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { slDamping.Value = 6; slTurnSpeed.Value = 10; } private void rb300i_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { slDamping.Value = 6; slTurnSpeed.Value = 8; // turns in 4 seconds 360deg } private void rbHornet_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { slDamping.Value = 6; slTurnSpeed.Value = 12; } private void slTurnSpeed_ValueChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // recalc the turning scale based on one full 360 deg sweep in the given time (sec) DegPerMS = 360.0 / ( slTurnSpeed.Value * 500.0 ); // slider is 0.5 sec steps lblTurnspeed.Text = ( slTurnSpeed.Value / 2.0 ).ToString( ); } private void slDamping_ValueChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_damping = ( slDamping.Maximum - slDamping.Value + 1 ) * 100.0; // 100 .. 1000 lblDamping.Text = slDamping.Value.ToString( ); } #endregion #region Tune Kind Changed private void rbTuneYPR_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( rbTuneYPR.Checked ) { m_isStrafe = false; lblYaw.Text = "Yaw"; lblLiveYaw.Text = "Yaw"; rbY.Text = "Yaw -->"; lblPitch.Text = "Pitch"; lblLivePitch.Text = "Pitch"; rbP.Text = "Pitch -->"; lblRoll.Text = "Roll"; lblLiveRoll.Text = "Roll"; rbR.Text = "Roll -->"; tlpData.BackColor = rbTuneYPR.BackColor; pnlAxisSelector.BackColor = rbTuneYPR.BackColor; RollUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); PitchUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); YawUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); } } private void rbTuneStrafe_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( rbTuneStrafe.Checked ) { m_isStrafe = true; lblYaw.Text = "Lat"; lblLiveYaw.Text = "Lateral"; rbY.Text = "Lateral -->"; lblPitch.Text = "Vert"; lblLivePitch.Text = "Vertical"; rbP.Text = "Vertical -->"; lblRoll.Text = "Lon"; lblLiveRoll.Text = "Long."; rbR.Text = "Longitudinal -->"; tlpData.BackColor = rbTuneStrafe.BackColor; pnlAxisSelector.BackColor = rbTuneStrafe.BackColor; StrafeLonUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); StrafeVertUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); StrafeLatUpdateGUIFromLiveValues( ); } } #endregion #region Active Axis Changed - - copy data from left labels into the working area /// /// Make Yaw Active - copy data from left labels into the working area /// private void rbY_CheckedChanged() { if ( rbY.Checked == true ) { // get Labels from left area (current) lblIn[1].Text = lblYin1.Text; lblIn[2].Text = lblYin2.Text; lblIn[3].Text = lblYin3.Text; lblOut[1].Text = lblYout1.Text; lblOut[2].Text = lblYout2.Text; lblOut[3].Text = lblYout3.Text; lblOut[4].Text = lblYexponent.Text; lblNodetext.Text = lblYnt.Text; // setup chart along the choosen parameter rbPtDeadzone.Enabled = cbxYdeadzone.Checked; rbPtSaturation.Enabled = cbxYsat.Checked; rbPtDeadzone.Checked = true; if ( rbPtDeadzone.Enabled ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.DeadzoneToSlider( lblYdeadzone.Text ); } else { rbPtSaturation.Checked = true; if ( rbPtSaturation.Enabled ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.SaturationToSlider( lblYsat.Text ); } } UpdateChartItems( ); } } private void rbY_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { rbY_CheckedChanged( ); } private void rbY_CheckUpdate() { rbY.Checked = false; rbY.Checked = true; // forces to check and to update in case of already checked } /// /// Make Pitch Active - copy data from left labels into the working area /// private void rbP_CheckedChanged() { if ( rbP.Checked == true ) { // get Labels from left area (current) lblIn[1].Text = lblPin1.Text; lblIn[2].Text = lblPin2.Text; lblIn[3].Text = lblPin3.Text; lblOut[1].Text = lblPout1.Text; lblOut[2].Text = lblPout2.Text; lblOut[3].Text = lblPout3.Text; lblOut[4].Text = lblPexponent.Text; lblNodetext.Text = lblPnt.Text; // setup chart along the choosen parameter rbPtDeadzone.Enabled = cbxPdeadzone.Checked; rbPtSaturation.Enabled = cbxPsat.Checked; rbPtDeadzone.Checked = true; if ( rbPtDeadzone.Enabled ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.DeadzoneToSlider( lblPdeadzone.Text ); } else { rbPtSaturation.Checked = true; // force back to sense (available for both..) if ( rbPtSaturation.Enabled ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.SaturationToSlider( lblPsat.Text ); } } UpdateChartItems( ); } } private void rbP_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { rbP_CheckedChanged( ); } private void rbP_CheckUpdate() { rbP.Checked = false; rbP.Checked = true; // forces to check and to update in case of already checked } /// /// Make Roll Active - copy data from left labels into the working area /// private void rbR_CheckedChanged() { if ( rbR.Checked == true ) { // get Labels from left area (current) lblIn[1].Text = lblRin1.Text; lblIn[2].Text = lblRin2.Text; lblIn[3].Text = lblRin3.Text; lblOut[1].Text = lblRout1.Text; lblOut[2].Text = lblRout2.Text; lblOut[3].Text = lblRout3.Text; lblOut[4].Text = lblRexponent.Text; lblNodetext.Text = lblRnt.Text; // setup chart along the choosen parameter rbPtDeadzone.Enabled = cbxRdeadzone.Checked; rbPtSaturation.Enabled = cbxRsat.Checked; rbPtDeadzone.Checked = true; if ( rbPtDeadzone.Enabled ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.DeadzoneToSlider( lblRdeadzone.Text ); } else { rbPtSaturation.Checked = true; // force back to sense (available for both..) if ( rbPtSaturation.Enabled ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.SaturationToSlider( lblRsat.Text ); } } UpdateChartItems( ); } } private void rbR_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { rbR_CheckedChanged( ); } private void rbR_CheckUpdate() { rbR.Checked = false; rbR.Checked = true; // forces to check and to update in case of already checked } // Interaction helper - changes panel on mouse up private void pnlYaw_MouseUp( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e ) { rbY_CheckUpdate( ); } private void pnlPitch_MouseUp( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e ) { rbP_CheckUpdate( ); } private void pnlRoll_MouseUp( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e ) { rbR_CheckUpdate( ); } #endregion #region Charts section // Chart - move Pts /// /// Evaluate which tune parameter has the chart input /// private void EvalChartInput() { m_hitPt = 0; if ( rbPt1.Enabled && rbPt1.Checked ) m_hitPt = 1; if ( rbPt2.Enabled && rbPt2.Checked ) m_hitPt = 2; if ( rbPt3.Enabled && rbPt3.Checked ) m_hitPt = 3; if ( rbPtExponent.Enabled && rbPtExponent.Checked ) m_hitPt = 4; if ( m_hitPt > 0 ) return; // slider fudge tbSlider.Enabled = false; if ( rbPtDeadzone.Enabled && rbPtDeadzone.Checked ) { tbSlider.Enabled = true; if ( rbY.Checked ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.DeadzoneToSlider( lblYdeadzone.Text ); } else if ( rbP.Checked ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.DeadzoneToSlider( lblPdeadzone.Text ); } else if ( rbR.Checked ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.DeadzoneToSlider( lblRdeadzone.Text ); } } if ( rbPtSaturation.Enabled && rbPtSaturation.Checked ) { tbSlider.Enabled = true; if ( rbY.Checked ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.SaturationToSlider( lblYsat.Text ); } else if ( rbP.Checked ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.SaturationToSlider( lblPsat.Text ); } else if ( rbR.Checked ) { tbSlider.Value = Deviceoptions.SaturationToSlider( lblRsat.Text ); } } EvalSlider( ); } /// /// Handle change of the mouse input within the chart /// private void rbPtAny_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { EvalChartInput( ); } // handle mouse interaction with the chart int m_hitPt = 0; bool m_hitActive = false; int mX = 0; int mY = 0; /// /// Update the graph from changes of acitve label values /// private void UpdateChartItems() { bool deadzoneUsed = true; bool satUsed = true; bool expUsed = true; bool ptsUsed = true; // see what is on display.. if ( rbY.Checked == true ) { // Yaw if ( m_isStrafe ) { deadzoneUsed = ( m_liveStrafeLat.deadzoneUsed == true ); satUsed = ( m_liveStrafeLat.saturationUsed == true ); expUsed = ( m_liveStrafeLat.exponentUsed == true ); ptsUsed = ( m_liveStrafeLat.nonLinCurveUsed == true ); lblGraphDeadzone.Text = m_liveStrafeLat.deadzoneS; lblGraphSaturation.Text = m_liveStrafeLat.saturationS; } else { deadzoneUsed = ( m_liveYaw.deadzoneUsed == true ); satUsed = ( m_liveYaw.saturationUsed == true ); expUsed = ( m_liveYaw.exponentUsed == true ); ptsUsed = ( m_liveYaw.nonLinCurveUsed == true ); lblGraphDeadzone.Text = m_liveYaw.deadzoneS; lblGraphSaturation.Text = m_liveYaw.saturationS; } chart1.BackColor = rbY.BackColor; } else if ( rbP.Checked == true ) { // Pitch if ( m_isStrafe ) { deadzoneUsed = ( m_liveStrafeVert.deadzoneUsed == true ); satUsed = ( m_liveStrafeVert.saturationUsed == true ); expUsed = ( m_liveStrafeVert.exponentUsed == true ); ptsUsed = ( m_liveStrafeVert.nonLinCurveUsed == true ); lblGraphDeadzone.Text = m_liveStrafeVert.deadzoneS; lblGraphSaturation.Text = m_liveStrafeVert.saturationS; } else { deadzoneUsed = ( m_livePitch.deadzoneUsed == true ); satUsed = ( m_livePitch.saturationUsed == true ); expUsed = ( m_livePitch.exponentUsed == true ); ptsUsed = ( m_livePitch.nonLinCurveUsed == true ); lblGraphDeadzone.Text = m_livePitch.deadzoneS; lblGraphSaturation.Text = m_livePitch.saturationS; } chart1.BackColor = rbP.BackColor; } else { // Roll if ( m_isStrafe ) { deadzoneUsed = ( m_liveStrafeLon.deadzoneUsed == true ); satUsed = ( m_liveStrafeLon.saturationUsed == true ); expUsed = ( m_liveStrafeLon.exponentUsed == true ); ptsUsed = ( m_liveStrafeLon.nonLinCurveUsed == true ); lblGraphDeadzone.Text = m_liveStrafeLon.deadzoneS; lblGraphSaturation.Text = m_liveStrafeLon.saturationS; } else { deadzoneUsed = ( m_liveRoll.deadzoneUsed == true ); satUsed = ( m_liveRoll.saturationUsed == true ); expUsed = ( m_liveRoll.exponentUsed == true ); ptsUsed = ( m_liveRoll.nonLinCurveUsed == true ); lblGraphDeadzone.Text = m_liveRoll.deadzoneS; lblGraphSaturation.Text = m_liveRoll.saturationS; } chart1.BackColor = rbR.BackColor; } // generic part rbPtDeadzone.Enabled = deadzoneUsed; lblGraphDeadzone.Visible = deadzoneUsed; rbPtSaturation.Enabled = satUsed; lblGraphSaturation.Visible = satUsed; rbPtExponent.Enabled = expUsed; rbPt1.Enabled = ptsUsed; rbPt2.Enabled = ptsUsed; rbPt3.Enabled = ptsUsed; EvalChartInput( ); // review active chart input if ( !tbSlider.Enabled ) lblOutSlider.Text = "---"; if ( expUsed ) { // Exp mode double expo = double.Parse( lblOut[4].Text ); // dont touch zero Point m_bSeries.BezierPoints[1].SetValueXY( 0.25, Math.Pow( 0.25, expo ) ); m_bSeries.BezierPoints[2].SetValueXY( 0.5, Math.Pow( 0.5, expo ) ); m_bSeries.BezierPoints[3].SetValueXY( 0.75, Math.Pow( 0.75, expo ) ); m_bSeries.BezierPoints[4].SetValueXY( 1.0, 1.0 ); } else if ( ptsUsed ) { // Pts mode // dont touch zero Point for ( int i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) { m_bSeries.BezierPoints[i].SetValueXY( float.Parse( lblIn[i].Text ), float.Parse( lblOut[i].Text ) ); } m_bSeries.BezierPoints[4].SetValueXY( 1.0, 1.0 ); } else { // linear // dont touch zero Point m_bSeries.BezierPoints[1].SetValueXY( 0.25, 0.25 ); m_bSeries.BezierPoints[2].SetValueXY( 0.5, 0.5 ); m_bSeries.BezierPoints[3].SetValueXY( 0.75, 0.75 ); m_bSeries.BezierPoints[4].SetValueXY( 1.0, 1.0 ); } // update markers from curve points chart1.Series[1].Points[1] = m_bSeries.BezierPoints[1]; chart1.Series[1].Points[2] = m_bSeries.BezierPoints[2]; chart1.Series[1].Points[3] = m_bSeries.BezierPoints[3]; chart1.Series[1].Points[4] = m_bSeries.BezierPoints[4]; m_bSeries.Invalidate( chart1 ); } private void chartPoint_MouseDown( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e ) { m_hitActive = true; // activate movement tracking mX = e.X; mY = e.Y; // save initial loc to get deltas } private void chartPoint_MouseMove( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e ) { if ( m_hitActive ) { if ( m_hitPt < 1 ) { // nothing selected ... } else if ( m_hitPt <= 3 ) { // Pt1..3 double newX = double.Parse( lblIn[m_hitPt].Text ) + ( e.X - mX ) * 0.001f; mX = e.X; newX = ( newX > 1.0f ) ? 1.0f : newX; newX = ( newX < 0.0f ) ? 0.0f : newX; lblIn[m_hitPt].Text = newX.ToString( "0.000" ); double newY = double.Parse( lblOut[m_hitPt].Text ) + ( e.Y - mY ) * -0.001f; mY = e.Y; newY = ( newY > 1.0f ) ? 1.0f : newY; newY = ( newY < 0.0f ) ? 0.0f : newY; lblOut[m_hitPt].Text = newY.ToString( "0.000" ); // update chart (Points[0] is zero) m_bSeries.BezierPoints[m_hitPt].SetValueXY( newX, newY ); // update markers from curve points chart1.Series[1].Points[m_hitPt] = m_bSeries.BezierPoints[m_hitPt]; } else if ( m_hitPt == 4 ) { // Exponent double newY = double.Parse( lblOut[m_hitPt].Text ) + ( e.Y - mY ) * 0.01f; mY = e.Y; newY = ( newY > 3.0f ) ? 3.0f : newY; newY = ( newY < 0.5f ) ? 0.5f : newY; lblOut[m_hitPt].Text = newY.ToString( "0.00" ); // update chart (Points[0] is zero) m_bSeries.BezierPoints[1].SetValueXY( 0.25, Math.Pow( 0.25, newY ) ); m_bSeries.BezierPoints[2].SetValueXY( 0.5, Math.Pow( 0.5, newY ) ); m_bSeries.BezierPoints[3].SetValueXY( 0.75, Math.Pow( 0.75, newY ) ); } // update markers from curve points chart1.Series[1].Points[1] = m_bSeries.BezierPoints[1]; chart1.Series[1].Points[2] = m_bSeries.BezierPoints[2]; chart1.Series[1].Points[3] = m_bSeries.BezierPoints[3]; chart1.Series[1].Points[4] = m_bSeries.BezierPoints[4]; m_bSeries.Invalidate( chart1 ); } } private void chartPoint_MouseUp( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e ) { m_hitActive = false; // update the rest of the fields from Entry if ( rbY.Checked == true ) { // left area labels lblYin1.Text = lblIn[1].Text; lblYin2.Text = lblIn[2].Text; lblYin3.Text = lblIn[3].Text; lblYout1.Text = lblOut[1].Text; lblYout2.Text = lblOut[2].Text; lblYout3.Text = lblOut[3].Text; lblYexponent.Text = lblOut[4].Text; // update live values if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLat.exponentS = lblYexponent.Text; if ( m_liveStrafeLat.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_liveStrafeLat.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblYin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblYin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblYin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout3.Text ) ); } } else { m_liveYaw.exponentS = lblYexponent.Text; if ( m_liveYaw.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_liveYaw.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblYin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblYin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblYin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout3.Text ) ); } } } else if ( rbP.Checked == true ) { // left area labels lblPin1.Text = lblIn[1].Text; lblPin2.Text = lblIn[2].Text; lblPin3.Text = lblIn[3].Text; lblPout1.Text = lblOut[1].Text; lblPout2.Text = lblOut[2].Text; lblPout3.Text = lblOut[3].Text; lblPexponent.Text = lblOut[4].Text; // update live values if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeVert.exponentS = lblPexponent.Text; if ( m_liveStrafeVert.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_liveStrafeVert.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblPin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblPin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblPin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout3.Text ) ); } } else { m_livePitch.exponentS = lblPexponent.Text; if ( m_livePitch.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_livePitch.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblPin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblPin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblPin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout3.Text ) ); } } } else if ( rbR.Checked == true ) { // left area labels lblRin1.Text = lblIn[1].Text; lblRin2.Text = lblIn[2].Text; lblRin3.Text = lblIn[3].Text; lblRout1.Text = lblOut[1].Text; lblRout2.Text = lblOut[2].Text; lblRout3.Text = lblOut[3].Text; lblRexponent.Text = lblOut[4].Text; // update live values if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLon.exponentS = lblRexponent.Text; if ( m_liveStrafeLon.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_liveStrafeLon.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblRin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblRin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblRin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout3.Text ) ); } } else { m_liveRoll.exponentS = lblRexponent.Text; if ( m_liveRoll.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_liveRoll.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblRin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblRin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblRin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout3.Text ) ); } } } } #endregion #region Checked Invert Changed private void cbxYinvert_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLat.invertUsed = false; if ( cbxYinvert.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeLat.invertUsed = true; } } else { m_liveYaw.invertUsed = false; if ( cbxYinvert.Checked == true ) { m_liveYaw.invertUsed = true; } } rbY_CheckUpdate( ); } private void cbxPinvert_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeVert.invertUsed = false; if ( cbxPinvert.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeVert.invertUsed = true; } } else { m_livePitch.invertUsed = false; if ( cbxPinvert.Checked == true ) { m_livePitch.invertUsed = true; } } rbP_CheckUpdate( ); } private void cbxRinvert_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLon.invertUsed = false; if ( cbxRinvert.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeLon.invertUsed = true; } } else { m_liveRoll.invertUsed = false; if ( cbxRinvert.Checked == true ) { m_liveRoll.invertUsed = true; } } rbR_CheckUpdate( ); } #endregion #region Slider Value Changed (Deadzone / Saturation) // Deadzone slider 00 .. 40 -> 0 .. 0.160 ( 4 pt scale) // Saturation slider 00 .. 40 -> 0.2 .. 1.0 ( 20 pt scale) private void EvalSlider() { if ( rbPtDeadzone.Enabled && rbPtDeadzone.Checked ) { lblOutSlider.Text = Deviceoptions.DeadzoneFromSlider( tbSlider.Value ).ToString( "0.000" ); float curDeadzone = 1000.0f * Deviceoptions.DeadzoneFromSlider( tbSlider.Value ); // % scaled to maxAxis if ( rbY.Checked == true ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) m_liveStrafeLat.deadzone = curDeadzone; else m_liveYaw.deadzone = curDeadzone; lblYdeadzone.Text = lblOutSlider.Text; } else if ( rbP.Checked == true ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) m_liveStrafeVert.deadzone = curDeadzone; else m_livePitch.deadzone = curDeadzone; lblPdeadzone.Text = lblOutSlider.Text; } else if ( rbR.Checked == true ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) m_liveStrafeLon.deadzone = curDeadzone; else m_liveRoll.deadzone = curDeadzone; lblRdeadzone.Text = lblOutSlider.Text; } lblGraphDeadzone.Text = lblOutSlider.Text; } else if ( rbPtSaturation.Enabled && rbPtSaturation.Checked ) { lblOutSlider.Text = Deviceoptions.SaturationFromSlider( tbSlider.Value ).ToString( "0.000" ); float curSaturation = 1000.0f * Deviceoptions.SaturationFromSlider( tbSlider.Value ); // % scaled to maxAxis if ( rbY.Checked == true ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) m_liveStrafeLat.saturation = curSaturation; else m_liveYaw.saturation = curSaturation; lblYsat.Text = lblOutSlider.Text; } else if ( rbP.Checked == true ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) m_liveStrafeVert.saturation = curSaturation; else m_livePitch.saturation = curSaturation; lblPsat.Text = lblOutSlider.Text; } else if ( rbR.Checked == true ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) m_liveStrafeLon.saturation = curSaturation; else m_liveRoll.saturation = curSaturation; lblRsat.Text = lblOutSlider.Text; } lblGraphSaturation.Text = lblOutSlider.Text; } } private void tbSlider_ValueChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { EvalSlider( ); } #endregion #region Checked Deadzone Changed private void cbxYdeadzone_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLat.deadzoneUsed = false; if ( cbxYdeadzone.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeLat.deadzoneUsed = true; } } else { m_liveYaw.deadzoneUsed = false; if ( cbxYdeadzone.Checked == true ) { m_liveYaw.deadzoneUsed = true; } } rbY_CheckUpdate( ); rbPtDeadzone.Checked = cbxYdeadzone.Checked; UpdateChartItems( ); } private void cbxPdeadzone_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeVert.deadzoneUsed = false; if ( cbxPdeadzone.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeVert.deadzoneUsed = true; } } else { m_livePitch.deadzoneUsed = false; if ( cbxPdeadzone.Checked == true ) { m_livePitch.deadzoneUsed = true; } } rbP_CheckUpdate( ); rbPtDeadzone.Checked = cbxPdeadzone.Checked; UpdateChartItems( ); } private void cbxRdeadzone_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLon.deadzoneUsed = false; if ( cbxRdeadzone.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeLon.deadzoneUsed = true; // update storage } } else { m_liveRoll.deadzoneUsed = false; if ( cbxRdeadzone.Checked == true ) { m_liveRoll.deadzoneUsed = true; // update storage } } rbR_CheckUpdate( ); rbPtDeadzone.Checked = cbxRdeadzone.Checked; UpdateChartItems( ); } #endregion #region Checked Saturation Changed private void cbxYsense_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLat.saturationUsed = false; if ( cbxYsat.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeLat.saturationUsed = true; } } else { m_liveYaw.saturationUsed = false; if ( cbxYsat.Checked == true ) { m_liveYaw.saturationUsed = true; } } rbY_CheckUpdate( ); rbPtSaturation.Checked = cbxYsat.Checked; UpdateChartItems( ); } private void cbxPsense_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeVert.saturationUsed = false; if ( cbxPsat.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeVert.saturationUsed = true; } } else { m_livePitch.saturationUsed = false; if ( cbxPsat.Checked == true ) { m_livePitch.saturationUsed = true; } } rbP_CheckUpdate( ); rbPtSaturation.Checked = cbxPsat.Checked; UpdateChartItems( ); } private void cbxRsense_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLon.saturationUsed = false; if ( cbxRsat.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeLon.saturationUsed = true; } } else { m_liveRoll.saturationUsed = false; if ( cbxRsat.Checked == true ) { m_liveRoll.saturationUsed = true; } } rbR_CheckUpdate( ); rbPtSaturation.Checked = cbxRsat.Checked; UpdateChartItems( ); } #endregion #region Checked Exponent Changed private void cbxYexpo_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLat.exponentUsed = false; if ( cbxYexpo.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeLat.exponentUsed = true; cbxYpts.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } else { m_liveYaw.exponentUsed = false; if ( cbxYexpo.Checked == true ) { m_liveYaw.exponentUsed = true; cbxYpts.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } rbY_CheckUpdate( ); UpdateChartItems( ); } private void cbxPexpo_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeVert.exponentUsed = false; if ( cbxPexpo.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeVert.exponentUsed = true; cbxPpts.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } else { m_livePitch.exponentUsed = false; if ( cbxPexpo.Checked == true ) { m_livePitch.exponentUsed = true; cbxPpts.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } rbP_CheckUpdate( ); UpdateChartItems( ); } private void cbxRexpo_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLon.exponentUsed = false; if ( cbxRexpo.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeLon.exponentUsed = true; cbxRpts.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } else { m_liveRoll.exponentUsed = false; if ( cbxRexpo.Checked == true ) { m_liveRoll.exponentUsed = true; cbxRpts.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } rbR_CheckUpdate( ); UpdateChartItems( ); } #endregion #region Checked Points Changed private void cbxYpts_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLat.nonLinCurveUsed = false; if ( cbxYpts.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeLat.nonLinCurveUsed = true; cbxYexpo.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } else { m_liveYaw.nonLinCurveUsed = false; if ( cbxYpts.Checked == true ) { m_liveYaw.nonLinCurveUsed = true; cbxYexpo.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } rbY_CheckUpdate( ); UpdateChartItems( ); } private void cbxPpts_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeVert.nonLinCurveUsed = false; if ( cbxPpts.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeVert.nonLinCurveUsed = true; cbxPexpo.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } else { m_livePitch.nonLinCurveUsed = false; if ( cbxPpts.Checked == true ) { m_livePitch.nonLinCurveUsed = true; cbxPexpo.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } rbP_CheckUpdate( ); UpdateChartItems( ); } private void cbxRpts_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if ( m_isStrafe ) { m_liveStrafeLon.nonLinCurveUsed = false; if ( cbxRpts.Checked == true ) { m_liveStrafeLon.nonLinCurveUsed = true; cbxRexpo.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } else { m_liveRoll.nonLinCurveUsed = false; if ( cbxRpts.Checked == true ) { m_liveRoll.nonLinCurveUsed = true; cbxRexpo.Checked = false; // forced: either expo OR points } } rbR_CheckUpdate( ); UpdateChartItems( ); } #endregion #region Skybox Checked Changed private void rbOutThere1_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_OutThere1]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbOutThere3_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_OutThere3]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbCanyon_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_Canyon]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbShiodome_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_Shiodome]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbHighway_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_Highway]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbBigSight_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_BigSight]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbHelipad_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_LA_Helipad]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbSkybox_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_Skybox]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbSunset_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_Sunset]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbDyingStar_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_DyingStar]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbBrokenMoon_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_BrokenMoon]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbKareah_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_Demien]; LoadSkybox( ); } private void rbArea18_CheckedChanged( object sender, EventArgs e ) { TMU0_Filename = SBFiles[SB_Area18]; LoadSkybox( ); } #endregion private void btZeroCoords_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { m_right = Vector3d.UnitX; m_up = Vector3d.UnitY; m_front = Vector3d.UnitZ; } private void btCopyToAllAxis_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { lblYin1.Text = lblIn1.Text; lblYout1.Text = lblOut1.Text; lblYin2.Text = lblIn2.Text; lblYout2.Text = lblOut2.Text; lblYin3.Text = lblIn3.Text; lblYout3.Text = lblOut3.Text; if ( m_isStrafe ) { if ( m_liveStrafeLat.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_liveStrafeLat.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblYin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblYin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblYin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout3.Text ) ); } } else { if ( m_liveYaw.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_liveYaw.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblYin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblYin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblYin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblYout3.Text ) ); } } lblPin1.Text = lblIn1.Text; lblPout1.Text = lblOut1.Text; lblPin2.Text = lblIn2.Text; lblPout2.Text = lblOut2.Text; lblPin3.Text = lblIn3.Text; lblPout3.Text = lblOut3.Text; if ( m_isStrafe ) { if ( m_liveStrafeVert.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_liveStrafeVert.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblPin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblPin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblPin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout3.Text ) ); } } else { if ( m_livePitch.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_livePitch.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblPin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblPin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblPin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblPout3.Text ) ); } } lblRin1.Text = lblIn1.Text; lblRout1.Text = lblOut1.Text; lblRin2.Text = lblIn2.Text; lblRout2.Text = lblOut2.Text; lblRin3.Text = lblIn3.Text; lblRout3.Text = lblOut3.Text; if ( m_isStrafe ) { if ( m_liveStrafeLon.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_liveStrafeLon.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblRin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblRin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblRin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout3.Text ) ); } } else { if ( m_liveRoll.nonLinCurve != null ) { m_liveRoll.nonLinCurve.Curve( float.Parse( lblRin1.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout1.Text ), float.Parse( lblRin2.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout2.Text ), float.Parse( lblRin3.Text ), float.Parse( lblRout3.Text ) ); } } } private void btDone_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { // It ai setup as OK button - nothing here so far... } #endregion } }